Reviews for Secret Feelings
Frozen Meatballs chapter 1 . 6/28/2018
I just graduated and I decided to reread all those lovely fanfics that stayed with me in the back of my head during all those great university years well spent and this happens to be one of them! Still lovely even after I last read it 2 years ago ;w;
Frozen Meatballs chapter 1 . 7/4/2016
Gahh I love Ned/Nor! Why did I only find this now thank you!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/12/2013
yay for crack fics with my two favorite characters
Juan Pujol Garcia chapter 1 . 12/28/2011
Crack is good. This is good crack. Interesting that you seem to have a proplem with the pairing though...
Mirianna16 chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
You know what this NetherNor thing is growing on me !
indiechiquegeek chapter 1 . 7/13/2011
Late review is late. But maybe reading this will convince you to write more NetherlandsxNorway. It may be crack (debatable), but it's my new OTP, and I'd love to read more of it.

Loved the story, and you should definently write more for this pairing. Imagine the dissapointment of those of us who went to look up NetherlandsxNorway fics, and yours was the only one to show up.

Not that it wasn't good. It was /really/ good. w

I'll just be going now... Write more~!
AsariShin chapter 1 . 6/12/2011
And what ? If the pairing is not awful and disgusting, why shouldn't we write 'bout it eh ! :p

Anyway, i liked this story. It's true that's the very first time i read 'bout Netherlands/Norway, but i enjoy the fact you wrote it !

It's sweet and nice. A really cute story.

I thank you, you just made my day. D
yuuago chapter 1 . 3/6/2011
When I first saw this come up at the Hetalia LJ comm my reaction was "Wait, what?". I'd never considered this pairing before.

I'm glad I was curious enough to take a look, as I did enjoy reading this. You made this odd match seem very believable - I think the references to a connection farther back in time somehow make the modern, established relation seem to make sense somehow. It reinforces that they know one another and (to certain degrees) know one another well.

I like the way you handled Norway's public and private presentations of self. I'm quite fond of the idea that he isn't as cold in private as he appears to be in public situations (and of course, only those close to him would know about this). And, related to this - the descriptions of the private, close moments that these two have, I found them rather touching.

And I must say, I usually don't read about Netherlands, but the general 'feel' of him that you give here is interesting and likeable.
Mizukotsu chapter 1 . 3/4/2011
LadyAxisNeoluna chapter 1 . 3/4/2011
Oh don't apologize, crack fics are awesome and makes fandom more interesting (even to disturbing points). I wrote a bunch of DenCan fics, and converted two or more people into the pairing. Anyway, this Netherlands/Norway story is many levels of awesome. _
Yiramy chapter 1 . 3/4/2011
Such a nice beginning of the day! xD

No, honestly, this is so well-written and I just love how descriptive and distant it is, yet close enough for the reader. It's really good. 3

Buh, look at me, woken up half an hour ago and already sounding like a poet.
crackberries chapter 1 . 3/3/2011
Mmmm I really like this. It's late where I am so I can't think of much to say aside from that this was really good. Really well done.

I haven't read anything for these two so this makes me want to go on a hunt and see if there's more. If there's not...I'll just keep reading this over and over again which I probably will anyways cus I really like this hahahaha