Reviews for Jailbreak
Hack Generation chapter 1 . 8/10/2014
SheLovesGreenTea chapter 1 . 3/18/2014
This Is awesome. Howdid your teacher react?
Garbouw Deark chapter 1 . 11/9/2013
Really good! I wouldn't mind seeing more crossovers like this.
Kira Kyuu chapter 1 . 10/16/2013
Pretty cool. Too bad this one seems to be the only worthwhile crossover of these two on this site xP
Ensimismada chapter 1 . 1/14/2013
While the premise is a bit forced, this is well-written and of a nice length. The last line is funny and in-character, as is most of the dialogue.
mudkipz chapter 1 . 11/25/2012
Holy smokes! This is so cool! Sequel? :3
SarcasticalCrab chapter 1 . 11/24/2012
Really cool!
tphod chapter 1 . 10/10/2012
Well, after all Nate has gone through, a electric man and another incident doesn't seem to far fetched does it?, I sear on Nate's luck that this or something similarly ridiculous will not happen to him... again.
artemide68 chapter 1 . 9/17/2012
this is good stuff I would love to see the story continued !
DreamerOfTheDay chapter 1 . 7/11/2012
I don't know how I ended up at this, but I'm glad I did! It was very good, and Nate was spot on and Cole was too! Great job!
affectos1 chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
Okay...I've never played inFAMOUS in my life, by the last quote just cracked me up so much. I still don't get why Nate is in there though...
tim.gochenour.1 chapter 1 . 7/4/2012
Hey, as another fan of both game IPs, huzzah for the effort. I would like to make a single suggestion though. You did a good job at making good visualization of the two characters, but some of Cole's vernacular didn't really sound like Cole.

Keep at it! I would like to know why Drake is in Empire City.
Ciruno chapter 1 . 5/27/2012
I'd say that was a pretty good one shot! One of my fave oneshots throughout Fanfiction . net.

But few questions lingered with me.

What happened to Kuo? (Though maybe its because she later appears)

How can the military possibly catch Cole! (Maybe the used water hoses?)

And will there be a sequel oneshot? Please!
ProfessorQuigs chapter 1 . 7/25/2011
Great Job. I hope you got an A on the assignment.
Stian Brown chapter 1 . 7/1/2011
great story, two of my favourite games but could have been longer but apart from that it was one of my favourites on this website
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