Reviews for The Conversation
Guest chapter 5 . 1/27
This is great. Wish there was a Castle episode exactly like this. Love Castle.
Manxkid chapter 5 . 3/15/2015
Having found this delightful story I must say you and your muse have a gift for writing. The voices and actions you portray are so very Kate and Rick just 2-3 years ahead of time and what fun we could have had if the show had followed your timeline!
ksatan624 chapter 5 . 1/3/2015
quel dommage que je ne lise pas l'anglais ! mais, malgré la traduction faite par google, cette fiction est tout simplement magnifique. La traduction n'est pas trop bonne mais tous les mots y sont, un peu dans le désordre, ce qui rend les phrases compliquées à lire ; mais si on prend la peine, on ressent toutes les émotions que vous savez faire passer. L'analyse de leurs sentiments est très bien vue, très bien faite. Et j'aime quand Kate ouvre enfin son coeur. Merci pour ce beau moment de lecture.
jareya chapter 4 . 12/17/2013
Awww. Love this.
jareya chapter 3 . 12/17/2013
Awesome writing here, you evoked Castle's pain so very well. I could feel it. Very well done.
jareya chapter 2 . 12/17/2013
This is a great conversation, so beautifully honest.
stars90 chapter 5 . 12/10/2012
There are no words... incredible!
BlueEyedBrigadier chapter 5 . 10/7/2012
Well, I know I am certainly glad that she didn't need to almost fall off a building to realize it was time to have a open-hearted talk with Rick about her feelings! And we still get the same resolution as what the show's is held and she won't stir up shit as long as she's left alone! Wunderbar!

BlueEyedBrigadier chapter 4 . 10/7/2012
Not from Canada, eh? Well, I certainly won't hold it against you, RGoodfellow64!


This was utterly fantastic! You captured Rick and Kate's voices perfectly, even allowing them to have their emotional breakdowns without gutting their characters! Magnifique!
BlueEyedBrigadier chapter 3 . 10/7/2012
It may not have been what you wanted but barring "Knockout" and "Always," Rick has never really vented about how much Kate can be a selfish bitch if she doesn't have something like an unrelated murder case to solve to distract her from chasing after people who deserve to be punished but have a shed-load of goons and money to throw up obstacles with. Rick needed to get this vitriol off his chest so if these two get together (I don't want to presume anything yet...still reading along), that all the emotional pus built up from their mutual "burns" needs to be drained and ASAP.

And boy howdy you lance their mental blisters like a champ!

BlueEyedBrigadier chapter 2 . 10/7/2012
This! This is how S4 should have worked! Damn it, you're awesome! More! We need more (and got it apparently)!

BlueEyedBrigadier chapter 1 . 10/7/2012
How the frakking heck is this chapter not ended with a cliffhanger?! Yeah, you've gotten Rick and Kate talking and all, but you left off before the really serious topics got broken out...or at least some of the deeper issues between these two!

Mark C chapter 5 . 6/23/2012
This was a great story.

You did a great job of showing the secrets being held by both Kate and Rick and how they reacted when they were revealed. I have always thought that Kate's was the bigger one and I think that when Rick mentioned his, you could see why. The part that proved it was that Rick told her he never lied to her because she never asked him directly about it.

In the end, you had them both accept what they other did and were able to move on especially with how this last chapter came to a close.

Excellent job.
bones35 chapter 5 . 2/15/2012
A terrific story; good length and well-written!
Bella Paige chapter 5 . 2/13/2012
"Yes I do, but I need you more." - *heart melts*

"I'm making my choice here Rick, and I'm choosing you." - bout friggin time.

They're together, who cares how they get together.
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