Reviews for Blue Jade
linkjames24 chapter 1 . 11/24/2018
Meimei? Interesting name! Like this couple!
linkjames24 chapter 4 . 11/24/2018
Really like Lau and Ran-Mao. Glad the manga they're still alive. In anime they ded.
linkjames24 chapter 3 . 11/24/2018
Lau sleeps with his sister. Pervert.
linkjames24 chapter 2 . 11/24/2018
Guest chapter 4 . 6/27/2017
i'm not good with words so i'm just gonna say that.. this was awesome, probably my favourite piece of kuroshitsuji fanfiction that i've ever read. thank you so much!
Reinedeer chapter 4 . 8/25/2015
Best fanfic omg this was awesome! You write so well :o 3 kudos of the highest form
Kishara-Hime chapter 4 . 8/23/2015
Reading Kuroshitsuji, I've always loved Lao and Ranmao as a duo together and its so hard to find stories especially, amazing stories like this one here... The way you portrayed Ranmao and her past was very interesting, very enjoyable to read. You enticed me very quickly. I can see that you fully did your research/know your stuff in terms of Chinese culture, and it made me so happy you didn't use cliche stereotypes and westernised Asian views of Asia. It's clear you respected the culture to get things right and I found like especially wonderful, it made it so much better to read and visualise. If you ever write any more on Lao and Ranmao I'll be sure to check it out!
kuppeycakexoxo chapter 4 . 5/29/2014
THat WAs SO SUper FAntastic OMg!
Vlademort chapter 1 . 3/14/2014
I don't like to write reviews often, but I NEEDED to say how much I absolutely ADORED this story
I loved everything about it, and your grammar and spelling was impeccable; which doesn't happen often enough in fan fiction. This was VERY well-written (or at least I thought it was), and the imagery was fantastic! I am SO grateful to you (Araine) for writing this!
thedarkness chapter 2 . 1/31/2014
Beautiful! Excellent vocabulary, strayed from the unfortunately common XXX that occurs every minute between everybody, while still painting a good image. It's really interesting overall.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/8/2013
I thought this story would be short, because it only has four chapters

I was beyond wrong.

However, I am grateful I was wrong. c: I really enjoyed the story, and was always curious of Lau and Ranmao's past. Though I believe that Ranmao talked more than she usually does, it's understandable, because all the times we saw her she was in the presence of other people, rather than only with Lau. So, in my opinion, this story has no flaws. At least, none that I found.

Thank you for writing such an interesting story.
Guest chapter 4 . 6/23/2013
Love it! I like how you described the relationship between Lau and Ranmao.
MostDefinitelyFlorentine chapter 4 . 6/1/2013
I. Am. Speechless.

Indochine chapter 4 . 2/5/2013
I thought I had reviewed but apparently no.
So, very nice to see such a good story about those two. I find Ranmao and Lau's relationship very interesting, and they're both suite mysterious, yet you can see that they're close to each other.

You did a very good job about them both on their respective personality. So no problem of characterization.

I also like the fact that you used Ranmao's POV, since she's always a background character!

And last point, all the past you've imagined for them is well thought and there are no parts left out and you've written all that with a very good writing style! I myself really like old Chinese/Japanese way of life and culture, so this was a nice story to read!

You should keep on writing about them, you did good!
Skarlettefox chapter 4 . 12/5/2012
Wow. This was soo insightful, and meaningful.
The best story i have read in a very, very long time.
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