Reviews for She's Back
myellar chapter 1 . 4/2/2011
Really really really good. I love all fanfics that put Peter and the REAL olivia together. Go Polivia!
angelamorales514 chapter 1 . 4/1/2011
Love this! This is exactly what I want to see happen in the show lol. Throw her metaphorically into the fire!
Cerulean.Phoenix7 chapter 1 . 4/1/2011
Nice job, I really like the detail that you put into this and how you got into Olivia's mentality, the way you portrayed her I think is very realistic as to her attitude regarding Altlivia.

I loved the ending where Peter throws the photos into the fire, that is closure, he's done with Altliv and he wants her. Nice touch.

I really liked this line: 'Two words and eight letters that make the heart in his chest drop like lead'. That to me really conveys that power behind words and makes me think of the line 'Words can often do more damage than a sword'. A sword does a single type of damage. Words can do myriad damage to people.

And from the last line might I persuade you to write a sequel to this? ;)