Reviews for Start All Over
DtownGurl4488 chapter 10 . 2/16/2019
Umm I think book is forgetting the fact that even if Alex lied about initially sleeping with Julian and being pregnant, Julian was still carrying on a relationship with her of his own volition.
DtownGurl4488 chapter 1 . 2/16/2019
Just found this story and definitely interested to read more but so many things about this chapter make no sense.

1. Why would Julian be her emergency call instead of Brooke?
2. Is Julian still living in Tree Hill?
3. How did Julian even know where same was when she called him?
4. Really? Alex? The singer?

Also, if Julian hurt Brooke by cheating then I'm not gonna be able to root for him. She's had to deal with that from Lucas far too much to put up with it from anyone else.

I'm going to continue reading now...
YaleAceBella12 chapter 12 . 1/11/2019
Please write more.
Emily81802 chapter 11 . 5/23/2016
Chapter 12?
Ace chapter 11 . 6/9/2010
Wow! such an amazing update! update soon!
sb1218 chapter 10 . 2/3/2010
great update, hope you post another chapter soon!
TreeHill5Ever chapter 10 . 2/2/2010
hm...interesting twist having Victoria and Paul be the masterminds behind the whole Alex pregnancy scandal. I loved the scene on the beach with Sam and Alex! Sam was really funny in an "I hate you, but not as much as Brooke does" way. I was also somewhat shocked to hear that Brooke and Julian were actually married and subsequently got divorced. I thought for a while that I just happened to somehow have missed that fact somewhere earlier in the story! Then you mentioned it in the author's note at the end of the chapter so it was all good. haha. Nice job with this chapter! I'm also very glad that Brooke and Julian are back together. They seem to be very passionate about making their relationship really work this time. Please update soon! :)
koumi11 chapter 10 . 2/2/2010
yay brulian together... victoria and paul are so satanic

update soon

vampiregurl chapter 10 . 2/2/2010
why would brooke's mother do that? isn't it enough that her daughter is happy.
Ashlandra chapter 10 . 2/2/2010
Great chapter!
Angell4NEPatriots chapter 10 . 2/1/2010
WOW! Just when I thought this story was winding down, which made me sad. I should have known better. LOL So thank you for the pleasant surprise. Thank you also for the dedication of this chapter! I am honored and touched! THANK YOU!

WOW! Brooke and Julian were married! I never saw that twist coming! yes, I agree it was quite a brilliant detail to include. WTH Brooke and Julian are divorced? This makes me so sad! The hoebag really did cost them EVERYTHING! I am glad that Brooke admitted she should have believed in Julian's innocence. It was sweet how Julian offered her comfort and didn't blame her for reacting the way she did. It is easier to see your mistake looking back rather than as things are happening. I adored Julian reminding Brooke that love conquers all and suggested they start over! I just really love these two!

I enjoyed Sam and the hoebag's discussion on the beach! The hoebag should really take Sam's advice and get the he11 out of dodge though part of me hopes she is foolish enough to hang around Tree Hill so Brooke can lay into her. I absolutely loved Sam telling the hoebag that if you mess with Brulian you are always going to lose! Truer words have never been spoken. It may take some time but they always find their way together end the end because they are meant to be! Please let the hoebag be stupid enough to stick around so Brooke can have her piece of the lying, homewrecker! She has earned it having to endure all that pain. But if that isn't in your plans, I understand because I know Brooke may have too much class for a showdown with the hoebag.

I enjoyed Sam's visit at the Naley residence. I liked Haley filling Sam in on some of her history with Nathan and also Brooke from high school. I loved how both girls vowed to be there for Brooke and to find out who was responsible for their break up.

I loved how Brooke asked Julian to adopt Sam with her! That was a beautiful moment! I also loved how Brooke told Julian that what they had before was gone but they could be even better than they were before. I couldn't agree more because this time around they will not let anyone come between them, I know it! Everything that led up to their kiss was perfect as well. I loved how they both agreed they were going to enjoy starting over! *SIGH* That is so Brulian!

Paul and Victoria...another twist I didn't see coming. I am very curious as to their motivation with wanting to break up Julian and Brooke. I am also nervous to see what else they are going to do because clearly they are not going to admit defeat so easily! Sam is not going to like these two at all for ripping her family apart! haha

This was an amazing chapter! I am so anxious to see what other twists and turns you are going to take us on with this gem of a story! Thank you for the update and the dedication! MORE SOON PLEASE! :)
TreeHill5Ever chapter 9 . 1/26/2010
Awesome chapter! Please update soon!
haleydavisbaker chapter 9 . 1/25/2010

brooke and julian should adopt sam.

sam should beat up alex loll
vampiregurl chapter 9 . 1/25/2010
i hate alex. i hate her in the show i hate in this story. she's a major bitch. in the show she was clingy, bitchy, desperate, lonely girl.
sb1218 chapter 9 . 1/25/2010
hope you update soon. can't wait to find out where brooke and julian go from here!
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