Reviews for Sleight of Hand
Anonny chapter 1 . 5/1/2018

Just in the middle of re-reading this story over at Legacies so I thought I'd drop in to say if I haven't before: I love your writing. Even when the situation is grave, there are some lovely laughs:

"...she could wield her logic like a bulldozer; he'd been run over once or twice already."

AJ looked at him in alarm, "Gunny, I'm not going to have defend you on assault charges, am I?"
"No sir!" ... "You may get a cleaning bill, though."

Such gems!

And the description of a scene in such short but wonderful detail:

"AJ roared into the JAG parking lot..."

"...Harm surged to his feet..."

And your plots are nicely detailed.

You are definitely one of my favourite authors. :-)
rtuf chapter 4 . 1/25/2016
Callialex chapter 19 . 7/29/2012
Really fun story! I'm looking forward to the others!
alix33 chapter 17 . 1/16/2011
"Now here was Webb again... AJ and Sturgis turned and looked as Webb walked into the office. "Don't you knock?" AJ asked. "Ordinarily yes, but Tiner is looking more and more like a deer caught in the headlights. I couldn't resist." Clay smiled, "When this is over, you're going to have a helluva time making it up to him." "I know, I know," AJ growled. "Maybe I'll just make him an admiral, then he can run this asylum." "God, Admiral." Clay said, still smiling, "I thought you liked him... " AJ snorted in amusement, shaking his head." - Hehehe.
alix33 chapter 16 . 1/16/2011
"Webb had left over half an hour ago. Jason had been both relieved and surprised not to see any blood on him. The story of the Admiral breaking Webb's nose several years ago had settled into office legend. Now, depending upon one's feelings about the CIA, every visit of Webb was looked upon with apprehension or anticipation." - Hehehe.
alix33 chapter 15 . 1/16/2011
"The Admiral and Clay, seated at the kitchen table, looked up to see Rabb and MacKenzie standing in the doorway. They watched Mac give Harm a look that clearly said, 'You could've warned me.' Shrugging free of his hand, she started to come to attention. "As you were, Colonel." AJ said quickly. "We're here unofficially." He stood up and offered Mac his chair. "It's good to see you in one piece. What are you doing up?" "Hungry." Harm said laconically. The other two men chuckled and then AJ said, "Well, don't just stand there, Commander. Feed her." "Aye, aye sir." - Hehehe.

"AJ looked over at Mac, he wasn't a demonstrative man so this was difficult. "Mac... Sarah... I just want you to know I'm damn proud of the way you've handled yourself through all this." He grinned, "You could almost change my mind about women SEALs." "Almost, sir?" Mac smiled. "Almost," he said firmly. He continued in a brisker tone, "When this is over, I expect to see my Chief of Staff back at work. The place is a madhouse." "Yes sir." Mac said and hesitated, "Sir? Permission to hug the Admiral?" nAJ looked at her in surprise and then said gruffly, "Granted." He opened his arms as she stepped in. He held her for a moment and said softly, "Take care, darlin'. Remember we won't be far away." - AW! at how sweet the admiral was there.
alix33 chapter 9 . 1/16/2011
The admiral dealt with that inspector Peterson wonderfully, IMO.

Gunny Walters and Sturgis and Harm's beginning conversation at McMurphys made me laugh a bit.

Emma's son James sounds like an OK person.
alix33 chapter 8 . 1/16/2011
Emma Fine sounds like an awesome person.

"AJ tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, he wished he had some of idea of what Mac's plan was. He knew she had one. It was Rabb who was the impulsive one." - I LOVE how the admiral pre-season 9 used his knowledge of his people for the good.

"Hearing a knock, they turned to see Gunny Walters in the doorway. "Gunny?" AJ said. "Yes sir. I heard that you're trying to figure what happened to the Colonel. I'd like to help - if I may, sir." The Gunny was almost at attention. "I see," AJ glanced at Harm, "Since Commander Rabb and I only came to this decision an hour ago, might I ask how you found out?" Walters looked distinctly uncomfortable. "Gunny?" "Aye sir. I told my people to keep me informed of anything out of the ordinary. You and Commander Rabb being here this early on a Sunday without having the duty was unusual. I figured it had to do with the security breach." The Gunny paused, "And I stopped by the hospital at 0730. When I saw the Colonel's room empty, I went to see the security chief." AJ looked at him in alarm, "Gunny, I'm not going to have defend you on assault charges, am I?" "No sir!" Gunny Walters looked indignant. "I... 'counseled'... the chief on security methods." He waited a beat, and added smugly, "You may get a cleaning bill, though." A small strangled sound made them both turn. Harm had his back to them, his shoulders shaking. AJ looked back at the Gunny, trying desperately to maintain a serious demeanor, "All right, Gunny. Welcome aboard, why don't you bring up the logs for this last week?" he said briskly. "Umm, close the hatch on your way out, please." AJ stood silently until the door closed, then sat down and looked at Harm. They both burst out laughing, AJ wiped his eyes, "And I thought you were the loose cannon. I almost feel sorry for that imbecile. 'Counseled'... dear god." He chuckled again." - Yay! for Gunny Walters.
alix33 chapter 2 . 1/16/2011
I LOVE how Mac put that lieutenant in his place, but I think she should have followed it up with hand-to-hand combat too, just to show him that she is as much if not more "real military" than he is.

"she gathered everything else, left her office and nearly jumped out of her skin when the Admiral suddenly appeared. "Easy, Colonel," Admiral Chegwidden said with a slight smile, the SEAL in him was always pleased at successful ambushes, even the unintentional ones." - I ADORE the admiral the way he was before that slimeball commander Lindsey had him replaced by a pod person admira in season 9.

If I were Mac, I would pay that premonition-y feeling of hers heed.
WelshCanuck chapter 19 . 1/13/2011
Wow that was amazing. I came into FF today to read a JAG fic and spottted your newest one. It sounded like there was more to it so I clicked on your author name and I was right, you have a little series so Ii figured to should start from the begining. WOW first fic.. that was truly a great read. I couldn't stop reading it. It was ;ike watching teh SHOW and i was afriad if i got up I would miss something. In a way i did...I missed lunch.

I have to go and read the next one now. though I am afraid I may miss dinner as well.

Great job

pawprint64 chapter 19 . 10/18/2010
Decided to reread this story while waiting for additional chapters of your newest story. I still find it hard to believe that this was your first attempt at fanfiction. It is so good. Even with this being my 3rd or 4th reading it doesn't get old, and the intrigue doesn't disappear even with multiple readings.
msacorona chapter 19 . 5/21/2009
I just reread this story. You are a great writer! Thanks for sharing. I am looking forward to reading your other stories.
starryeyes10 chapter 19 . 4/6/2007
great story.
Caitrin chapter 19 . 6/4/2004
A friend of mine recced your latest story in her journal today, and I decided to start reading at the beginning of this series. So far I love it. *grin* It was such a pleasant surprise to find a story where Mac really gets to shine.
CharmedMummy chapter 3 . 2/15/2004
It's hard to find well-crafted stories, so I often find myself coming back to yours. :) This chapter was probably the one that really hooked me on your writing. I hope you have the time and inspiration to continue your writing sometime soon. It would really make my day to see a new story from you. I can't wait to see what new adventures you have in store for Harm and Mac and whether they will finally be together in a permanent kind of way, if you know what I mean. :) Hope you had a great Valentine's Day!
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