Reviews for Surprise
Ataahua chapter 1 . 7/15/2017
Awwww. That was so adorable! And I love how L left a cake for "Mochi" at the end. Poor Matsu, though. Being made fun of or rejected for hugs (what's new?). Nice work! :D
Camisado chapter 1 . 11/9/2013
Your devotion to SOTC never ceases to amaze me. It's quite admirable, really.

This was really sweet. And aw…did L get him the mochi? ;)

I really like your work. (Even if some of what Erin says makes me cringe. I guess that means you've got the character you want, right? Someone blunt.)

Um. Keep it up!
RandomCitizen chapter 1 . 1/16/2013
Aw, you do do quite a bit Matsu... XP (And he's so cute) If only he were younger...and existed. :P
Well L would never put a label to him on anything. X3
Miss Bright chapter 1 . 8/27/2011
Aw, there's nothing like meaningful fluff :)

On the first read, I interpreted L sending off Mogi with the jack as underhanded and spiteful. But then I looked closer and realized I couldn't tell whether he actually purposely ruined the surprise or not, with "what he knows about birthdays." Hmm...either way, the last part made up for it. It was touching, especially the anonymity and the inclusion of 'mochi' was adorable. Early happy birthday to Mogi indeed!
sincethelastday chapter 1 . 8/27/2011
Ah, good old Mogi! He's beyond awesome! You definitely gave him the love he deserves in this oneshot!

I love all of the little details you put into this story, such as the different gifts Mogi recieves and the comments from the gift-givers. There are also some moments that were quite funny. The part where Matsuda is stretching his arms out for a hug is priceless and hilarious. Poor Matsu.

And the ending is great! Suggestive, but not being too revealing.

I was having a lousy day, but this definitely perked me up! Thanks, friend!
C. Holywell-Black chapter 1 . 8/27/2011
Aw, that's sweet. I love that Erin is one person who makes L more of a human, and teaches what he can't learn through books.

I love reading SOTC oneshots. They're usually funny, and they make me smile. This one I didn't expect, seeing as it's my 16th on the 5th of September! Coinkydinks do happen.
