Reviews for Lycanthropy
BlackRoseargh chapter 11 . 12/1/2019
I really like your story, however, the Wolfsbane potion makes the werewolf a wolf with the humans mind. He should still be able to keep control and remember everything that happens. Look it up.
shengyen0308 chapter 17 . 1/22/2018
This is so well-written! And so beautiful!
Spidergirl99 chapter 16 . 12/7/2017
Spidergirl99 chapter 16 . 12/7/2017
Well that reminds me that my exams are in two weeks too...coincidence?
Spidergirl99 chapter 13 . 12/5/2017
The way Draco thinks of Scorpius's condition as a problem every month, we girls do too...
Spidergirl99 chapter 11 . 12/3/2017
Spidergirl99 chapter 10 . 12/2/2017
Omg Rosie! Going near a werewolf when it is not under control! That's downright stupid!
Spidergirl99 chapter 8 . 12/2/2017
Isn't Lysander in Ravenclaw like his mother and Lorcan in Huffelpuff?
Spidergirl99 chapter 9 . 12/2/2017
This seems to happen to me too. You know the annoying headache everyte you wake up. And I thought I was weird ... well I still am.
Spidergirl99 chapter 9 . 12/2/2017
"No lily, I know it's hard for you to understand, but it is possible fo you to be friends with boys without dating them."

Norweigien Ridgeback chapter 18 . 11/4/2017
OMG, this is just the most wonderful story i ever encountered!
I am so lucky to have saw thissss!
U are really talented! Please keep on making these incredible stories!
Thank youu!
Fantasywings7 chapter 10 . 10/23/2017
Oh, that was SOO sweet... Rose staying with Scorpius as a werewolf...very romantic, but I must admit, I was a bit scared for her, she is very brave and daring, despite the Wolfsbane, werewolves can be dangerous to humans, specifically, in wolf-form... but I guess Scorpius love for her is so strong that he cannot possibly hurt her... Lorcan is another case, however, lucky he did not seriously hurt him, it could have landed Scorpius in Deep trouble, if Lorcan had been bitten... The guy is a total jerk, and an complete IIDIOT... you cannot possibly Blackmail/force anyone into loving you!

Scorpius is a really cute wolf!

Just one thought, did you ever consider Rose becoming an Animagus in order to stay with Scorpius in wolf-form, as in the case of the Marauders and Remus, since werewolves may compose a danger only to humans, not animals ( or animagi).

I see on your profile, that your latest stories are all updated in 2011, if I remember correctly... but I hope that you still are writing fanfics, as your writing is very good!

P.S: What happened to that sequel? I looked for it but the author you mentioned has unfortunately deleted it, is it possible to obtain it any other way? I would very much like to read it!
Blackpanther chapter 18 . 10/22/2017
Hi again,

P.S: As for Lina and Lorxan ( I still find it hard to believe that LUNA'S son could behave like that)...If I were Lina, I would first of all have talet to my son in private, then I would have requested a meeting with him, Rose and Scorpius, .. and THEN, I would have requested a meeting in the Headmistress office together with the all the teenagers and their parents, and, in that settibg I would have made sure that Locan would have apologized to Rose and Scorpius in front of every one. Of course, Locan should also be punished for what he did, but I would not have let him go to Azkaban, that brings Crouch senior to mind, and his son's crime was much worse, being a Death Eater and torturing the Longbottom's into insanity, I can understans Crouch senior better.

So, I do not quite understand Luba in your story, I would have, first If all, talet to him aloe, and then made him apologize to Rose and Scorpius...Here, she seems very harsh, she does not seem to have a close relationship to her son.
But overall, I love your story,it is very beautiful, and it is now on my fav list; of course.;)
/ Blackpantherprince
Blackpantherprince chapter 18 . 10/21/2017
I have just spent a good deal of the weekend reading your story, and it has been an amazing ride! :) I must admit that I have not read many Rose-Scorpius stories, but, this one is REALLY good, very well written and captivating... and original, as I have never seen the plotline of Scorpius being a werewolf anywhere is both a very romantic and bittersweet tale...

Very sweet and romantic but also sad and heartbreaking...very bittersweet, you really manage to "realistically" and vividly portray the tragedy, hardships, pain, both physical and psychological, the severness and the stigma of what you could call the serious cronic illness of being a werewolf that Scorpius has to endure, nothing romantic or cool about that... I really feel for Scorpius... although, I must admit, he is a very cute werewolf, and it was soo sweet and romantic to read about Rose staying with him in wolf form... a true testimony of their love... and she makes the burden managable for him...

She really loves him, and he loves her, although it takes sometime for both of them to realize/admit their feelings, both to themselves and to each other... I love your Rose and Scorpius and how your portray the developement of their relationship... so very sweet and moving, beautifully written!

To me, the essence of the story is that love truly overwins all obstacles, even such a serious condition of being a werewolf, love is the most important thing in life, and Rose and Scorpius find it in each other, and thus find happiness... despite if is also a story pinpointing the iwickedness of prejudices, using the issue of werewolves, and the stigma attaches to them in the wizarding World as an example... by their love, they are able to rise above it all...

I love your Rose and Scorpius, and I also very much appreciated your portrayal of Draco and Astoria, Draco in particular (Astoria remains quite a minor character)... Both of his parents were so supportive of Scorpius, it is obvious they really love him... and to me, who did not in particular like Draco in Canon, who seemed to be very conceited, narrowminded,prejudiced, and in short, a bully, the Draco in your story appears to have really matured into a better man as an adult, a much more openminded and humble man... maybe Lucius would have thrown his son out in the same situation, but not Draco and Astoria, and I loved Draco's and Rose's conversation in Malfoy Manor, contrary to Lucius, Draco has no problems with the halfblood Weasley ( he still does not seem to like Ron very much) being the girlfriend of his son... he is just so glad that his son has found love, that he is not alone in all this, that he has someone else than his parents who cares about him...

