Reviews for Unequally Rational and Emotional
pokenine chapter 42 . 12/13/2019
good shit
pokenine chapter 34 . 9/16/2019
love this story. Ive been thrown off a bit sometimes but I love all the reference and easter eggs I get to see. Especially HIMYM ones
Mernom chapter 54 . 2/25/2019
Thinking about it, Kirei could potentially end up in Mahora. It was revealed that she doesn't actually need her save points to go back in time, only as targets. She should be able to jump back to chapter 1 of her story. And she's also an immortal and has eternal youth, so depending on how you set her back story, you could have her end up there. Maybe have the future reach a bad end, and have her jump back to try to fix it? This should create a fairly interesting story, especially since success could potentially undo Tota.
Mernom chapter 48 . 2/22/2019
So I decided to finally finish the UQ holder Manga, and it's rather amusing how some of the Canon facts line up with this story.
Mernom chapter 46 . 2/19/2019
I have a feeling that Tales From Mundus Magicus: wound and the following one are duplicates. I remember reading them earlier.
Mernom chapter 44 . 2/15/2019
The first few scenes are out of order I think. There's a scene where local!Nodoka is near the Konokas trying to free them, followed by a scene where she's just getting out of the tank.
Mernom chapter 43 . 2/14/2019
The opening bit with QB is a bit OOC. It never calls people with nicknames, only with full names.
Mernom chapter 42 . 2/13/2019
If a Fandom rematch were to happened, Grail-ko would curbstomp yggdra-tan. What's with Unlimited Budget Works and Heaven's Feelthe movie, Fate extra anime, Fate Apoc, and FGO (that still doesn't exist!) Vs what, UQ Holder? This won't do.
As for the Asakura comment, that's actually quite fitting. In Canon, her relationship with Sayo was remarkably similar to how shamans interact with their Guardian spirits by the end of the Manga. Too bad Sayo doesn't have any power to speak of to actually take such a role...
Mernom chapter 40 . 2/11/2019
Those chapters are way too long. By the time I finish them, I forget 60% of what I planned to write here.
Mernom chapter 39 . 2/9/2019
Welp, this was one heck of a fakeout. She got a magical book alright... But it was the wrong book.
Mernom chapter 38 . 2/8/2019
There's one thing this fic does absolutely right. When you strengthen the MC, you need to buff up the opponents as well to maintain the dramatic tension. So far, this balance was maintained quite well.
On other notes... In the end, you mentioned a few demons named after underwear... Is this hinting that Panty and Stocking who were mentioned in this fic before are also demons? What about that priest? Interesting...
Mernom chapter 34 . 2/6/2019
Wait a sec. Is it just me, or is the name Erbus has for Negi a reference to yu gi oh? I'm pretty sure that it's toe the Pharoah calls Yugi in the Japanese version.
As for the thing with Other!Eva... I seem to remember something about one of the characters mentioning how Arcuqid went missing. Related? Probably.
Mernom chapter 32 . 2/5/2019
The Baka Rangers need an 'I'll form the head' segment.
Mernom chapter 30 . 2/4/2019
Honestly, that mega crossover chapter is not my cup of tea. This story always had a couple dozen of plot threads going on in pararel, but at least they were closely woven. Here, each thread is in a different universe. Kinda killed the pacing.
That being said, the rest of the story is still just as good as it was before.
yuzukikuran476 chapter 55 . 2/2/2019
Yes Arika is alive and finally reunited with Negi and please do continue this amazing and wonderful Story.
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