Reviews for The Artifice of Eternity
blah chapter 1 . 3/28/2013
This is damn good.
Tanaka chapter 1 . 7/12/2010
Wow, I like this complex Rufus.
Licoriceallsorts chapter 1 . 3/3/2010
I discovered your writing at Archive Of Our Own. I'm a Turks and Rufus fan and you portray them wonderfully. I love a Rufus who is at once vulnerable, determined, intelligent, selfish, greedy, and self-disciplined, and concerned about the world because it's HIS. You bring to life a complex, rounded, and believable character. What I also particularly admire is your ability to say so much with a few words. "Things, he thought. Things can be replaced." The Turks play second fiddle here (and Reno always seems like the one who interests you least), but they are also all both believable and true to their original characterisations (I hate fics that make them klutzy fools). Of all the Elenas I have read, yours is my favourite - especially in, I think it was called, "Wolf Eyes".
Selabus chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
Adorable fiction. Great depiction of Rufus.