Reviews for All We Need is a Miracle
FullDarkNoLight chapter 13 . 10/19/2013
That was so beautiful and heart wrenching. You really had us going there, and it was an emotional journey. However, the best stories are the ones that make you feel something. When you read a book thats all happy, you forget about it a week later, but with something sad, it impacts you. I know I will be thinking about this story well into the future.
WalterWalternate chapter 13 . 8/3/2011
So I just finished reading this story, after taking a little hiatus from it after Chapter 9. I admit that it was getting increasingly harder to read for me. Not because the storytelling was poor, but because you were doing such an outstanding job of portraying the hopelessness and the graveness of Peter's health situation.

Although, in my heart, I knew that Peter would pull through (afterall, Olivia and Peter deserve some happiness!), I wasn't quite sure how it was going to happen and when it did, if I was going to find it a satisfying solution or not. Well, I'd like to think I'm not incedibly dense, at least not all the time, but you totally caught me by surprise with the use of soul magnets. I did not see that coming at all, so kudos to you for catching this reader off guard with a scheme that would be so Walter-like to attempt. I thought it was brilliant use of show canon and made me slap my forehead and think "Of course! Why didn't I think of that?".

I wanted to make mention of one other chapter, in particular. I remember reading your author's note at the end of Chapter 10 saying that update had given you writer's block. I have to say, that after I read it, I thought it was best written chapter of the story. I'm not sure if it was because I had been away from this story for a bit of time, but I was really impressed with the imagery of the scenes you set up and described. It read very smoothly and it really resonated with me. So much so, I began to wonder if I took the quality of the previous 9 chapters for granted. It also inspired me to read the last 4 chapters in succession and finish it off.

Overall, I was really satisfied with the story and I thought the epilogue was nicely done. Although, it's always hard to read about the passing of not just one, but both of our favorite couple, it didn't come off as melancholy to me. You executed it in such a way that I found it a fitting end. I'll make sure to look out for new stories penned by you. Thanks for sharing.
Blazingphoenix18 chapter 13 . 8/3/2011
I've just read the whole thing in one go, and I absolutely loved it!

It made me smile, it made me cry, it made me feel so much in just a 13 chapter story. Brilliant. This is one of very few stories that make me feel like that.

I also absolutely loved all the references littered through the story. From the Fringe connected ones of the Greek phrase, 2/4MHz and 6:02am to the subtlely placed One Week book. I loved that film and I desperately want to buy it, but unfortunately, its not availible in the UK.

But back to the point. This is a wonderful story. Well written with a good plot. Keep it up :D
wjobsessed chapter 13 . 8/2/2011
That was a very interesting read. Thanks for that.

Loved all your attention to the little details.
wjobsessed chapter 8 . 8/1/2011
Love that he leaves the Greek phrase for his unborn son.
wjobsessed chapter 4 . 8/1/2011
Alot of places a P/O baby doesn't fit, but I'm not feeling that at all here.
wjobsessed chapter 3 . 8/1/2011
Aw, so sad.
wjobsessed chapter 1 . 8/1/2011
Wow. That's quite the first chapter!

I hate migraines.

marifreica chapter 13 . 8/1/2011
Oh, thank God you didn't kill Peter for good!

I loved it! \o/
Cerulean.Phoenix7 chapter 13 . 7/30/2011
Nice way to end the story, and bringing it full circle with the journal that Peter wrote. I can understand why Olivia wouldn't live long without Peter, they were so close that they were almost one in the same in a sense.

Their daughter's name is Anna eh? Hmm... I sense a coincidence ;P

Nice job on this story, you wrote it well and ended it well :)

Cerulean.Phoenix7 chapter 12 . 7/30/2011
Yay! Peter's alive :D

I really liked how you wrote Olivia's emotions in this, how she was at first unwilling to allow Walter to try his idea because of Barret's attempted resurrection of that ballet dancer (great call back to a tough time in their relationship as well) and then after seeing (a hullucination?) of Peter she agrees because she was reminded of what she missed most, nice.

And now their little child is here, awwww... that was adorable. I'm so glad that things worked out for the better.

Cerulean.Phoenix7 chapter 11 . 7/30/2011
What? WHAT! NONONONONONONOOOOO PETER! He can't be dead, no no no

&(#%&%$(&&*#)*)# I just died a little.

Ok I'm going to go read the next chapter... :P

Dixiegirl256 chapter 12 . 7/29/2011
Bravo - you had me in tears a couple of times, but at least they were happy tears at the end.

Great story! Thanks for writing and sharing!
marifreica chapter 11 . 7/29/2011
Sunny-Y chapter 11 . 7/29/2011
Life and death, these are relative terms. Contextually defined, dependent on cultural specifics. They are undoubtedly indulging in primitive diagnostics. Peter is not dead. He's not dead. He's not dead...
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