Reviews for Stormbringer
Tenrousha chapter 18 . 4/27
This was incredible. Really enjoyed reading this, characters were spot on, and you gave great reasons way as to how it could have actually happened and everyone could continue on with their original stories without much difference. I'm not surprised Sanji passed out after Erza's gift, lol.
elovejapan chapter 18 . 5/23/2019
This is one of the best crossover fics I’ve read. My only problem with it is that Fairy Tail seemed to be more in the limelight than the Straw Hats; more major stuff seems to happen to the members of Fairy Tail than to the Straw Hats other than, obviously, getting stuck in another world. Still, they did have some important parts to play, such as Luffy kicking the rocks out of Natsu and Zoro cutting the fake moon, and Nami guiding them to where the storm was, and Robin’s deductions and theories, plus Franky’s cannon. Ok, so they did a lot, but against Natsu turning into a dragon and Gray forming a pact with a demon, those things seem to pale in comparison... well. The plot was good and it finished up interestingly, and that’s good as far as I’m concerned. I’ve never written a crossover, but I can already tell from reading and watching them that balancing out the characters from two or more stories is a difficult challenge.
I’d say that you did a terrific job of portraying the characters’ personalities, especially Sanji. Erza punching him out every time he tries to flirt with her or something is one of my things about this story, because it would so totally happen. He never seems to get a clue, does he?
I’d say, though, that my absolute favorite part of all this is the subtle relationship you portrayed between Erza and Zoro. Friends or a romantic couple, I have no doubt that these two would hit it off and get along extremely well. I also was tickled by your hint that he might have a romantic interest in her when he checked out her swimsuit photo ;). I also loved your portrayal of their respect for each other when they gave each other swords and their trust in their abilities in a fight.
All in all, a great read!
Scandalf chapter 1 . 5/22/2019
If you're gonna write a crossover, try not to favor one series over the other so much. It's so obvious after quickly going through the whole thing that you like FT much more than your like OP. Somehow, all of your OP characters are 10 times weaker than they are in cannon and all of your FT characters are 5 times stronger.
Add to that the fact that you gave FT characters more screen time and made them defeat all the powerful enemies while the OP characters couldn't even damage them... Well, I think you get the idea.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/2/2019
zoro gonna pull of some sort of air blast thats gonna make the fairy tail wizards call "Bullshit, how is that not magic"
sacke110 chapter 9 . 5/29/2017
Huh, Natsu turned psycho dragon.
sacke110 chapter 1 . 5/25/2017
Nice, very nice. I shall read on!
Guest chapter 5 . 1/2/2017
Great story make a one punch man crossover with both these series
mangogreent chapter 3 . 2/3/2016
Luffy does have armament haki. So burns cant penetrate through it
GraySnowie chapter 18 . 1/8/2016
This was an absolutely amazing story and cross-over! You skillfully combined two of my favorite mangas. And I love that you actually incorporated some major storyline into this, I could actually imagine this happening. The Gray-demon dynamic and Natsu-dragon provided lots of internal conflict, and you portrayed that very well. You did a very good job with the characters and their personalities, it was spot on :)
You provide such intricate detail with a new island and new characters, which is rare to find in fanfiction. I could definitely imagine the island and the villains very well. And when Gray temporarily died, I died on the inside. But I'm glad this story has a relatively happy ending. You did a great job with this story, kudos to you!
TheNotoriousNovelist chapter 3 . 7/26/2015
That took a while to read but AWESOME!
TheNotoriousNovelist chapter 2 . 6/27/2015
Awesome! Everything is AWESOME!
TheNotoriousNovelist chapter 1 . 6/26/2015
Love it! This is awesome! And the sea and island names sound like they could be canon! You fooled me! Have a cookie...

jovysanchez17 chapter 1 . 4/26/2015
This was an awesome idea! Both of the best animes together! Super awesome! I like the other world thing! :D
Server lock chapter 4 . 2/28/2015
You are so creative it terrify s me.
Guest chapter 18 . 12/18/2014
I loved the comedic reliefs you added in the final chapter. From natsu, luffa, ussop, and franky breaking into tears to The debut of Erza's seduction armor in front of Brook and Sanji. LOL xd
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