Reviews for To Every Bad Writer this Fandom has
Guest chapter 1 . 5/7
I love you
DPTTrocks chapter 1 . 8/9/2019
I see it in other works, too, sometimes, but you spelled 'decided' as 'deiced.' I don't know, maybe it's a real word, but...
paige-in-a-book01 chapter 1 . 12/5/2017
I wish I had read this BEFORE I posted a story. Anyway, wonderful job, and thank you for all these pointers, they really help out a lot:)
IzzytheGreat14 chapter 1 . 1/8/2016
Yes, thank you. Someone needed to say this, and I'm glad it was someone with as much sarcastic humor as you XD
Now, to make this a required reading assignment for everyone wanting to post something on this website...
Mystic Fairy Tame chapter 1 . 5/29/2015
I clicked on it so I can learn how to write better fanfictions in general. So thank you very much for the help. And I wish I had Microsoft word. It was awesome before I got a new laptop
Galaxina-the-Seedrian chapter 1 . 5/3/2015
Okay. First off, I love you, so. Darn. Much for writing this. I just wish that I came across it BEFORE I started writing...err...AT ALL, actually. I'm not the BEST with grammar a hundred percent of the time, and find myself falling to these mistakes, such as the numbers portion. I tend to do that A LOT.

There is, however, one thing that I think you forgot to mention; something that EVERYONE seems to forget to mention. The fourth wall.

We all have done it; we've made these cute little jokes that inquire the character to take notice in the audience and such and such. The problem? Most of the time, its not funny. Like, at all. Yes, I've fallen to this trap as well, so I'm not one to talk, but looking back to it, I'd say that breaking the fourth wall seems more like beating a dead horse, considering how much this fan-base and heaven knows who else has done it.

I'm not saying that it's not funny at all; I'm just saying that you need to plan the joke carefully. Or even the plot-point, for that matter. It also shouldn't overstate its welcome, especially if it isn't funny or interesting. And yes, I include mentioning the audience, or having them react to the story; it feels manipulative. The only thing saving you is that the audience here was actually kinda funny...emphasis on "kinda", and it's only because I imagine their voices to sound like Patrick Star. XD

Man, I ramble too much. XP Sorry. It just BOTHERS me so darn much.

Anyways, thank you ever so much for writing this; you're amazing. And to those who are saying that you're breaking the rules, they should shut up. You wrote this as if it WERE a story format (sort of...a mean, you had the characters speak with you, and there's sort of a...plot?), so I think you can get away with it.

Actually...this gave ME an idea! XD

Kale Bishop chapter 1 . 3/2/2015
That sentence regarding "this is a general attack, ON ALL OF YOU" should've been mentioned at the very beginning, you know just to add tact to this piece.

This thing really helps a lot! Thanks for posting it, despite not being a story. This should've been like a pinned post or something for newbie writers or people who want to improve their work. Looks like I'll be reviewing this from time to time as my guideline.

True enough that I do not see that much fics that have good quality these days anymore. Much of my friends have already left the fandom and I guess I feel like I am the only one left. I hope that the succeeding authors in this fandom become great writers... Eventually.
Rebecca chapter 1 . 2/20/2015
The writer clicked on the story, already grinning. She could so easily understand the frustration that would drive a fellow writer to type out a full-length grammar rant. Indeed, when she clicked on the link, she was not disappointed.

"Oh goodness," she thought. "This is great advice. I wish all the really sucked-up, horrible, no good very bad writers on the site would ACTUALLY ACTIVELY ATTEMPT TO IMPROVE THEIR WRITING."

Then she realized that she was abusing capital letters past the point of justifiable emotion, and stopped.

At this point she realized she didn't really have much else to say, so she chewed on her lip and clicked Post Review.

Oh, wait, no. She remembered at the last minute that she wanted to actually review this piece, and not just write a validating short awful story that nobody cared about.

You may read this review below.

Nicely done. If we were sitting across from each other at a cafe somewhere I would respectfully incline my head at you, and you would respectfully incline your head back at me in acknowledgement, and then we would both sit satisfied in the knowledge that we had just had a totally badass interaction without even resorting to words.

But alas, we aren't. So I'll just have to spell it out. (Haha, see the really horrible pun? Spelling, because I am using words … never mind.)

Nicely done. It's always a relief to see that there are people on this site who actually try to maintain a healthy relationship with the grammar of the English language. Every time I click on a story and there is a glaring eyesore of a mistake in the first five lines, I click the back button. Period. No second chances. So, thank you for caring.
Sansa27 chapter 1 . 11/30/2014
Finally, someone said it! I realize that fan-fiction writers are taking time out of their lives to give us, the readers, something enjoyable. However, these stories should be something the authors can take pride in, and the readers can be proud of them, too. When you put effort, time, and research into a story, it'll be evident to the readers, and it might make them look for more of your work.
Thank you for posting this "story" on this fandom. Although, I think every fandom in fan-fiction needs to read it.
I heart the Hitachiin twins chapter 1 . 11/18/2014
I learned more from this fanfiction than anything from an English class!
Ihatepeople chapter 1 . 10/11/2014
On the number issue,

One of my old teachers told me that if the number is less than 100 you should write it out. Also, you should never forget the - as in "twenty-two" instead of "twenty two". Be careful, because auto correct absolutely hates the - and will try to change it. Power through.
4632893482 chapter 1 . 9/28/2014
HAHAHAHA! OMG, this is all th stuff I rant about when reading fanfiction! I love you for posting this!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/24/2014
You misspelled decided.
RedxAsari chapter 1 . 7/19/2014
Hmmm, I don't know about anyone else, but this made me doubt my writing extensively. Haha. I don't even write for this fandom. This was equal parts helpful and harmful. If only for the way it made me doubt my existing works.

Anyways, this was amazing. I'll definitely use it as a reference for my future writing.

TimeyWimeyINTJ chapter 1 . 5/24/2014
I found this somewhat funny and somewhat helpful. Good job and thanks for writing this!
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