Reviews for A Ferbtastic Christmas
Guest chapter 1 . 7/23/2012
Why do I get the feeling that Ferb and Addyson getting together wasn't as 'coincidental' as Phineas is making it sound?
Twenty bucks says Phineas and Isabella arranged this whole thing somehow with both sides of the new couple being conned.
Doubt they'd get angry if that turned out to be the case though. I know who Addyson is living with once the holidays are over. And I can definitely say Ferb won't be feeling lonely anymore. :)
RWBYSanctum chapter 1 . 7/16/2012
Nice story.
angel12121993 chapter 1 . 1/13/2012
WOW! hahaha, great humor, kept me entertained & focused, i LOVED the dialog & detail! very well written out, plot wise & everything else wise! you should consider doing more of these! great job all around! 3