Reviews for Tricks of the Trade
Emmalyn chapter 1 . 6/6/2012
Loved it! Funny and sweet, and in-character to boot (with the expansion on said characterization, just like I was hoping for). You've got a way with one-shots!
YoshisSupport chapter 1 . 9/16/2011
wew :D

i remember when i first saw it i was like wait what? omg 3

thanks for writing this as it feeeds my turian addiction more :3
NaturalBornParagon chapter 1 . 12/7/2010
Have to give it up to Gavorn, to Lair of the Shadow Broker, and to you, for giving him a bit more color to his character.
ghost.713 chapter 1 . 11/4/2010
I love that you decided to tackle this underdeveloped character, and this very ambiguous situation - you made it your own, and I find myself liking your Gavorn much more than the in-game one, even though it's obvious that you pulled bits from what we know of him and incorporated them here! Evan is cute, too - little details like his tattoo are a stroke of genius, and really helped round him out in this story, even if it is a oneshot (and thus limited on length and what all it can show.) I felt like I got a glimpse of a normal guy living in an unusual place who has been touched by the galaxy in a more causal way than, say, EXXXTREME folk like Shepard and his/her crew. It's slice of life, but with a twist, and I REALLY appreciate it whenever someone breathes a little life into these minor characters. I always take a pit of these things with me, so when I play the game, I KNOW that the first thing I think of when I see Gavorn will be this fic.

Ppppft. This might as well be canon, as far as I'm concerned. I think I will pretend that it is :)
Saint Dezzie chapter 1 . 9/16/2010
You have singlehandedly made Gavorn even hotter.

skybound2 chapter 1 . 9/14/2010
Oh, yay! You posted it!

I still LOVE your take on Gavorn, and your description of where/how he met up with the man we saw in the video fits SO well. And I really like Evan :-) Ballsy thing, ain't he? Very nicely done!
Kudara chapter 1 . 9/12/2010
Aaha, I like this it's both cute and as much as I can tell from the very brief interaction with Gavorn IC. Though who knows what his sexual preference is, I gather you're getting this idea from the LoSB video?