Reviews for Love is Blind
P14chan chapter 32 . 9/1/2016
How does this only have 50 reviews? It's written wonderfully, especially for a first fic. Can't wait to read the sequel as well as your current stuff :)
Pokemon fan chapter 32 . 5/5/2016
I love advance shipping may and ash are one of my to main favorite couples I read this story so many times I lost count of it this is one of my favorite stories it's perfect just like if I was watching the anime version of the battle frontier except ash and May started feeling more in love with each other than they finally told how they feel towards each other shared their first kiss one one of my favorite moments the other was when ash gave may a green flower that came from the forest in johto where celebi suppose to live and the other is when ash put the flower in Mays hair and they both enjoyed the moment they had before the contest started u get a 5 star rating on this story it's absolutely perfect
Fanficion-Addict chapter 10 . 8/25/2015
it a really good story
Bulbreon chapter 2 . 3/10/2015
Not sure if he likes Misty or he just thinks she's really annoying...
PearlxAdvance chapter 32 . 10/19/2014
Wow... That was a heart wrenching story! I just have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed it ending in a bloodbath, and then with an "I love you". Just incredible! A fantastic story, and not that many errors either! This gives Fiercer Than A Legendary a run for it's money! Great Advanceshipping story! It was really cute.
plattytehpwn chapter 32 . 1/28/2013
Yaayy. I like how you started with the events of the anime, but quickly delineated into your own original story. Great job! Hoping to read more of your fantastic work.
WhiteEagle1985 chapter 32 . 10/13/2011
It's an interesting story, I'm gonna add you to my alerts. Gonna have to watch out for the sequel.
FlameUser64 chapter 18 . 8/27/2011
Excuse me while I just point out that Air Slash is a special attack. As such, Iron Defense would do nothing to protect against it.
GTX Ranger chapter 32 . 6/2/2011
What a great story! As an Advanceshipping fan that story is definitely going up on my favorites list!
DeadGoneandNothingMore chapter 32 . 12/17/2010
Hope that the sequel comes out soon! Good luck with that!

Like A Boss 2 out!
Guest chapter 3 . 12/4/2010
a little mistake.

the first person to lose all 3 pokemon is the winner. but so far great story
DarknessReborn182 chapter 32 . 11/14/2010
awsome story, i cant wait for the sequal. im a big advance shipping fan, so any AS fic is usually a welcome site for me, and u have the right stuff if your sequal is as good as this fic!
Lupus O'Fluna chapter 32 . 10/6/2010
I'm genraly not a guy who cares about pairings but you realy pulled this of, the plot was good and intresting without the genrel crap fanficeness of over dramatic plotlines, the carictors where generly in cariter and the shipping was to ther most part belivebul (some have the caritors falling in love and kissing in the first chapter, belevabul, no... glad you dident do this and drow out ther frendship into love slowly.)

on other nots, write the next fic soon... it's good not to read over drematesised trash for once, L.O'Fluna; dislexsic
ArmoredDragonite chapter 32 . 9/8/2010
This is one of the greatest advance shipping stories i have ever read great ending great story i cant wait for the sequel :D
Geckoguy555 chapter 32 . 9/1/2010
Wow, not exactly the ending I was expecting... although that doesn't mean it's bad, quite the contrary, I like it when an author keeps a reader guessing. Although I do support a sequel because there are quite a few loose ends to tie up (If Will really died, how the media would react and possibly tail Ash and May, and Lilly's state after the bullet is removed (She could've developed an infection.)) Anyway, I hope to see another fic from you soon!
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