Reviews for Welcome to the World
Father of Understanding chapter 5 . 2/21/2017
My biggest question is why Al has a kettle. As an American, I can say we don't (usually) use kettles.

As to the clothes, Iggy WAS a recovering pirate. I think we should cut him some slack for the fanciness.
jennyVDL93 chapter 5 . 12/24/2016
My critics, sorry for being history ass.
Chapter 1America didn't lie when he said he looked up to England, because historically, yes, America kinda take Britain as role model of his country. You should research a bit about the FederalistChapter 2France Revolution in some sense should trigger more reaction from America. Cuz America didn't help him and refused to pay his war debt to France. Which also lead to Quasi War between America and France. And, even though during this war Britain didn't help America (although he despised the frog), but America and Britain's merchant ships enjoyed protection from both. Ahahahaha, you know, you should read Jay Treaty, cuz if America should choose between France or England, he would always choose England, lol.
Chapter 3I dunno where your get your historical reference, but I never found Britain asked America to interfere with the war, or maybe there was? Dunno, never found a thing. From what I read actually Britain quite happy America didn't interfere. Yes, there were impressment, BUT, don't forget that War 1812 declared by America for their ambition to annex Canada. Sorry if I sound like I sided with Britain, but America was also jerk, let's see from both 4I love the way you potray America seeing this as Second Independence War. But, you said we'd never really like each other, oh my my incorrect, America loved England before 1812, especially after Seven Years War (before the taxes of course) for Britain brought full force army and navy to protect America from France. And the Revolutionary War took a way way long time because not entire America agree with this (well, Tories) and most of them were neutral. Revolutionary War actually divided the country over whether to rebel against Britain or not. Chapter 5Oh yeaaaaahhhh America totally have no connection with Britain between 1812 and 1914. Yeah, totally. *sarcasm* I honestly feel sorry to every USUK fangirls out there who never heard about Great Rapprochement, dude they totally flirt each other already. Did you think the apathy US of A would supplied tons of support aid, money, and warfare without trusting Britain already? That's your own research you for the experience, really, I appreciate this fanfiction very much, I love this despite many critics I flamed you here. I agree with some points too ya know.
creativesm75 chapter 5 . 8/20/2016
CottonCandyFusion chapter 5 . 6/13/2016
That was such a great story! I got hooked in the moment I finished the first chapter, and I'm glad I read all the way to the end. I think you really nailed the characters and I thoroughly enjoyed every chapter.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/14/2016
This is still the best historical!America story I have ever read!
BrownieTheFangirl chapter 1 . 4/15/2016
The best historical!America fix that I've ever read.

I really like how you wrote America as not being the one who completely band ones England, and writing England as a crybaby. It's true that America was a neglected child, and yes, his brother loved him, but Arthur can't blame Alfred for leaving him.

Sorry for the rant!

I was just glad that you wrote them so perfectly instead of going with the generic way!
and of the tears chapter 5 . 8/17/2012
Poppet, you have successfully made this old maid cry tears of utter frustration and admiration - frustration because of how England manipulated America to the end, and how, in my opinion, America only ever wanted to be acknowledged by England. I believe, he does not want to be completely separated from the former Empire - he just refused being taken lightly - but ... England. Ugh. I hated him here, and it takes a lot for someone to get me to hate him. I felt so bad for America, and just, I may be USA biased, but... England was too... I don't... In short, I... am.. FRUSTRATED with England. Also, admiration for you.. since you managed to write something so powerfully amazing. So powerfully emotional that sent me on edge.

Kudos, dear writer, more power. And do writ , though I thought the ending to be perfect, more emotion plays with these two seem pretty tempting!
Kat with Shamrocks chapter 6 . 6/15/2012
continue, pleaaaaase
yosukeisgod chapter 5 . 6/12/2012
I seriously felt like crying happy tears when I read that last part.

Even though this story was only 5 chapters long, it was so amazing.

You write brilliantly.
creativesm75 chapter 6 . 6/2/2012
JulietGivesUp chapter 1 . 5/25/2012
The last sentence of this chapter really did its job and reeled me in. Fascinating...
cheesypancakes chapter 5 . 5/19/2012

Girl-of-Action chapter 5 . 4/12/2012
I really loved this story and the interaction between characters. Thanks for uploading!
mofalle chapter 5 . 3/13/2012
This is a wonderful story. I liked America's first World Conference, and how he stood up to England. I liked your representation of the buring of Washington. This was a really nice coming of age story.
PersonifyThis chapter 1 . 2/13/2012
I ADORE your first chapter! Great characterization! On to the next :)
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