Reviews for It can't stay hidden forever
Guest chapter 27 . 8/29
Now that I’ve had a taste of more my anticipation of what’s to come is out of this world !
Kiwipride chapter 1 . 8/23
Daang! This has been going on for years!
MerytonMiss chapter 4 . 8/20
Lizzy really was in the wrong there, if your job requires touching peoples clothes and bodies, it is common courtesy to get their attention and permission before you start! And not at all suprising that the victim would slap at you. That was unprofessional and she really has no right to be offended at his reaction to uneected touching.
MerytonMiss chapter 2 . 8/20
You open by referring to Darcy watching to all the car brake lights, the tourists dispersing for the day and the party-goers beginning to appear, but then when Charles comes in you say it is 13:12, as in 1:12 pm. ?
Karen1220 chapter 27 . 8/4
Great story. I look forward to more of it.
Don’t let negative comments get to you. It is the story you wish to tell. If readers like it, wonderful. If some don’t, that’s fine, too. Tell your story as you see fit.
Moltz chapter 27 . 8/5
So Georgiana was the recipient of the call from Allison after Mr. Darcy called.
He is going to be very upset when he learns of the agreement to keep them apart.
The emotional distress upon them both due to interference will be difficult to forgive.
redeeminglove chapter 27 . 8/5
Please update soon I am dying for their reunion! Great job
Guest chapter 27 . 8/3
Thank you! I’m so glad to see you move forward, beyond harsh critics. There are a lot of people cheering you on to finish this journey... for yourself, as well as us .
elf68 chapter 27 . 8/4
I'm so happy you're back and adding to this story. I had to read it from the beginning to remember...
Valerita07 chapter 27 . 8/4
Vaya historia! Es verdad, necesita un final ( una historia inconclusa es un sacrilegio). Han sido demasiadas idas y venidas. Espero que todo se resuelva en la fiesta de Georgiana. Y ojalá haya un gran epilogo. Maravillosa historia. Me encanta.
applebaffled chapter 27 . 8/3
Hope to read the full story! Thanks!
calt02 chapter 27 . 8/2
Great chapter.
Please don't rush the story line just for the sake of finishing this story.
Gigglesnco chapter 27 . 8/2
I have really enjoyed reading this story and hope that you continue with it. Great work!
Guest chapter 27 . 8/1
I really like this confident Georgianna! So glad you are writing and have plans to finish!
Guest chapter 27 . 8/1
So glad you’re going to finish this story :)
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