Reviews for Redemption
William chapter 10 . 6/25
Hey this is great!
I like how you portrayed Rufus. You could see how much he's changed. He steers clear of things he normally should revel in.

Im really interested in what would happen once you add Seph to the mix. I bet he vant even go three second without someone shreiking or trying to kill him.
faunalind chapter 8 . 11/3/2012
I came across this while looking for Rufus fic. I like him in this, despite his torment. Or maybe because of his torment - I'm a softie. The scene with Vincent sticking the fork in the outlet is priceless. Will continue to read the next chapters...
City of Dis chapter 10 . 9/30/2012
well...thats an interesting way to end that one! good to see that Rufus is still thinking hes crazy and all...or something like that.

but yeah i like authority!Reeve xD hes more fun to read and i bet to write...because...god dammit someone has to say it lol.

I like how you write Cloud. It makes alot of sense for me. i could go for days about why and what not but well you write him right. Now get his ass home to Tifa so they can screw like bunnies for 3 days...cuz we know thats gunna happen. well he should...but hes not going to because Cloud is Cloud and hes gunna be all angry over Seph...which is understandable i suppose...but...i mean...has he seen her rack? i would die in there a happy man...just saying :P

aaaaannnyyway...sorry bout not reviewing the last chappie...been really busy lately / but keep up the good work regardless! :D

ShivaVixen chapter 9 . 9/29/2012
Interesting story, I'm going to have to keep an eye on this . . . But I think you've got Cloud a little wrong . . . I don't think he would have exploded like that, and definitely not that quickly- he would have tried ignoring him at first, maybe even striking out on his own.
MissAnimeMiss chapter 9 . 9/27/2012
Holy crap Genesis Rhapsodos! sh*t. just. got. real! awesome chapter can't wait for the next. oh and good luck on job hunting.
ViviMouse chapter 8 . 9/7/2012
Hello Crimson!

It's always a pleasure to read one of your chapters!

I was kind of curious and went to read City Of Dis' review.

[u]Review to chapter 7[/u]: (I know it doesn't work, but it's made to distinguish the different parts hehe)

I have to admit that I agree with him/her concerning Rufus' clothes.

Indeed, I think the guy LONGS for retrieving the power he once used to hold; he used to control with fear. He surely wants to become the one he used to be. The fearless one, the "unbreakable" king (or prince) of the ShinRa realm.
However, after his experience through the organization, I guess he's changed his mind. I mean, it has made him change his mind. You yourself pointed out this modification in Rufus' personality, and I totally understand the change. It has been his turn to be controlled with fear. Plus, he knows he's not invunerable anymore.
Beside, I think your view on the way Rufus wanted to look was an interesting one, because we judge people on their appearence first (I can't deny it, even if it's a bit of a shallow way to get to know someone. But still, it's true, mostly in the political field)
Clothes can define a person's state of mind.

However (coming back to City's review) I have a different view on Cloud's inaction than him/her.
In fact, as Rufus, the ex-Soldier went through the Organization, more or less. I do think he's a strong minded person too. He can defy an enemy and defeat it, but only when one of his friend -or a third party- is involved in the fight. Well, of course he can defend himself, he's not a child; but I think he does not give as much credit/importance to himself as to the others. And that could be why he seems defensless, verily passive.
But in a way, yes, City is right. I think he (in fact, Vincent and Tseng too) would try and struggle at least a bit to get out of this gloomy place.

But well, Sephiroth has come to the rescue, so there's no need to fight anymore, lol.
No no, of course they must fight til the end, to get rid of the Organization. (but I'd like to know what is its goal first hehe)

And it's nice to know how Rufus and Reno met. :)

[u] Review to chapter 8 [/u]

I think you took a good decision to let Rufus wear the "normal" clothes he's used to wearing by now. (even if I just love the way he looks in his white suit *cries*)

And as I've said before, Rufus lost control. Control of himself. But I don't think he would have jump, would he? He's too stubborn to do this. Thanksfully, Reno was here. He's the support Rufus needs right now.

Then, the meeting between Rude, Elena, Reno and Rufus was kind of heartwarming (I've always loved Elena; so emotional lol)
I found it sad too, to know that Tseng won't be coming across the threshold of the pub's door to take part of this reunion.

Can I ask you what's going on concerning Cloud's group? I mean, are they trying to take out the chips implanted inside their brain or something? Hahaha, sorry, I've had a hard week.
And I wonder what will Sephiroth's role be.

Thank you for sharing, and sorry if I did not review earlier. As I've said before, I've had a hard week because of school. I'm going to read your other story; it seems really ineresting.
See you!
MissAnimeMiss chapter 8 . 8/29/2012
beer solves everything! update soon again!
City of Dis chapter 8 . 8/29/2012
Actually i absolutely loved how you had Rufus freak out about who he as trying to be. It very much seemed in his wheelhouse.

