Reviews for Thank You
KruRid chapter 1 . 4/13
At some point, this broke my hear to another level of depression. I always wanted to read a well written fic about Lucius and Severus as bff. I wished that Lucius will find peace knowing he just sent his best friend to his own grave to save his son. It is nice to know how Severus did not think twice and informed Lucius of what will happen and how he wants Lucius to live a better life after the war with his son whom Severus saved from death and his wife whom Severus wants to stay with Lucius till the end. Kudos to you!
Lucrecia LeVrai chapter 1 . 7/4/2013
Very nice. It's always a pleasure to see these two as true friends, and quite in character, too.
Fat Cat chapter 1 . 3/5/2013
I love this story and all your stories so hard. You have utterly fresh takes on the characters and never fall into the same tired old plot lines and angst. It's refreshing to see your perspective. This story got a little too fluffy and ooc near the end with the "best friend" and "prince" references but otherwise this is well done.
Fabugal1 chapter 1 . 4/26/2012
Not only did this story make me want to cry, you also kept them very much in character, a difficult feat with these two. I applaud. :)
snarky Beth chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
Loved it. When Voldemort asked Lucius to find Severus, I found myself wondering if Lucius was in anyway suspicious. I'd like to think that these two friends had their goodbyes before Severus walked to his death, but we will never know from Rowling.

These two were always my favorite Slyherins, and I enjoyed this fic a lot. You wrote them and the scene so well :).
Chocobo-14 chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
Wow. That was really good. I am looking forward to your Lucius Severus friendship story!
blossoming art chapter 1 . 9/1/2011
I do love Lucius Malfoy in this capacity. He struck the right tone for me in this little fic. And Severus, the bravest soldier indeed. I wonder, though, did you write this in the perspective that Severus is on the Dark Lord's side or on the Order's side? I know he had to keep his cover with Lucius, but surely he wouldn't have said some of the things he said, or even gone to Voldemort in the first place if he thought it would give Voldemort power over the Unbeatable Wand (assuming he's on the Order's side)? Just a thought. I'm curious. Lovely, as always :)
excessivelyperky chapter 1 . 8/31/2011
Of course Lucius is going to choose Draco over Snape. There was never any doubt. Snape, of course, knows that nobody will ever choose him for anything but death.

Because he exists.

Lucius could, at this point, offer Snape an escape path, some Galleons, or at least a half hour's start; but Snape already knows that Lucius won't.

Because Snape doesn't really have any friends, or ever did; just people who used him.

On both sides.

Especially since Harry Potter doesn't know that _he_ has to die.

I wonder, how was Snape going to tell Harry what he needed to know if the Trio hadn't been hiding in the Shack? Travel as a ghost and do it that way?

"The dead can travel a thousand years in a night"-from a Japanese proverb, I expect.
sammyfish chapter 1 . 8/30/2011
Beautiful, fitting and emotive. Well done.
yamifannetje chapter 1 . 8/28/2011
You did a magnificent job in this one!

Severus/Lucius is a nice pairing. Together with the subject which made every Harry Potter-fan heart bleed for the most hatred and feared Professor of Hogwarts, it made me nearly crying. Thank you for this.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/28/2011
This is really good great job! can't wait to read you freindship story