Reviews for ZDW Phantom Duck
joey the ripper chapter 23 . 7/22/2014
Ho boy...
Ducker's after Quiverwing... that's bad news...
joey the ripper chapter 22 . 4/6/2013
Well this is somewhat spooky... I'm getting a little nervous now.
Felidae1 chapter 21 . 2/19/2013
*plops head down on desk* You live to torture me, yes? Just when I thought I could get a breather from your other story you *had* to update this one, too. And outdid yourself again. So now the question at hand is; should I shower you with more compliments about your impeccable writing, captivating plot twists and generally entangling stories or sic a sniper on you so I finally can get some sleep and hopefully paper work done?*consults purse* Drats! Guess, we're both lucky, I'm broke. You get to live to post another chapter or two -but please, not before Easter, 'kay? I doubt my body can do with much more sleep deprivation...

joey the ripper chapter 21 . 2/17/2013
Too late Steely... too late...
Felidae1 chapter 20 . 1/21/2013
This must be the most amazing DW story out there. Although AU, you have pin-pointed the various protagonists' individual features marvelously. Especially Phantom Duck displays a perfect balance of the traits of both Darkwing and Negaduck. The various family ties and dayly jobs of the Fearsome Four are a very nice touch, too. The plot sparkles with intelligence and suspense and has that touch of eerie creepiniess, which sends delightful shudders down your spine and causes goose bumps on your forearms.
Having read the entire story in one go, all I can say is that it's a wonderful blend of insanity, science, mystery, Sci-Fi and Crime Time. So now I'll wait here with baited breath to see what your crazed, yet genius brain might come up with next.

joey the ripper chapter 20 . 1/13/2013
That is the wrong reaction Quiverwing... lol, but so true to her character.
joey the ripper chapter 19 . 1/8/2013
awww... sweet ending there...
joey the ripper chapter 18 . 7/11/2012
Oh I like that... Heroic Liquidator... so with the Five plus the vampires this is going to be quite the fight.
joey the ripper chapter 17 . 7/5/2012
:( Poor Reggie, that's so not fair on him and his family...
joey the ripper chapter 14 . 2/11/2012
What a fascinating world they are in. Liquidator is truly an evil mystery. Thanks for the Valentine my love.
joey the ripper chapter 13 . 2/5/2012
*GASP* Liquidator... That's... he's... but they... who? Baited for more, can't wait.
That Lone Reviewer chapter 12 . 11/29/2011
Hmm, I'm not sure that a wooden bullet is an actual possibility, I think the wood would either catch on fire in the barrel when the gunpowder is ignited or be shattered into thousands of fragments and shower people in splinters rather than a sharp piece of wood.

But other than that I think your stories are brilliant. I'll let you have that wooden bullet since I let other writers like Joey the Ripper get away with the classic "bigger on the inside" pocket gimicks.

Not to sound like I'm picking on you but the words "He had" in your description makes it sound like an after thought description and is a bit disjointed as you have made the description a new sentence, if this officer is describing someone they aren't going to be speaking like that, it'd be more on the lines of commas and pauses... depending on the length of the pauses in between, I'm not a grammar teacher but it makes more sense if you treat this like a normal speach and add little actions in between if you really want to keep your sentences the same.

Trying to be helpful.

Love your work as always.

That Lone Reviewer.
joey the ripper chapter 11 . 10/10/2011
Yeah, Phantom Duck should get his own movie.

And yes, Bushroot does have guts.

Those gutless, yellow-bellied jackels... that, that... corrupt, insane- (Continues ranting for several hours)

Okay, I'm back now, as I was saying... this is a good chapter, I am understandably in the emotional state of the observer, I want to sort this corruption out! (Rolls up her sleeves) Let me at em!


Hang on, Negaduck is in Phantom's head as a sort of haunting from the past, so maybe, if Quackerjack and Bushroot approach Phantom and he agrees to help them take out those corrupt - people with wood-shots - Maybe Negs'll step in to help, I think I'm just missing Negsy actually, but Phantom for all his changed mentallity doesn't really know how to take on the "Law", not on the scale that has to be done. Now Negs on the other hand, he's got history on that. Good old alternate self - hang on, where's your NegaGosalyn in all of this? I know that it's a different universe and all but... I sure hope that the Negaside of this story works out, they haven't got anyone there to save the day, not saying Negaduck's a hero or anything but- Okay, I'll keep my Negaduck plots to myself.

So where was I... Oh yes, Phantom Duck may need a little help on this one, Quackerjack and Bushroot though previously Super-Villains haven't come up with anything on that scale alone before, sure they've done crimes alone, but they need that "Kinda Wow, Kinda Now" mentallity of Public Enemy Number 1, and even then 3.5 isn't Fearsome Five strong, they want to take over the city, in the positive, that requires an awful lot of footwork and planning and with the added complication of family protection, well it'll be hard, I wonder how you're going to pull it off, as you can see, I'm really into this story and am trying to guess what's going to happen next, so keep up the writing babe.

I want more!

joey the ripper chapter 9 . 10/9/2011
You say Meatloaf, I think of the singer... I was waiting for it all throughout the chapter, and then you say "Nightlife" And I think of that Neil Diamond song.

Just a question though, is Phantom Duck the vampire Darkwing or is he just VespersDuck? Just wondering... cos he couldn't eat a cheeseburger when he was a vampire and he couldn't even stand to let Gos eat it... and that good ol' harmonica... it's a shame that he lost it at the begining. It's not the same one, but it's the thought that counts.
joey the ripper chapter 6 . 5/13/2011
Now I'm upset... Bushroot's pain's catching, I'm glad he stopped those police guys... and he's never really the epically bad guy, so believable again.

And he is a Doctor so him helping Phantom Duck out is brilliant.

Yet another good chapter VAPX007.

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