Reviews for Relations between Senseis
NevHarryFredGeorge chapter 1 . 9/16/2015
Are you likely to do a spin off story about Naruto, Shikamaru and Neji? I would love to read it if you do! and I love how this story is continuing!
jj chapter 13 . 1/29/2015
wonderful job
narutonarutolove chapter 7 . 9/6/2014
well, he took it rather well.
narutonarutolove chapter 6 . 9/6/2014
ohh the irony
narutonarutolove chapter 5 . 9/6/2014
im panicking a littlee bit, since Iruka just cheated on Kakashi with his lovers' best friend, and Gai just betrayed his friend by sleeping with his friends lover. I have no clue how Kakashi will react if, when, he finds out. I get the feeling it might not be pretty.
Guest chapter 7 . 8/29/2014
Hey was really enjoying this. I have never been a fan of kakairu but thought id give it a try. You write gai really well... but i just found this chapter difficult. I found kakashis reaction really unbelievable it was like he wasnt hurt at all. I just found it building to a threesome too quickly
BookMaggots chapter 1 . 4/3/2014
I really do hope you find the time to write up a sequel for this. This was really and amazing ride, and it was very well written from beginning to end.

I like to help where I can (you may start running) Just two points I want to clarify;

Gai's reaction after finding out he was actually suicidal.

During the entire story Gai is under the impression that the jutsu is making him suicidal and that he, Gai, is perfectly fine. Your story doesn't hammer the idea (which is great), but it keeps popping up from time to time. It keeps a sort of tension, and as a reader I can't wait for the point where he finds out. So when Kakashi finally pins him, and tells him that he is actually suicidal, it's no the Jutsu. I expected some reaction from Gai. Shock from the revelation, anger for being lied to, and fear, especially fear. Not only for the situation but of himself. Suddenly he isn't as strong as he thought he was. Unless some part of him knew this? And that was the reason he never really reacted much? I think the build-up was big, but the pay-off felt small?

It doesn't really hurt the story. Just something I wanted to point out, and I remember it being a slight disappointment. I wanted him to bust some heads :(

2) When Gai thinks about how Kakashi had been a dick to him, long after Kakashi was out of ANBU. This is never resolved.

When Kakashi finally learns that Gai had been in love with him for so long, the scene is handled so well. From beginning to end. Everything just works in that scene, and it was beautiful and bitter. Perfect combination for the situation. Then we learn that kakashi had been a dick for a lot longer than we thought. This small thought left anticipation with me, and I kinda waited for a point where either Gai or Kakashi confronted this, and said "Hey, this is kinda fucked-up," or "Hey sorry for being an ass... again" Kakashi does apologize but not for that, and goes on believing he was a saint the rest of the time. Which he wasn't. As the story suggests, this to some extent, destroyed Gai, but it's never confronted again. And by the end of the story two-years have passed, and it really doesn't matter anymore. But that's part of the problem.

It was such a shock that Kakashi had been an ass long after ANBU that I really thought it was going somewhere, the potential was certainly there. But it never does. Again just a small point in this big pile of pure awesomness that I just wanted to bring to your attention. not that it matters, it's still pure perfection.

I don't ever write this much when I read stories. Only when I really, really, really, really like them. Hopefully I didn't bug you too much.

Thank you for writing this, and I really hope you do cook-up a sequel one day.
sylvia1984 chapter 13 . 3/9/2014
wow i really love this story couldn't stop reading this it was fantastic
was wondering how genma and raidou was you didn't say and what happened with Naruto, Neji and Shihamaru is it going to be in the sequel.

the sequel sounds very interesting LOL can't to see what is happening and
to see who Gai get pregnant? Is the mother dead or something
Did Gia have an affair without Kakashi and Iruka knowing? or is Gai pregnant himself because of some jutsu? and that why he has to leave? i was just wondering.
i hope you finish the sequel :D
visitor0510 chapter 13 . 11/16/2013
yay very good what about the sequel never thought i would like something like this but congrats you are my very first multi-chap story of kakagaiiru i read in like 5 hours maybe more. so please create the sequel you got me hooked
N Harmonic chapter 4 . 10/5/2013
N Harmonic chapter 1 . 10/5/2013
what a turn around... did gai do this or is he influenced by enemy evil?
S.S chapter 13 . 5/10/2013
Please write a sequel! I absolutely adored this story! It was cute, and sometimes made me sad, but that's the best way to write, making your readers feel, which you totally did. I also really want to know what would happen in the sequel, since the three don't seem to be on the same page children-wise.
ElleGal chapter 13 . 5/5/2013
this was a wonderful story! totally underrated in my opinion. i look forward to a possible sequel. :)
MikaSamu chapter 13 . 5/4/2013
What a delightful surprise! Great epilogue, and a tantalyzing beginning. I hope you pursue the sequel, it id all too rare to find such carefully written stories that stay true to the characters and depict them as mature adults. The dilemmas driving the characters are real, and how the characters respond is realistic as well. Best of all is the depth of love shown, and the unique aspects of the characters you depict. I eagerly wait for more!
Galactic Foxes chapter 13 . 5/2/2013
Oh my gosh! When I saw that you put up a new chapter I got so excited and now I am ecstatic for the possible continuation!

Now to a review of the chapter itself, It's pretty amusing how Kakashi can never find the zipper to Gai's suit, haha! And now we have stumbled upon another problem for Gai that may ruin the happiness he has found with Iruka and Kakashi. Hopefully it's a temporary pain. I wonder what they will say when they find out that Gai really does want a child of his own. It saddened me in a way that both Kakashi and Iruka pretty much shot down the possibility of having a kid of their own and I wonder how it will all work out.
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