Reviews for What's Wrong With Me?
Zombie Cat Scientist chapter 1 . 8/7
If the story is finished don't forget to mark it completed so people can find it in searches more easily.
Guest chapter 7 . 4/25
I knew it all along
DJmiso chapter 9 . 7/1/2019
awh, this was cute. i was actually thinking that the doctors had been quietly planning to ship danny out somewhere to study. buuut it just turns out that vlad was out being a santa. loved that little truce.

share some of that completedness with me! yunno how long i’ve beeb trying to complete stories!? on a real, though, congrats. you’ve accomplished a lot and i thank you for sharing yer story with us.
DJmiso chapter 7 . 7/1/2019
what the hell, here i was thinking it was something worse, lmao. even vlad was paranoid! i bet sam, tuck, and jazz thought the same thing, too, aside from the ghost thing. lol. great chapter. first one since i started reading but, yunno, it was good. :x
aSinglePancake chapter 10 . 6/2/2019
I enjoyed your story, such a hectic time for a mostly mundane complication
meladi1 chapter 7 . 4/21/2019
Lol, I was right
meladi1 chapter 6 . 4/21/2019
Stomach pains, puking, nausea, loose of appetite. Does he have appendicitis? I thought of it earlier, but all the talk about it maybe being ghost related threw me off
MidnightWriter44678 chapter 9 . 3/3/2019
This story turned out amazing and is very well written, well done! I really like that all of that was because of something so mundane as a burst appendix, it is kind of a relief from all of the super natural illnesses we see in the fandom. The story was great, I really enjoyed it!
Guest chapter 10 . 2/28/2019
I love your descriptions! like when sam and tuck are waiting at the hospital and there's a broken vending machine. a good description. then, you added the flashing insert card light and i am seeing a vending machine in all it's glory and i am right there! i loved the banter, (what are your syptoms? well, it all started when...) and just how fun all the characters were to read and how all the
Glittercat33 chapter 10 . 12/26/2018
Ok so I actually read this twice (well almost twice) and the first time was earlier this year. I was intrigued by the whole idea of appendicitis that I started reading more and more about it, and reading this again, today, with the updated ending, I have to say I did recognize the symptoms of appendicitis before it was mentioned. So, thank you for making me learn something, I loved this story a lot, I hope you continue to write :)
Cyroclastic chapter 10 . 12/25/2018
YAY good stuff!
truephan chapter 9 . 12/23/2018
Hiya, hopeistheway:

I really, really, really enjoyed this chapter! In fact, I think it was the best one of the story! I loved the 'frog-in-throat' gag and your descriptions were very impressive! Kudos...but there is only one little detail I have to point out. Isn't the name of this story "What's Wrong With ME?" NOT 'What's Wrong With We?"

In any case, I enjoyed the story overall. Hope life gets better enough for you to take a stab at one of those 300 stories.

Alexa Piper chapter 9 . 12/22/2018
There were some beautiful sentences in this. I think two that stuck out to me were the flour-white hospital ceiling and the goosebumps kissing the hairs on his arms. Lovely imagery.
Devi kchingli chapter 9 . 10/21/2018
You absolutely fooled me. I was all the time thinking it could be some kind of weird halfa sickness! But nooooo! You tricked me! This is an amazing work xD
A Random Reader chapter 9 . 7/16/2018
I loved every second of reading this. I dont have anything else to say but I hope this makes you smile.
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