Reviews for Sixteen Days Sunday
anna chapter 1 . 7/11/2011
you know what would be an interesting story for the collar-verse... im interested in seeing a glimpse of the infarction-era... would be interesting to see the course of his medical treatment where obviously he isnt allowed to speak up and dictate his own course of treatment the parallels between having his wishes gone against by stacy verses not being allowed to voice his wishes to begin with, etc.

also cant wait til you get to season 5/mayfeild era on collar redux (i know thats a long ways off) but id really like to see how they would go about giving a slave psychiatric treatment as its kind of a waste of their 'resources' putting him in a hospital for all those months. do they pressure him to work while hallucinating? etc.

anyway, love this verse, loves the story, etc
damigella chapter 1 . 7/11/2011
Ha! I haven'y yet found the stamina to face all of Sixteen Days. But I figured out this would be easier, and it was. Plus, it's great to see you writing House's POV for a change :).

As for the collar redux, there's no hurry - I can wait. All I hope is that you'll eventually go on with it.

I really, really liked this. chapter 1 . 7/9/2011
House is finding that the 'freedoms' he thought he had aren't all as they seem. I like his uncertainty here, he's feeling his way, trying to find his new place in the hospital without the strict structure he's had for the last two weeks. Getting anxious when he hasn't gone to breakfast at his normal time, and in the end deciding that he will go to dinner with his 'dorm mates' because it is safer (too bad that he now wants to talk to them, he's burnt his bridges there). His thoughts as he contemplates 20 years of this are especially poignant.

I had wondered how he spent his Sunday...
TetraFish06 chapter 1 . 7/9/2011
Thank you for the bonus! It made for nice breakfast reading!
physics is fun chapter 1 . 7/9/2011
Thanks, I have followed both stories for the last month, and appreciate your work. Thanks I wasn't expecting it. physics is fun