Reviews for Guardian
Svenion chapter 3 . 4/19
started good, turned to crap, not surprised you gave up on it
Nrvnqsr chapter 3 . 8/9/2019
The biggest issue with this fic is Dumbledore. In the context of this fic as a stand-alone story, it is fine, if cheap, way to progress the plot. But it isn't a stand-alone. The first one doesn't cause problems, so much as the second one. John is able to kill Berserker, the legendary hero Heracles 12 times over in one battle, repeatedly. While Dumbledore is certainly very strong, I doubt that he is even close the Heracles, who is a literal demi-god. While yes there is the matter of them having different builds, but I doubt that something like that would make such a large difference. Seeing as Servant Berserker is stronger than actual Heracles, well, perhaps not stronger, harder to kill would be more accurate, because of his 12 lives and God-Hand, which means that he can't die in the same way twice. With all of this knowledge Dumbledore goes from cheap to straight up MacGuffin. Although I have only a cursory level on knowledge with regards to D&D, so maybe Dumbledore build is just that broken. But regardless to what the actual detail are, it still feels cheap, and that is definitely a large strike against the general quality of the fic.

Another general issue is the fact that it, as said in another review of Guardian, I don't remember which, is Harry Potter, With Occasional Intervention By John, not John Dungeon Crawling In Harry Potter. All of the exciting stuff happens off screen, and the stuff that does happen on screen is mostly focused on the Harry Potter Characters, and sometimes the Side Characters. Little focus is placed on the Main Character. Guardian follows the plot of the books far too closely, For one, John should have taken the kids and high-tailed it out of Hogwarts after Dumbledore covered up for Snape, because that shows that he is dangerous and possibly malicious. That, combined with the fact that Dumbledore is clearly incredibly powerful would of made him too large a threat to stay around. Why did they go to Hogwarts in the first place. If there was a reason stated in the text, I don't remember off of the top of my head, and if I don't remember, then it is still a strike against the quality of the Fic, because that means that you didn't explain such a major part of the plot in a clear manner.

Overall 5/10. Not winning any awards, and the plot is slightly lazy, only marginally interesting. The main character is a bit dull and boring, but not unlikable. In the better SI fanfictions, but that says more about the general quality of SI fanfictions than the quality of Guardian
Nobody Smurf chapter 3 . 10/22/2018
That was beautiful. Squirrelmort must be beside himself.
Swimming is good in so many different ways.
The Clearwaters are rightly going to be pissed. Dumbles has screwed up.
The only possible reason I can think of to even consider protecting Voldemort is to avoid the hassle of tracking down his next body. "Questionably productive" indeed.
As much as I dislike fanon!Dumbles, I do appreciate that you are giving him proper treatment. Too many make him a paper tiger.
Nobody Smurf chapter 2 . 10/22/2018
Sirius is lax in his pranking if the trunks aren't hugging too. Because that would be hilarious.
Hagrid is going to lose it when he sees their 'dog'. Ah, magically hidden. Sadness. :(
Let me guess, Boss taught Draco some true cunning, and he asked to be in Hufflepuff so nobody would suspect him. Brilliant.
I bet she's never seen a familiar sorted before. XD
I'll give Snape due credit. Most men would have wet themselves.
I like how you are keeping Albus enigmatic.
Cologne? Wait, this world has /Ranma/ in it?
Considering the nature of House Elves, I think that is a distinction without a difference.
Nobody Smurf chapter 1 . 10/22/2018
Holy crap. Yeah, that Vernon deserved it.
Always good to see Lucius get his the way he truly deserves it. Self served.
They did /what/ with Fenrir? *pukes*
Good to know Harry is in good hands.
vmage2 chapter 1 . 10/5/2018
It is a pity that this hasn't been updated in so long.
Difdi chapter 2 . 7/31/2018
You have a recurring typo - you keep alternating between spelling the word canon properly, and spelling it cannon.
Guest chapter 3 . 6/29/2017
If it works like the 3.5 version of Geas, then it isn't much of a hindrance to John, after all 3d6 each day and a save against becoming sickened isn't much of a problem for him at this point.
No to Rape chapter 3 . 6/29/2017
Sigh, a shame the author needlessly used rape as a plot device once yet again, he did it in the previous story, and it was also something that popped up in the future ones.
Guest chapter 3 . 6/29/2017
It's opening - Its opening

Quirrel - Quirrell

not not looking - not looking

I don't think the Troll didn't manage - I don't think the Troll managed

cannon - canon
Guest chapter 2 . 6/29/2017
cannon - canon
Treant Balewood chapter 3 . 8/21/2016
Damn! That fight! Just! Damn!
Crys chapter 3 . 7/29/2016
Huh. I see what you mean by being disappointed. Building up to a heckuva situation then the story stops. Well, you did warn us.

Left lots of wiggle room in the geas, though. John can tell the girls, "I've been commanded not to interfere with Dumbledore's plans," which gives them enough information to move forward without him. And with the monarchy's knowledge and assistance. And then John can tell the Queen, "I've been commanded by Dumbledore to . . ." Nothing in that geas stops him from informing everyone relevant.

Messy situation, but that was your goal.
ImaginativeFury chapter 1 . 7/1/2016
Ugh In a way I am disappointed you didnt continue this but glad that you didnt continue it too. Cant stand any more Harry and Hermione bffs stuff, specially forced like this one where you basicly ...forced them to be friends. Cant really stand it.
RHJunior chapter 3 . 3/29/2016
Fabulous. Must Have MOAR! Please do not abandon this storyworld, it is like HEROIN it is so addictive
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