As for Ron and Hermione, I would have loved to see more of them in the story, and their reaction to Rose and Scorpius romance.

Speaking of parents, Luna does not seem to have a very good relationship with her son..., Of course, he should be punished for what he did, but I was a bit surprised at her harsh treatment of him, she was very hard to him, true, he behaved as a real asshole in blackmailing Rose and Scorpius, and forcing her to date him, and then, betraying his secret to the schoo... but to let her own son go to Azkaban, that is, in my opinion, harsh, and also, it was apparent at the meeting with all the parents that Scorpius did not want that. On the other hand, I am surprised that the DADA teacher was not fired...or at least, sharply reprimanded by McGonagall.

It is a very captivating, beautiful and well written romance, the only thing that I truly miss in your story, and frankly, does not quite understand, is why they did not get married? I do not recall that you mention that it would be against the wizarding laws regarding werewolves, and, so far as I know, Remus and Tonks were legally married... It would have been SO great and romantic to read about their wedding! And maybe wedding night...I can more understand that they do not have children for fear of them inheriting the werewolf gene, but you can be married whitout having Children...

However, I find it very sad that they do not have kids, a family of their own (Scorpius greatest Dream and regret) and as far as i know...Teddy is fine, and, again, as far as I know, in the Potterverse, to be a werewolf cannot be genetically transmitted, it is not hereditary...

Also, for them to marry, Rose being Mrs Malfoy, and they having a family, completely healthy, normal kids, would even more have challenged the anti-werewolf prejudices... Scorpius is not from just any wizarding family.

However, as I said, I really enjoyed your story, very romantic and moving, and I have fallen in love with your brave Rose and sweet Scorpius, I sincerly hope that you write that sequel one day!

Beautifully written! Thanks for sharing!
Fantasywings7 chapter 17 . 10/21/2017

I love your story, and I love your portrayal of Rose and Scorpius! Rose because she is so headstrong and bold, and passionate that she so strongly stands up for what she Believes to be right, she truly is Hermione's daughter, and Scorpius because he is such a sweet and noble boy, so with such a soft heart under his cold exterior,, interesting that you put him in Ravenclaw, your Scorpius really fits there, as your brave Rose fits in Gryffindor

I always like original stories, and yours is very original with Scorpius as a werewolf... I have never seen it anywhere else, and you execute the plot very well.

Very romantic story... I would like to call it a romantic drama, or a dramatic romance about who love conquers all, but your story is not a typical Romeo-and Juliet Rose-Scorpius romance, as both set of parents seem to take their romance very well (loved the conversation between Draco and Rose, and Draco and Scorpius the morning Draco caught her in the manor, and Ron and Hermione does not seem to mind either... however, here, I would have liked if you had elaborated their thoughts on the matter a bit more...).

However, the greatest obstacle for their love in your story is not their family backgrounds, but the fact that Scorpius is a werewolf, and all the prejudices in the wizarding World connected to that, to me, it is essentlially a story exposing the stupidity, if not to say, wickedness of all kinds of stereotypes and prejudice... I love your portrayal of Scorpius as a werewolf, he handles it very well, as does his parents, and Rose really shows that she does not care, that she still sees him, Scorpius, and not his affliction, but the person Scorpius... On that note, I wish you had fleshed out what happened to the DADA professor a bit more, considering what happened to Lorcan, I am a bit surprised that the openminded Headmistress McGonagall ( I love her!) does not "take him by the ear" so to speak... he should NOT be permitted to teach that way... also considering the new laws on werewolves... such open prejudice should NOT be allowed in a classroom. On the other hand, I find Lorcan's punshment a bit harsh, to be sent to Azkaban... sure, he was a true asshole in this story, but he is still so Young, and it's not like he killed anyone... so, to me, to be expelled, and maybe also as punishment, do some "social work"..., maybe work in a prison, or so... would have been punishment enough

I would also have liked to see more of Rose's cousins, and her brother, Hugo, is quite abscent...

But, overall, it is a very well written story, with a very deep character developement, and I amazed that your were only 16 (?) when you wrote this, I would have guessed on a much older author.

It is a very intense, emotional and romantic story... I love your portayal of Rose and Scorpius and their developing relationship and growing love throughout the story... However, as the hopeless romantic that I am, I would have loved for the epilogue to portray their wedding! I wish they would have married legally, and had a bunch of kids! Just think about Remus and Tonks and Teddy...

It would have been cool if Scorpius could have met Teddy..., and also, if Ron and Hermione ( and maybe also Harry)could have told him a bit of their memories of Remus... Another good man/werewolf fighting his lycanthropy...

I have read somewhere, I think it was on Pottermore, that J.K. Rowling has stated that Lycanthroy in the potterverse is not hereditary, the ONLY way to become a werewolf is by getting bitten by a werewolf in wolf form... So,I so much wish that Scorpius could have had his Dream of a family come true! His lycanthrope did not have to steal that from them... So, that is my only main "criticism" if you can call it that, to your great romance. However, I loved the fact that Rose and Scorpius end up working to help other werewolves... Maybe you write that sequel one day? I would love to read that! :)

I really enjoyed your story! Thanks for sharing! :D
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