Reviews for Down Under
prettysophist chapter 1 . 9/17/2016
Duets, heh. Quatre's perked up quite nicely. Very good timing on Trowa's part.
Nekocin chapter 1 . 7/8/2011
You know, I really like how you write these two. I love how their meetings are so amusing in all your fics, this included. XDD Maiming Trowa with his luggage, ohgosh. XDD I'm smirking at the screen like an idiot. Hahahah, anyway this is another lovely piece. Love it!
Haunt of twilight chapter 1 . 3/8/2011
O.O that was cute! I kind of wanted to see more. but what there is, was really good.
pbub2 chapter 1 . 1/4/2011
lol when i first read the name Alex, I was like "Crap what did i do? Did I hurt Quatre? Aaah...wait i'm a girl, he said boyfriend, phew I'm good lol"

I loved the ending it was so cute!
Kaeru Shisho chapter 1 . 12/16/2010
This start set off the giggles. What a funny image this is!

Duo took in the six enormous shell suitcases, all in various shades of pink, as well as a couple of smaller bags and asked simply, 'Why?'

'Oh, you know my family.' Quatre sat down on a bright cerise case, putting a Gucci tote decorated in Swarovski crystals on his knee.

Duo's snap-shot summary of Australia's highlights was wonderful: 'For God's sake, Quat! It's Australia! A whole unexplored continent full of kangaroos and yummy surfers with totally ripped bodies and accents like that hot guy on House.'

But his assesssment of Heero was spectacularly funny: 'On his computer. You know, one of these days they're going to make a laptop small enough that he can ram it up his ass, and then he won't need me.'

Yeah, I adore this comedian, Duo: 'I heard a rumour that they have shops in Australia,' Duo said idly. 'It could be just an evil urban legend though.'

Duo's funny here, but Q's comeback is even better: 'Oh, give it a break. You won't say that when you meet some gorgeous surfer dude with a cuddly pet joey!'

'Is that supposed to be some sort of Australian gay slang?' Quatre wondered...

I'm still laughing over that one.

And after the most horrid personal experience of my own at airports, I laughed until I wheezed at this line: It was all very different to being ushered deferentially by Winner employees to their private jet, but he was coping quite well, Quatre thought proudly.

This was a great descriptive for Trowa: Trowa took his hand as if he wasn't quite used to shaking hands with people.

And he and Quatre will make beautiful music together, I can tell, even without a part two, heh, heh...

Loved the story!

wolfspeaker01 chapter 1 . 12/14/2010
I apologize in advance.

. . .


. . .

Okay, now that that's over. I loved it - if you couldn't already tell that. You did Quat wonderfully - pink hatbox, nerves, and ALL! - and Trowa. . . there is a reason he is my favorite pilot and you managed to capture every bit of that.

Thanks for the wonderful story!
Cinnamon Selkie chapter 1 . 12/14/2010
~'It was fine. It was fine until my mother started crying into her soup, and then the girls started to cry, and then I got a little emotional, and I know Father and Uncle Rashid and Uncle Auda said their eyes were watering because the food was rather spicy but I'm not sure.~

*Stifles a laugh* Poor Quatre. It will probably be quite good for him to spend time away from his family for a while, but that doesn't mean he's not entitled to miss them horribly. I know that I would.

~'I'll think of you with every spoonful!'

'That's kind of pervy. You weren't even in that night.' Heero, surprisingly, blushed as Duo smirked at him.~


I do NOT want to know. No really, I don't. Much.

Just for the record, I have never net a surfer (gorgeous or otherwise) with a pet joey. A woman down the road from where I live has actually rescued and raised several joeys, but to my knowledge she doesn't own a surfboard. Just saying :)

I loved all the exchanges between Quatre and Trowa, especially when Trowa pointed out how easy it is to tease Quatre. He really is, and it is rather adorable. Cinnamon.

PS The "Complete, completely" made me laugh. I won't nag for a continuation. I think short and sweet works for this story.
Maskelle chapter 1 . 12/14/2010
Grin, I'm sure Wolfje would have loved to have such a cute guy like Trowa with her. But then again she has the baby roo's so she still has something to cuddle up.

I kept grinning about the large pile of suitcases. I loved this line: 'What is it now?' Green Eyes demanded. 'D'you want me to lie down so you can roll your trolley over me?' That was hilarious. Trowa can be quite bitchy when he is feeling down and has a lack of sleep! But I think Quatre will have a nice time in Australia. Loved it and thank you for writting this!
karina001 chapter 1 . 12/14/2010
You know for some of that chapter I was giggling. Somehow I think I might enjoy the down under experience as seen through the eyes of one Quatre Winner. And yes, I do want that 6x5 please.
Altyerre chapter 1 . 12/13/2010
Ohh... too cute. I adore 3x4 - expecially when you write them. The slightly panicing Quatre was LOL worthy, and I love Heero's gift; the man takes parinoid to a new level.

Are you sure it's complete? LOL

Just a few points from the Aussie in me:

1. They don't let you bring muslie (any plant/animal matter or food) into the country and

2. The surfur dudes? never look as good close up or like they do on TV... but they're good for oogling at a distance :D
Wolfje chapter 1 . 12/13/2010
Now if they had been with me here I'd had some use for those motion activated camera's they have stashed away here. *smirks evilly*

Thank you so much! I love it, hee hee. Especially these bits;

-'It was fine. It was fine until my mother started crying into her soup, and then the girls started to cry, and then I got a little emotional, and I know Father and Uncle Rashid and Uncle Auda said their eyes were watering because the food was rather spicy but I'm not sure.- LOL! What a situation. I wish everyone had done that when I was leaving. *grins*

-'For God's sake, Quat! It's Australia! A whole unexplored continent full of kangaroos and yummy surfers with totally ripped bodies and accents like that hot guy on House.' - KyaaaH! I LOVE that hot guy on House. XD (But of course Tro's a better choice, heh heh)

-'Duo! You know I've sworn off men. For the rest of my natural life.' - Do I even want to know what he's wishing for in case he ends up on tubes...? (and i won't say anything about the hot surfer with a pet joey :P *waves hand, 'one for me as well, please?'*)

I can just imagine then staying here, in the jungle, covered in mozzie bites and surrounded with joeys. Hinda sexy, heh heh.

Thank you so much! And I hope you had a nice birthday! (and do you still need that boat? I do, next week apparently...) XX
P. Cythera chapter 1 . 12/13/2010
cute :) i really liked it :)
StandingOnTheRooftops chapter 1 . 12/13/2010
Well, this story already made my day and cheered me up, but it's always nice to read again. Psh... any 3x4 from you is welcome and loved. And I'm glad you uploaded it! *hugs*
HeeroDuo4eva chapter 1 . 12/13/2010
are we sure this is complete? -giggles- It has an ending that could be extended... -winks-

Love this story (and all your others as well!)

-till next time!
rekahneko chapter 1 . 12/13/2010
Oh! How sweet!

I had a full picture of Quatre's trip through the airport with his tower of pink ribboned luggage.

