Reviews for As White as Blood
silver chapter 72 . 3/24/2019
i just finished reading this and it was amazing very well done i'll probably read it again
sasodei-trash chapter 71 . 9/29/2018
So, this is the first review I’ve ever done because I really only intended to use this account to keep tract of my favorite stories but otherwise stay anonymous. I finished this story last night after reading a few chapters each day over the past two or three months and I just have to express how grateful I am to you for writing this story.

First, technically speaking (?), it is clear how much work you put into this – chapter and word count aside, it must have taken SO much research and planning to so perfectly integrate canon interactions with the story you’ve created for Sasori. I loved seeing how you took characters who we would’ve never thought had a relationship with him (e.g. Karura and Pakura) and expanded their stories as well. Plus, you used symbolism, foreshadowing, other literary elements that I don’t know the terms for because I’m not a writer, in a way that truly added to the story rather than beat a point into the ground. Even if I had read this without knowing what Naruto was, this would remain an incredible story simply because of how well-written it is.

However, the main reason I’m writing this review is because of the emotional impact it had on me. I read the last several chapters last night, and I had tears streaming down my face the entire time. Sasori is one of my favorite characters because of his backstory. I’ve always been drawn to “villains” with a tragic backstory because it allows us to see that people aren’t just born “good” and “evil” – there is a reason (or several) for why people are the way that they are. Whenever he dies – in the show and in fanfiction – I always get sad because the lonely little boy who was just waiting for his parents to come home dies without experiencing the love and affection he craved ever since he made the Mother and Father puppets.

After reading the story you made for him, I /sobbed/ for at least an hour. And I know I will be thinking back to it for quite some time. I don’t think anyone can read this story and argue that Sasori was simply a heartless monster whose death we should celebrate. As you state in the description, Sasori didn’t just turn “evil” overnight. Nobody does. How does someone get to the point of murdering thousands of people and using hundreds of their bodies as your own personalized weapons? At a distance, you simply believe they’re a sick monster. Up close, you realize a lot of things had to happen before getting to that place. You’ve given Sasori a story that so eloquently explains just how that can happen.

Sasori is one of my favorite characters because of the complexity behind his character, and I’m so grateful to you for giving him a story that explores this idea so beautifully.

Other notes - it makes me sad that Sasori never told Deidara he loved him in the “real world” (Konan being in Nagato’s pure world while she was still alive leads me to believe the Deidara in Sasori’s pure world was not real, so therefore the real Deidara would never know that Sasori loved him). I know it’s been six and a half years since you finished this story and it’s been a while since you even kept up with the fandom, but if you ever decided to revisit it, I would love to hear (read?) you tell Deidara’s story. (We know basically nothing about his backstory – I would love to see what you would do with it!)
gagawest chapter 5 . 4/11/2018
I can not tell you how many times I have re-read this story and fell in love each time!
savan93 chapter 71 . 1/29/2018
I normally don't leave reviews because I never know what to say, but once in while I hit a story like this that I can't simply not review (this is like, my 4th review?).

This was an incredibly beautiful story, taking a criminal (also my favourite Naruto character) and telling his entire life story from his own perspective. He's the protagonist of his own story, and as he later realizes after his second death, 'good' and 'bad' are decided by perspective. Sasori was a character that we saw as a child and adult and never saw how he'd changed from an orphaned child to a twisted 'monster' who didn't care for human life.

I, personally, don't believe he is a monster for his life was also shaped by those that raised him, and Karura's support for his human puppets allowed him to feel that there was nothing wrong with his actions.

I'm glad I stumbled across this book, and it has inspired me in some of my own writings as well. I found the ending truly stood out as Sasori came to the final conclusion on his life.

Great job, I'll be keeping my eye out to see if you publish any more works in the future.
MowwieGaming chapter 71 . 1/8/2018
This story is so incredibly beautiful. They’re so many moments that make you feel so many emotions, happiness, sadness, anger, and much more~. This is by far one of my top favourite stories. The meaning was perfect, I cannot really place it... But they’re so many that are very important. Especially the ending. When he grabbed Deidara‘s hand, he helped Deidara. Something he couldn’t do for other ’s what I thoughI just found this story so utterly sweet~ This is like my third time reading it, it just gets better each time. Great work~ I really loved this story so much, it makes my days a little bit better.
azraelonikidd chapter 1 . 9/30/2017
Still my favorite story in the history of stories.
MowwieGaming chapter 1 . 7/12/2017
Besides all of the sex I'd say it was a very Sasori like story, hehe.
chrisloveschoco1ate chapter 71 . 6/23/2017
I have no words, to describe this perfection !Thank you,for sharing it!
azraelonikidd chapter 71 . 6/15/2017
That was the most beautiful thing I have ever read and it was SO worth getting in trouble for staying up for almost two days reading SO WORTH IT!
008080 chapter 71 . 2/7/2017
Ohmygod I'm crying so much this is utterly beautiful. this is so perfect omg.

you dont know how much this fic opened my eyes. reading this made me really realize that everything was a matter of perspective. each individual in the narutoverse has different reasons of their actions, and sasori was no different. his story made me sob and hurt so much. he had such a horrible childhood. i feel so sad for him, but im glad he finally found what he had been searching for. he deserved as much.

i really love how in depth you were with everything, tbh i think you perfectly portrayed each character that i couldnt help but think this was canon at some points of the fic, esp since the canon story didnt really focus on the akatsuki members so we didnt really know much of them. (which is logical but at the same time a shame since theyre such interesting individuals) Especially sasori! This was his story after all. Sasori deserved to be happy so so much! ! I'm so sad he had to die and leave deidara, but happy bc he could finally rest in peace together with his love.

This had been a great great great read! So much kudos! This fan ficiton deserves so much more reviews and love! Sasori deserves more recognition! it's such a shame people think he's weak just bc he was (or rather he 'let') chiyo and sakura defeat him smh. but anw i really like this fic and would love to check more of your fics! i bet they would be as great. Best of luck to you and your possible future fics! (All tho im years late, i hope you decided to continue writing) v thankful for blessing us with such a beautiful fic! :)) kudos!
008080 chapter 51 . 2/6/2017
Chiba Katsumi chapter 71 . 12/28/2016
I think it's your greatest story so far. It's marvelous!
ReEna-Kk chapter 71 . 12/28/2015
* in tears again* thank you
ReEna-Kk chapter 16 . 12/13/2015
Got around to read it again, awh, for such an oh long time this story had been something to fill the hole in his past.
The story is as good, or maybe even better that when I read it for the first time. I actually find the Sasori-Karura relations quite cute now. xD I'm looking forward to being emotionally crushed (again) by the following chapters, good thing the christmas break is coming.
Angelazzy chapter 12 . 11/10/2015
I'm sorry but that asexual comment just kind of irked me... I just feel like it would be OOC for Sasori to admit to any type of sexual preference, or in this case non-preference? Sorry I just had to get that off my chest! Oh and how Karura didn't care much about the fact that Sasori kills people, makes them into puppets and is keeping a young child (whom had her parents killed by him) in his Den... Other than that I love the friendship between Karura and Sasori! So sweet CX And the story's progression!
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