Reviews for Paradox
Huh chapter 1 . 7/6/2019
Boring ...junk
random cow chapter 10 . 4/1/2011
Not enough Arthur/Eames fic in this fandom, so thanks a ton for this fabulous piece, darling ;D

Especially enjoyed that twist at the end. So many layers, just like the actual movie XD
Chrissy chapter 10 . 12/17/2010
Wonderfully written
Paradox-Imagination chapter 10 . 12/9/2010
ok. i read this enire thing in one day because i was totally gripped! this was amazing arthur, ariadne, and eames were always in character and oh so perfect with the humor they had in there too. you totally mind fucked me nolan style with chapter nine so congratualttions now i cant really trust this ending either but i sorts like it like that! i really love all the inception work you do! i've read several of your stories and i'm sure there are more reviews from me. anyway this was epic! this could be a spin off of inception because it was so believiable! great great job! can't wait to read more by you!
Aunty Soshul chapter 10 . 10/20/2010
You caught the trippy-ness of Inception perfectly. IS IT REAL! IS IT FAKE? And I love your characterization of Arthur.
FlowerChild13 chapter 10 . 8/17/2010
Very very good. Proper plot, good characterisation, nice "Arthur/Eames-ness". Thanks for sharing.
Dreams-Landing chapter 10 . 8/9/2010
Man that was freaking AWESOME! it started out a little slow but i am glad i stuck with it! this was just - amazing and the whole part of them still being in the dream! i've read a lot of inception fic's now and have come across none that have done this yet. NICE. very nice.

and i have a thing for my favorite characters being hurt, and you DELIVERED WITH ARTHUR! awesomeness, just made my stomach TWIST when i read the parts where he's hurt. i LOVE that feeling and i got it TONS of times in this fic. this will definitely be amoung one of my fave stories!

never doubt that you are a good writer BECAUSE YOU ARE! reading the part where their still in the dream made me suspicious of reality! the movie didn't even do that. Ooh, makes me want a totem so bad! lol.

but anyways, awesomeness just awesomeness, keep up the FANTASTIC work. _
tanya13 chapter 10 . 8/6/2010
loved it! thanks for making work a lot less boring!
mayday chapter 10 . 7/27/2010
aww, that was really good! never stop writing. 3
Maudit Maestro chapter 10 . 7/26/2010
Great work here, especially something as lengthy and in-depth so soon after the movie came out. I was so hoping there would be something akin to this around after seeing the movie myself just two days ago, and it looks like my hopes were realized.
reignofdreams chapter 1 . 7/26/2010
You don't have Private Messaging, so here's the link to the rec!

liesincrayon chapter 10 . 7/26/2010
WalkingInDarkness737- Not at all, go ahead, just glad you liked it. :3

Tubular Fox- Me too, that was my ship moment, I was like "Yep this is my OTP. Chair kick ftw."

Everyone- Thanks for the glowing reviews, I had a lot of fun in the stressful way writing it. Glad it can be enjoyed by so many. :3
RuByMoOn17 chapter 10 . 7/25/2010
kyyyaaaaaaaaaaaa I love it! EamesArthur pairing needs loads of love!
spanish for monsters chapter 7 . 7/25/2010
Really wonderful! Thank you for sharing :)
reignofdreams chapter 10 . 7/25/2010
I think you are a genius. This was very well written and in character, and the plot was very good. There aren't a lot of Arthur/Eames fics (yet) that follows a job from beginning to end. The complexity of Arthur, Eames, and Ariadne's personalities was well put and as well as the bond that the team shares. Great job!

P.S. I hope you don't mind if I rec this on LJ. The Arthur/Eames shippers there would adore this.
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