Reviews for Sweet Nothings
Jsj chapter 7 . 7/11/2019
This is the 3rd time I'm reading this story and I really loved if you update... evenue though I know you won't :(
Guest chapter 7 . 8/26/2014
Pleaseee updateeeee i like how this story is going
blob chapter 3 . 5/27/2014
that was a rush job too! He didn't even try to get rose back! It was compulsion, fuck off belikov...fine im going where im wanted...yaaaaa like he would run to Tasha after she compelled him to marry her...what the hell? that isn't even believable! ya sure you wanted dimitri out of the way but fuck at least make it believable! what the hey?
He says he loves her but just lets her go just like that? again it makes no sense! maybe you should write this story with someone else ya know like someone with common sense... im not saying you don't have any I just mean that you need a good co pilot ya know you don't want some jackass watching your six! you write a chapter then hand it off to your co pilot and they can give you pointers or something
blob chapter 2 . 5/27/2014
Man you rushed right through that shit. There wasn't enough to their back story to make me give a damn. And who was the girl he took to his room? and whats up with dimitri playing rose? He was with rose all that time at the academy so where was his relationship with Tasha? they've been at the ski lodge for what a few days and hes proposing to Tasha? does Tasha know that hes been flirting up a storm with rose? whos gonna kick dimitris ass? can Tasha be unfertal? infertal? I don't know, you know what I mean! lets make so they cant have kids! dimitri deserves nothing he wants for playing rose like that! can we turn him in for being a pedo? surely its frowned upon to kiss your underage student and lets face it if he wasn't doing it out of love just lust then that's what he is a fucking pedophile! Off with his head!
Why did rose pass out when she was up on the roof with Adrian? does she just sleep wherever she falls down like a baby? is she a baby? who just passes out on a strangers shoulder? why when she woke up was she like "im falling for him" bitch you don't even know him! ya you saw him when you were 6 for 2 seconds...I bet you say other people when you were young...even had friends... how can she be falling for him already?
ya I like the idea/plot of this story but you took the lazy way out and it feels so imcomplete!
dsjfk chapter 2 . 3/15/2014
what the fuck? whats up with dimitri? so he was cheating on Tasha when he kissed rose in the gym? and what about the lust spell hey have to have feelings for each other for that to work...when in the fuck did he fall in love with Tasha? they haven't even seen each other in fucking years! and even then shes seven years older then him...I like the idea of this story but I want some goddamn details here...why does he like Tasha/? shes a desparate slut? why doesn't he like rose? weren't they kinda together? explain
runriot chapter 6 . 12/10/2011
It's been a year already. You need to update, I'm a new reader and I really love your story. :D

I wanted to give you an idea but I can't think of any. :/
how will we know who chapter 7 . 2/5/2011
how will we know who has the book
Gemm13 chapter 1 . 12/23/2010
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! that was so cute, the note was so adorkable, i can't believe rose didn't recognize him
Slytherins'Finest chapter 7 . 12/20/2010
hiiiya can i continue your story...?

i havent written any be4 but i fink i would do iht alright...!
Slytherins'Finest chapter 2 . 12/18/2010
this story is sooo cute i loooove the first chap sooo sweet lool

:) xD
jasmineyeo chapter 7 . 12/15/2010
why's he taking your laptop?
bonkerzrulez chapter 7 . 12/14/2010
thats so sad to hear! i think i may cry, and here when i saw theu ud of this i was excited to read another amazing chapter of such an awesome story after a crappy day of work,

but i do hope that things get better or better yet hopefully you dad will change his mind coz i dont think that anyone would be able to write this story like you do

i read alot Rose Melissa Ivashkov stories and her work is really good so maybe check her out and see if she would take on your story :)

take care, much love and please do tell whats happening with you and your story

Aryn Ivashkov chapter 5 . 12/14/2010
you need to finish this story! it is the only way i will live!
bonkerzrulez chapter 6 . 12/10/2010
sad face to the max to hear that you are strugglin with this amazing story!

i think you should write about what will happen now that rose remembers the past of her and adrian and how that will affect her relationship with him and her relationship with dimitri now that she hear/found out that he was compelled to marry her

hope this helps and i cant wait for more of this amazing story

take care

Katherine-Rose-Rulz chapter 6 . 12/4/2010
love your story so far. you should have some drama with dimitri and queen Tatiana. you could also have 3 or 4 strigoi attack rose when shes alone thinking or somthing and take rose. and have dimitri and Adrian freak rose kills all the strigoi with a blunt sword like in the actual book and then have all the guardians come and dimtri try to talk some sence into rose because she's upsetbut she asks for adrian and adrian being adrian was there and he talks to rose they go out. you could also Have rose's dad Abe show up and him and rose start acting like father daughter. hopefully theses ideas help you. love the story cant wait for the next chapter!
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