Not really much else to say other than im having some kind of hysterics about Seph, Tseng, and Cloud watch Vin stick a fork in an outlet...voluntarily. The image is just...yeah

and Beer is good. And tell Elena to lighten up...3 in the afternoon is not that early for beer. If you had said...maybe 11 am...different story :P

then again who am i in college...its never too early for beer xD

Licoriceallsorts chapter 8 . 8/29/2012
Don't write for reviews; write because you have a story to tell. Very few fics in this fandom get many reviews these days; the fandom is shrinking, I think. So don't start telling yourself that the reason you're not getting many reviews is because the story's no good, because that's just not true. You have a fabulous story here: a deep and fascinating mystery, a plot that makes me want to keep reading, some excellent characterisation, the promise of old grudges revisted (and maybe healed?), and above all, you have Rufus. You've done a great job there, taking someone proud and arrogant and bringing him low. I really admire the way you've shown us his growth as a human being, through the flashbacks and also through the way he is now: humbled, and thinking of others, and seeing them in new ways.

I'm not entirely convinced, though, that Reno would tell Rufus he had 'no obligations'. If the Turks are Rufus's Turks come hell or high water and beyond death, then he is their leader and President. Aren't the obligations mutual?

Looking forward to the next chapter!
City of Dis chapter 7 . 8/21/2012
while i do understand your point of changing his not really sure i agree on going back to his white suit. yeah he has to let go of the past 3 years, totally get that. but that suit of his also represents how he was before those years and is still an entirely different person. Him going back to that suit represents that he is going to try to be the man he was before, which is not who he is. Perhaps he does that for appearances at the moment but i think he should get something a little less pretentious and stuck up for his regular attire. Something a little more down to earth and represents that he knows he is fallible. Maybe keep the trenchcoat but not have the suit under it...maybe something more along the lines of t-shirt and jeans. Something between the two that shows how he has evolved over the years.

of course, this is just my opinion and you may do with it what you wish

and on a side note...i do have to question why exactly the imprisoned trio would be so out of shape for lack of a better term. The fact that they chipped them to do what they wanted infers that they wanted to use them for their own purposes. That being said they would have fed them and attempted to keep them strong to do their bidding more efficiently. That and lets be honest...theres not much else to do in a prison cell but sit with your thoughts and do pushups or what ever to kill the time. Also im fairly certain that knowing Cloud and Vincent's personalities, they wouldn't have ever given up on trying to escape so they would have attempted to keep themselves at a atleast semi combat-ready physique. Contrary to popular belief, Cloud is not an emo quitter that hates people. Alot of people get that vibe from AC but lets face it, the man was given a death sentence after all the hardships he went through, being hojo's lab rat, saving the planet, defeating the greatest warrior ever, the whole nine yards, only to be taken down by a virus. I'd be a little depressed myself. Not to mention one of the side effects of that disease was depression due to Jenova's influence on the minds of the afflicted. He may be a bit pessimistic, but hes a stubborn ass country boy in the end and a realist to boot.

again, just my opinion but well, i DO like to think i have a bit of an extensive knowledge of the series.

Other than that, now that my tirade is done you're doin a fantastic job! cant wait for more! :D

Alpha Centarus chapter 6 . 8/20/2012
this is an amazing story please continue to update!
ViviMouse chapter 5 . 8/20/2012
Yuffie is one of my favorite character of FFVII. Many of my friends find her annoying, but I like her being cheerful and childlish.
3 years can change a person due to a dramatic turn of events. And this is what has changed Yuffie.

What impresses me with your work is the way each character has matured according to what happened duiring those 3 years. I really wanted to underline this side of your fiction that I particulary appreciate.

As for Reeve, holding a party in order to keep up high hopes for him and others is an honorable thing to do.
However I totally understand Rufus not wanting to make a fuss over his coming back among them. Poor guy; he broke, and that's understandable.

By the way, I like the relationship between Reno and Rufus despite the warm and in the mean time the coldness we can feel.

Awesome story so far. Thanks for sharing it.
ViviMouse chapter 4 . 8/20/2012
(here I am again :) )
Reno and Rufus' meeting was heartwarming but also cold... A quite undescribable and heavy feeling but nicely written. I think you handle very well Rufus' POV. It suits him, knowing that the Organazation has changed him for good.

And I'm still wondering what's gonna happen to Tseng, Cloud and Vincent (the ones who once belonged to ShinRa)

Keep up the good work. I really love the settings of your fiction.
City of Dis chapter 6 . 8/20/2012
just thought id leave ya a little encouragement

...make more chapters or i keel a kitten...

there...encouraged! :D

seriously though really great story so far and i like sephy comin back...the momma's boy needs a second chance...or 5th...or however many times it is...if i cared to count at this current moment id tell ya but yeah...atleast a 2nd SANE chance...yeah we'll go with that

and i think vincent will talk cloud out of trying to slice him into little pieces...again...well if anyone can it would be him...i dont care what the official timeline is his daddy. I mean...look at Seph...look at Vin...and look at Hojo...i know my choice.

but yeah definitely keep up the good work! I really wanna see where this goes from Cloud and Tifa have to reunite and bang each other senseless.

Sniperrolf chapter 4 . 3/12/2012
two words.

awesome story! :D
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