Reviews for Therapy is Good for You
Guest chapter 128 . 2/28/2017
Oh my gosh! I was not expecting an update!

I'm so happy I subscribed anyway!

Another hilarious chapter - I just can't get enough of Izaya's obsessive love for Namie. And I love the way you write for Namie. Truly a boss ass bitch.

And masochistic Izaya is my favorite! I absolutely adore every moment in which he lets Namie take advantage of him. I like to think he's weak to it.
BadRomance-ao3 chapter 68 . 9/11/2016
Izaya and the therapist... The relationship I was not expecting to get invested in.
Step Of Death chapter 1 . 7/25/2016
I'll try reading this, since apparently all the Izaya fans are a bunch of retard gay fuckers who can't ship him with anyone but fucking Shizuo. Seriously, nothing more ridiculous than these random gay couples and these low-life yaoi fanfic writers. Luckily this fanfic will turn out to be interesting, and if it is I'll be sure to review again.
ADdude chapter 125 . 6/14/2016
I'm still a little surprised that Namie had something of a sweet moment here. Kudos.
loopdedoop chapter 125 . 6/10/2016
I never ever tire of this fic. Keep it going! Kida being flustered about Izaya knowing his birthday in this roundabout way, beautiful ;; A cross dressing date and ofc Izaya calls Shiki too, poor guy. Nam-Nam and Izaya continue to have so much chemistry even 125 chapters into this, it feels like yesterday when i first found this and we haven't gotten anywhere but at the same time it's like we have gone through so much? Nam-Nam actually handled Izaya's heartbreak quite well, she's coming around '')
ADdude chapter 124 . 5/4/2016
Huh, I didn't actually think his heart could break... or he had a heart for that matter. This seemed like it might actually do it. Kudos.
xxxteehee chapter 124 . 4/29/2016
Nice chapter as always :)
anon chapter 1 . 3/2/2016
You are incredible. I remember reading this story way back at the beginning on the drrr meme - and here it is years later, still being updated (and I'm sure still being hilarious). I am going to sit down now and enjoy re-reading the old parts as well as all of the new ones. Thanks so much!
May chapter 123 . 1/27/2016
my favourite drrr fanfic is back! And it picks up right away with the hilarious moments and more insane izaya and once again poor suffering kida. I love this so much :') when I saw the update in my inbox it totally made my day but I didn't get a chance to read it until now. But you are amazing. I just really love your sense of humour and all those izaya antics and the namizaya and air con boy ahaha I love how you reference things that happened in your fic before too. Just so good thank you once again for sharing and I look forward to your next update ~ :D
ADdude chapter 123 . 1/25/2016
Like Mikado I am very confused by Izaya. It's a good kinda confused though.
Albinos chapter 122 . 10/19/2015
The horrible idea came into my mind-what if it was all just like Izaya gets hypnotized-falls in love with Namie-again hypnotized-again falls in love. Lol
ADdude chapter 122 . 10/13/2015
I almost felt that the hypnotism would have stuck, I should have known better. Izaya is back.
Xeniaxxx chapter 28 . 10/8/2015
Xeniaxxx chapter 18 . 10/8/2015
Ok I'm literally dying I LOVE THIS
Xeniaxxx chapter 5 . 10/8/2015
FUUUCK THIS IS ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS! I've been depressed for tree weeks but this cracked me up big time:
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