Reviews for Alvin and the Chipmunk's Next Top Model
Guest chapter 1 . 12/29/2012
I vote Brittany. OMG shes the best
SXJ 4eva chapter 3 . 4/5/2012
can u have jeanette stay? update!1
Mon Cri chapter 3 . 8/13/2010
you can put 3 more characters that they are only seen in the bedroom and the chat room (or whow ever you call that place in these type of shows) and they protect britanny, jeanette and eleanore they are extremely beautiful but they dont speak and they only stare and follow the one that they are supposed to take care of in this case the (glamorous) chipettes and that something happens to all the hosts and the substitutes are the Alvin,Simon and Theodore and they (obviously) say thumbs up for their girls and they follow the directions of what theyre girls say

that now might be a TWISTING and interesting part of the story dontcha think
Mon Cri chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
if you ask me you must put the one on the next episode that is the most famous and the most glamorous of the 3 and to add spice into it you must put the 3 chipettes together in a allmighty showdown of the century and the winner gets like I dont know whow about a free trip in plane 1 class all included with someone they choose (in this case the chipmunks) or something like that but you (if you want) must make it extremely dramatic and like I love to say expect the unexpected
ChipmunksChipettes4Ever chapter 3 . 7/7/2010
Wow! An intense fight indeed! Finally! Some backstage action! Haha!

I already voted! Please update soon!
97spartan chapter 3 . 7/7/2010
Wow! You really like using the Dillinger twins don't cha haha well it's not like I'm using them keep up the good work.!
dancer5678 chapter 2 . 7/6/2010
I think Mia should stay. She's awesome!
ChipmunksChipettes4Ever chapter 2 . 7/6/2010
I like this chapter and when you chose each girl for a game, movie, or t.v. show character, I think you couldn;t have picked them better!

The only problem I think I have with this story is you tell who's safe, you give the challenge, then you go straight to elimination. I think it would be more interesting if you actually wrote about the photo shoots. That would be really funny with some of the girls. And a lot more interesting! lolz.

Either way, I'm going to go vote on the poll. Update.
lakeeyia chapter 2 . 7/5/2010
I love this story! If i was a member i would add this story to my favorite. Im voting for Dani to stay. Keep up the good work!
TyRocks15 chapter 2 . 7/5/2010
OMG you picked lyk all my fave characters from all my fave shows!

(i LOVE vitorious!)

lovin' this story but it could ise more details...

anyways it's real good!

date soon!
Solar Chosen chapter 2 . 7/5/2010
Dang, I'm bout to leave already? NOOOO! I WANNA STAY!
Invisibl-Covr-Grl chapter 1 . 6/27/2010
brittany. make alvin cry!
97spartan chapter 1 . 6/22/2010
Woot Kate is safe I really want her to win
awesome person chapter 1 . 6/21/2010
please let brittany stay i love her please so she could stay with her sisters.
Solar Chosen chapter 1 . 6/20/2010
Yay! I survived! I really want to win this...Anyways, I think Brittany should stay because I would like a challenge. And, If she stays, Dani, Fifi, and her could go around and ruin other people's chances to win...HAHAHAHAHA! I'm so EVIL!
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