Reviews for Dragon Summoning
Abyssal Angel chapter 5 . 6/2
I'm glad that your AN acknowledges Karin's wrong doing, but it does not address one other problem. She should not have won. Your character had every advantage in beating her, and instead lost due to rookie mistakes that do not make sense in context. While you have not explicitly stated that this Knight is above such things, there have been enough allusions to his intelligence and ability to think and plan and fight against battle mages wielding mechs, of all things, that the idea of someone of his caliber losing to an admittedly powerful war veteran of some power, is so preposterous as to be completely ludicrous! It's about the same equivalent of a Navy SEAL losing a knife fight to an accomplished knight of the realm!
ArkhCthuul chapter 3 . 2/29
Hmmm, fighting that close to Louise, seems your Karin is a bit more reckless than Canon.

Very nice fight btw.
ArkhCthuul chapter 2 . 2/29
Too soapbox in tone to be a true outburst. Too modern in choice of words for a knight, but dang if I don't agree wholeheartedly.
ArkhCthuul chapter 1 . 2/29
I didn't recognize the other xover, no.

But the guy talks similar to many a David Weber hero, and turning into a dragon, ouch, poor Louise...
TMI Fairy chapter 9 . 9/9/2019
Nice tale :)
vmage2 chapter 1 . 7/29/2019
"More than ninety-nine out of a hundred died in agony". Unless people can die in fractions, "more than ninety-nine out of a hundred" means 100/100.
Soupercan chapter 9 . 5/24/2019
I'm incredibly disappointed in the end of this story due to the distinct lack of Siesta interacting in cute ways with his sisters after she gets healed up. Also, combined family introductions complete with little kid siblings climbing over furry dragons.

I'm sorry. This is a great story and all but you've deprived me of wonderful fluff potential, and that's just not right.

What sort of person are you that you feel the need to deprive your readers of WAFF?
Soupercan chapter 4 . 5/24/2019
At this point I'm honestly expecting him to wake up and, regardless of anything Louise begs him for in regards to leniency, go all out against the egotistical fucksticks who think forced medical examinations are a good idea just to satisfy their curiosity.
Soupercan chapter 1 . 5/24/2019
I really dislike that I've stumbled across this story just 10 minutes before I have to start work.
asdfgbvcxz3355 chapter 5 . 4/21/2019
I was enjoying this story but wow did it go to shit real quick.
MagicEater chapter 9 . 4/18/2019
This story is a Good one, not for it's comprehensive vernacular, mostly accurate grammar and spelling (as to/too is a somewhat common mistake, have determined to not let such trivialities bother me, overmuch), nor is it the discerning eye for characterization and sociopolitical nuance in the decay of societies, but that it voices a message of Love and Tolerence, tempered by Reason so as to be productively applied.

While, usually, I view religion as a harmful cancer of the mind, a dangerous delusion that stifles understanding and progress with garrote wires of Willful Ignorance and Blind Hatred, I can't help but smile when I see others of your moral standing, can't help but be baffled by your unstaggering faith in a Being that, by all reason, is either Good, But Falliable, or Evil, But Omnipotent.

Regardless, I admire this work of yours, and wish you to know that, regardless of my perceptions and prejudices, I wish to praise your story as one that I consider to have brightened up my day, even with the views I explained above, in hope's that you understand just how much this affected me.

Thank you for writing Dragon Summoning, and for reading this review.
Nobody Smurf chapter 9 . 10/23/2018
Joshua is a good Christian. That is a hard road to walk. Thank you.
Nobody Smurf chapter 8 . 10/23/2018
And that is why Henrietta is worth it.
Nobody Smurf chapter 7 . 10/23/2018
Now that is a way to make an entrance.
Nobody Smurf chapter 6 . 10/23/2018
That was an unusually kind end to Wardes, though I admit that shooting him in the head has a certain appeal, too.
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