Reviews for A Big Brother Protects
Anon chapter 10 . 1/29/2018
This story is amazing! I love how you describe everything so vividly! Please update, i'm really interested to find out who killed Arthur.
Tenshi-Oujosama chapter 10 . 10/12/2016
I am crying because a great story such as this is discontinued or gone in an indefinite hiatus
And ended up with more questions than answers
tridemint chapter 1 . 6/22/2015
Oh my God, the feels. Gah, I can't even. I was in tears by the second paragraph.
This prologue was beautiful but bittersweet. It was longer than what I usually read, but sweetie, the time it took to read was worth it. Just this alone is enough for me to put it in my Top 5. And honestly, I didn't even THINK that English might not be your first language, that's how minimal the grammatical errors were.
There were several parts I could relate to. Most notably were the "eccentric/protective elder sibling" role that Arthur took on (though I don't have to look after my sister to that degree but I still manage to embarass her xD), and also when he accepted Alfred's homosexuality just like that (my mum responded in a similar way to Arthur when I came out). I really loved the prologue in its entirity and I'll definately have to continue reading.
Diaflower chapter 10 . 6/16/2015
I want Artie's killer to burn in hell too. *Smiles, perhaps a bit like Russia*
frozenvenus chapter 1 . 3/25/2015
I truly adore your stories and this one takes the cake...I really like reading family theme story with a touch of romance though this consider to be an angst and tragedy one. I cried when I read the first chapter, as I can relate to Arthur due to being the eldest myself. I supposed the one who kill Arthur was someone who is close to him because he seemed to care about his killer well being. I really hope that you can update more on the story as I really like your storytelling. But no pressure. It's up to you. I'm only a fan that love your work..till next time..:)
FanFictionneer chapter 10 . 1/14/2015
I really love this fanfic, I'd be very happy if you would continue it someday! If you do, thank you so much, and take your time. If not, then I understand, though it would really be a shame :) Thanks for writing such a good story so far! :D
RebornP27 chapter 1 . 7/3/2014
That was way too sad and so much feels... Like why did Arthur have to die D: You just made it to my list of fanfics that made me cry... Like ACTUALLY cry. And it's rare for me to actually shed a tear no matter how much I'm so sad. But. That was a really good story. Lots of feels, but very very great. I can't somehow explain how much I like this yet it's fucking sad. Damn it... Good job author. Here's a cookie. Hopefully not covered in tears by now. ;u;
Heuress chapter 10 . 4/28/2014
This is absolutely brilliant! That last flashback was amazing! I love this story, please continue it.
mangoshake24 chapter 10 . 10/4/2013
i can't wait for the next chapter! :D Arthur and Francis's love is just... *crying* Sooo deeppppp
keep it up :D
BritishTraveller chapter 10 . 9/29/2013
Hello! It seems like ages ago since you last updated but you sure made up for it! I just have a few things to say; first off, you're not from England, are you?
I don't mean to sound like I have an attitude, I just thought that if you were, you'd include about the NHS (founded in 1948), as, if Francis' mother was critically ill, I am sure they would help her get better free of charge. That means Francis wouldn't be getting himself into all of the drugs etc. as he would have no medical bills to pay..

And I stand by what I said: I really don't mean to sound arsey or anything, I just thought I could inform you if you didn't know.
Either way, I enjoyed the chapter! I hope you have nothing too demanding happening so you can write more. You're very good. :)
Esmeraude11 chapter 9 . 12/25/2012
Oh God! I'm crying. I just feel so bad for Matthias and really want him to have had a good life with Arthur. And then I bawl when you bring up Francis and just couldn't help but cry even more when you described Arthur in Matthias' eyes. I can't help but wish that Arthur loved him back. God I love you. I can't wait till the Kirkland's show up. I want to see how William will react to Arthur's death.
pupeez4eva chapter 9 . 12/17/2012
I LOVE THIS FIC! It makes me want to burst into tears at some parts but it's so COMPLETELY UTTERLY AMAZING! I have honestly never read a fic quite like it. I can actually imagine something like this happening in a real mystery novel.

It's so sad when it went over the scenes where Francis died, and all the scenes about Arthur's past. The mystery really intrigues me and I can't wait to find out more. Please update soon! :D
pupeez4eva chapter 1 . 12/17/2012
I think I almost started crying in this chapter. I'm not even joking; it's so emotional and COMPLETELY AMAZING! The way you put the death scene in in-between the scenes from the past was just...amazing. Did I mention I almost started crying?
Tearfulyandere chapter 9 . 11/4/2012
So glad to see you continuing this! This fanfic is so involved I love reading it! Admittedly i'm a bit of a new reader to it, but I watch my inbox for notifs of updates with baited breath *grins*

Thank you for writing and keep up the wonderful work ok?
radiany chapter 8 . 10/28/2012
/He stumbled into the garden, were nobody was watching him, before his legs collapsed from under him and he fell to his knees. It was dark out and the stairs were shining brightly on him. That night he wept, not out of sadness, not out of pain or anger. No, he cried real tears of relieve, because even though his brother had died and his heart was still encaged in a prison of ice, he could finally start believing in his own innocence, he could finally let go of the horrible guilt that kept chasing him. He wanted to forget, he was allowing himself to at least attempt to forget./


And all the little flashback FrUK hints are doing horrible things to my heart. Please, /please/ say you're still writing this.
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