Reviews for It's All Wrong
Cerulean.Phoenix7 chapter 2 . 5/6/2011
Oh god, this just rips the heart out and sticks it on a dart board for target practise...

Poor, poor Peter, now this guy can't get a break almost as much as Olivia :(

I loved how you used 'morbid circumstance' that's a cool line.

Keep writing, I really enjoy your style :)
Cerulean.Phoenix7 chapter 1 . 5/6/2011
Whoa... that was AWESOME! Very dark and intense, I really liked having Olivia fall towards alcoholism more, it's something that could definitely happen with her character. Although I wonder why she was so upset as to drink to that extent.

And Peter being a shapeshifter *applauds* brilliant twist, I loved it.

The ending...well that's just rough, Olivia dead? Augh... but were both Olivias there at once and if they were, then which Olivia was shot?

Great start :)

Serena2100 chapter 1 . 12/5/2010
Wow! Wasn't expecting that! Keep writing! I would love to see more of this!
SpottedUnicorn chapter 1 . 12/5/2010

I really didn't expect the whole shapeshifter thing, that's for sure.

WRITE MORE! (as in, holy-moley-that-was-so-amazing-and-realistic-but-I'm-too-shellshocked-to-write-a-coherent-review)