Reviews for The Enemy Within
FranArian chapter 17 . 5/9/2016
Quite the ride...
Neomeris chapter 17 . 8/24/2015
Oh, okay, I've just finished reading the entire Mosaic series and boy, was it an amazing ride. Only problem, I absolutely need more now and I'm so very afraid that this wonderful Author has abandoned this fandom.
Whatever it is, let me repay you, oh Author, the only way I can - with a juicy review (unfortunately not remotely close to the effort I'm sure the author's put in this Saga...).

I loved the Enemy Within - maybe my favourite installment (hopefully only yet). I loved your characterization of the gang - Tosh is the perfect ray of winter sunshine she is - shy, determined and brilliant - and your Gwen manages to have everything I love and hate about her - she's strong, brave, determined, clever, spoiled, selfish, judgemental, stubborn. Jack is the leader, ready to leave, lying to himself, brave and strong, with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Then there's Ianto, who is wonderfully in character especially in the aftermath of Cyberwoman and I can't tell you how much I adored the confusion about Ianto's feelings for Jack vs Lisa and the way he misses her just got to me.
Finally Owen - he's always a complicated man, but I really enjoyed how subtle you've made the way he succumbed to this clever and cruel artifact.

I appreciated your attention to detail - the fact that All Torchwood 1 personel had the training and you remembered it, Jack being Jack thus being torn between the desire to lead his team/family and the sheer /need/ to find the Doctor, how you remembered the little moments (like CCTV in the Hub which led to scenes of deleting it, etc).
There were wonderful moments of intimacy for Jack and Ianto but they both are just the way I would imagine them in such a fragile moment.
Boy did I love this and I feel extremely inadequate in telling you how great everything was.
Thank you so much for writing and sharing this story(stories) and I wish you lots of inspiration for anything you'd like to write.
*But yeah, do know that you have at least one very ardent fan waiting for the sequel to "The Cursed Ones". No pressure and all, but, y'know...*
This series is one of my top 5 Torchwood stories.
Sincerely yours,
darcy58 chapter 17 . 7/26/2013
Three years late but...Brilliant. Wonderful in all kinds of ways. You manage the tension and the pacing superbly and your take on the characters is itch perfect. Love how you manage all of them, and their interactions - especially the Jack Ianto. Well done
Fi Suki Saki chapter 17 . 5/16/2013
Oh god!
This is so Increadible! Amazing! Awesome!

I can't stop to keep praising! ;D

From the start till the end, was Wonderful!

But the one that make Owen more lose control is because his curiousness and want to have fun with that thing? lack of attention? or the desire to apart Jack and Ianto? o.O

Anyway... it turned out great!
Jack knew Ianto's real feeling was the great part!

Adara's Rose chapter 17 . 4/1/2013
Hey pet,
This fic was all sorts of brilliant and I truly enjoyed reading it. :D
However - I'd advice you to tag it as "complete". It might get it more attention. A lot of people are turned of reading a story that's updated more than six months ago and do not have the "complete"-tag, it gives the impression that it's been abandoned by the author. I know I react like that, and pass it by.

Alice Carter chapter 5 . 2/17/2013
I wish this had been part of the original series in some way. Thank you!
sd4ianto chapter 16 . 12/3/2012
Good for Tosh.
SlytherinIceFaery chapter 17 . 4/16/2012
This was great! I'm starting to sequel ASAP. :D
Draechaeli chapter 17 . 4/10/2012
Very good. Keep up the good work!
VoicesInTheWind chapter 17 . 5/9/2011
This is wonderful! I love your pacing - something I often have trouble with. Your writing is just fantastic.

Poor Ianto rather drew the short straw in this fic, didn't he? I like that Owen wasn't really the bad guy, just possessed by an alien artifact. And the endings were cute all around - Gwen and Rhys, Jack being there for Owen, Ianto and Tosh's adorableness xD Then Owen's sort-of-apology and Ianto and Jack's conversation. You tied everything off very nicely, I think.

I enjoyed readig this very much.


bellykaat chapter 17 . 1/18/2011
Very powerful story. Brilliant work with the translation, I would not have guessed. Thanks so much for sharing.
jayni1000 chapter 17 . 12/14/2010
So, here I am at 2 in the morning, just finishing the story! I couldn't stop reading, it was that good. Your descriptions of what was happening were very good, put me right in the room with them. Excellent brilliant terrifying wonderful story!

Sisyphean Effort chapter 17 . 11/26/2010
Nice wrap up! I so loved the plot of this fic.-I feel spoiled by it because I haven't come across another with such an intriguing plot and realistic character interactions.

Thank god Jack's going to forgive Owen for his slip up (even though it was quite horrible). And I love the sweet bonding moment between Tosh and Ianto, too.

And the bit with Jack and Ianto at the end...well, it left me hungry for MORE (more please!:) Thank god you're doing a sequel. I'm looking forward to it (whenever it gets here)!

Thanks again for the excellent read!
Sweet Sour Insanity chapter 17 . 11/18/2010
Love it!
supernumerary sam chapter 17 . 11/17/2010
Incredible! I couldn't stop reading! Very engaging and you used great language, I can't believe english isn't your first language. Looking forward to the sequel!
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