Reviews for Easy Listening
nathy.faithy chapter 1 . 11/16/2014
This was beautiful. I love it.
tln67 chapter 1 . 6/29/2013
too awesome! such a great read, loved the story! thank you
angelamorales514 chapter 1 . 8/6/2012
so did you write this as another olivia or our olivia who just doesn't remember peter yet?
Agent Farnsworth chapter 1 . 5/17/2012! Peter was REALLY Peter! I heard his voice when he spoke it was beautiful. There were times I was completely absorb and nothing else mattered. It was . Be careful with ”his” and ”her” sometimes autocorrect or word predict can be a real drag, but OMGosh, I was absorbed, lost in it, really there!

I loved it. magical)-,.-*’’*·-.
Nefer-T chapter 1 . 12/21/2011
What can I say? This was lovely, indeed! Especially the little hint at the ending. :) you write so well, too!

Though I gotta admit, I think Peter wants to get back to his timeline and would never crave for the "current" Olivia. She's just like another Polivia, so to say. I believe he can go back, he has to! Of course, in the meantime -until the rest of the story unravels - I really like the M-rated fics in the alternate timeline. Mufufufufu~
paroxysm03 chapter 1 . 12/13/2011
So beautiful! You have such great descriptive writing, it makes me imagine vividly whatever it is that you are writing about. And I love this kind of fic because I'm not really fascinated with a story that has too much dialogue in it. You did great!

Although I really think that after all the fiasco with AltLivia, Peter wouldn't really try having a go with another version of Olivia, especially if he's not sure that she is really his Olivia. But don't get me wrong, your fic is really put together! You should write more often! :)
Shimo chapter 1 . 12/7/2011
Very well written. (: However, and this is more of an issue with the amber-verse Olivia and Peter getting together in general, after the Alt-livia fiasco, I can't imagine Peter doing something like that to test a theory. He realizes that this Olivia isn't his, and I assume his character is adverse to just settling for any Olivia anymore.

Either way, this was written really well. The description is very nicely done.
Janelle chapter 1 . 12/5/2011
Okay so this fic deserves a million more reviews omg. This is seriously the best p/o story I've read in awhile. I loved the dancing and how Peter told her about the song and the ~history it kinda has with him and Olivia. And the ending of the fic was so good. What Olivia told Peter aaaaahhhhh LET ME DIE SO AMAZING. It made me cry sad and happy tears all at the same time. Never stop writing, hun. Hope to see more smutty oneshots soon, yeah? ;)
Bj chapter 1 . 12/3/2011
Aw this fic is so cute I loved it :')

The opening part with Olivia's dream was fantastic. I loved it. Such great imagery. I also loved how they danced and Peter told her about how that song helped his Olivia unwind. Love love love love.

The last part where Olivia kinda of mirrored what Elizabeth said in 3.15 (Subject 13) was also amazing.

This fic made me smile and gave me butterflies. The good kind. Very nice job :)
Cerulean.Phoenix7 chapter 1 . 12/3/2011
This. Is. AWESOME! :D

This was definitely needed after the eternally long Polivia hiatus we've had. You wrote this beautifully and I absolutely love it.

The opening was fantastic - the imagery made the smut almost artistic and it really painted a picture in my mind - great job!

This line made me laugh: "I'd wake up before we… finished." - I can see what that would make our daring Agent blush XP

"Sometimes the world we have isn't the world we want. Sometimes believing is more powerful than seeing, it allows our minds to run away with our imaginations and shape the world we want it. What we can't hold with our hands, we can hold in our hearts. I know this isn't the world you want, Peter that I'm not the woman you want. But if you can't get back home to her, perhaps you'd consider me for the front runner." - I LOVE THIS, FREAKING LOVE IT. :D :D

The idea of Olivia realizing that this isn't the world that Peter wants but still wanting to be a part of it herself because she realizes what that world was like for her is just wonderous :D

Also... THEY DANCED! Ahhh... happy Brown Betty flashback moment :3

Great job on this, the characters were both believale and very well-written. The progression was great and your descriptions were fanatastic. The smut was both hot and beautiful, which I think is a good balance to keep. A couple of minor grammar/spelling erros here and there, but they're really irrelevent when you look at this piece as a whole.

Loved it :D