Reviews for Cracking Foundations
Maraudersbanana chapter 1 . 4/1/2015
So I know that you wrote this 4.5 years ago and probably don't care anymore, but I'm sort of pissed that Lily didn't confess to Barney and Ted what she did. I feel like that could have lessened the hurt that both men felt toward one another.
RetickLover chapter 1 . 1/1/2015
This just wow. I mean...damn. It was so...deep I guess? Angsty. It was the most serious sides to them and so in character. I'm just at a loss for words at the moment because I don't really know how to even...gah! Great job, really great job. Wish I could read about the week and after though no lie
Ichta chapter 1 . 11/2/2014
This is how my fangirly mind pictures the rest of their life...
Ichta chapter 1 . 11/2/2014
And that's how it went. In that week, Ted did everything he should have done the whole time. He finally saw just how fragile Barney was, and he did all that he could to make Barney fell safe, to feel loved. And by the last day, Saturday evening, Barney felt absolutely sure in his decision: there was no place he'd rather be than in Ted's arms. So they started dating. For real this time. At first, the rest of the group was worried. Would Ted go back to his old self? And if he did, would Barney be able to handle it? But to their relief, Ted continued to be loving and kind up until their wedding day and beyond. In the summer of 2010, the two adopted an adorable pair of boy-girl twins, and when they got older, Ted began to tell them an incredible story...not of how he met their mother, but of how he met Barney, and all the tears and pain and unhappy endings that led to what they all were now. Lily still feels guilty to this day, but, with the help of Marshall and Robin, got over her grief. Speaking of Robin, she ended up marrying Brad, who had been trying to win her back from the start, and the two of them had three little girls, the oldest of which is only a year younger than Marshall and Lily's baby boy, David. And together they all lived, until they were old and frail, and their kids had started adventures of their own, eagerly beginning their own stories that will be told to their own kids for years to come.
Ktag chapter 1 . 12/12/2013
Well that made me cry.

I really want to say it was cute and I loved it - but all I can say is that is was traumatic, I think I'm emotionally attached to the characters more, and I absolutely loved it. Thanks for writing this is all I can really say. And just, gosh Barney. And I really liked how you incorporated Lily and Marshall and Robin into the story. They were really cute, even if this was sad. Also, thank you for the happy-ish ending.
Lily-Magnolia chapter 1 . 10/28/2013
I don't usually indulge in slashes, but this is an exception. Your Barney and Ted were spot on, and leaving an open ending for them is the best choice indeed. Hopefully they can work things out. Legendary!
RayenOfDeadStarsAndPlanets chapter 1 . 4/5/2013
This is wonderful!
Noktis chapter 1 . 2/14/2013
OMG! Such a good story! We need more of these, ones that are ted/barneys but not just sex.
DarkNWriter chapter 1 . 12/21/2012
Lovely story. I couldn't help but feel bad for Barney.
Keep writing :)
Cosmopolis chapter 1 . 9/11/2012
Ah, God. I cried like a baby. Thank you it was a wonderful story. Kudos.
PageNotFound404 chapter 1 . 8/22/2012
I just love this. Urgh. Now, I'm crying. I just...s;kjdfabd;sjka;b;kjf.
FullMetalCrayon chapter 1 . 6/29/2012
That was really good. It seemed very in-character for Barney and I was mad at Ted through this whole fic (and I'm usually mad at Ted, so there we have it. Realism!) You did a great job and thanks for being one of those people who actually writes good slash fanfiction. Or good fanfiction in general.

Keep up the good work!

Mattasaurus14 chapter 1 . 4/16/2012
I'm a little late, but I just started watching How I Met Your Mother. I have to say that this fanfic was amazing and I want to read more, even if it's just a collection of one shots. :)

All the characters are, well, in character and I love how you wrote the emotional parts. :3

Once again, this was amazing.
tresym chapter 1 . 4/16/2012
It's great ...I love the slap...poor Barney...I really hope they can be together at the end...I love it,I even want to translate it ...can I?
aisarete chapter 1 . 4/13/2012

33333 You're verrrrry good at this. Respect! I loved it, even though I'm a sucker for happy endings and this was sort of quietly ambiguous. I really love it.
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