Reviews for Destiny fulfilled
ichiruzuka chapter 18 . 4/6/2013
The way you wove this tale is just plain wonderful.

I have to admit that while I'm not an avid fan of Sephiroth, I certainly don't dislike him either. I always think that Sephiroth is one of biggest victims in the story. I totally agree with your sentiment that Sephiroth's own human values made him do some terrible things. I think it only makes him more humane than monster-like. I myself had reacted very badly to something I can't easily accept. Your Sephiroth is totally awesome, but I don't think that someone so humane like him can be a God. Please don't kill me for saying this; my definition of God is the being that surpasses all beings.

Now that brings me to our blond protagonist. For me, Cloud is certainly fascinating. I can't deny that I'm a Cloud fan. But still, I can see some flaws on him. For instance, I think Cloud, while in his adult body, is still a teenagers at heart. And something that I really regret is the fact that his friends and he himself failed to see that aspect. Maybe I should blame his original creator for this. Cloud is a man of feelings, and still I feel that he's neglecting his own desire. Just because of his unusual situation, everyone push him to be the hero, and on this side, he is a fool because he's only driven by others' expectations. I can understand why did you portray Cloud like he is in your story, and I can accept that.

You've done wonderful job. Keep writing.
JollyBigSis chapter 18 . 5/23/2012
Being a newbie in the FFVII fandom, I was ecstatic to come across this fic. Instantly, I was drawn into the story, your portrayal of Sephiroth was mesmerising, everything I thought the man to be was personified in your Sephiroth. His etherealness, his power, his intelligence - everything was perfect. He was GOD! I shamelessly devoured his Godliness - delighted with his thoughts and interaction with the stubborn Cloud.

Notably, it was this pairing that drew me to the fic, and I thought your approach to the pair was interesting. Cloud was a bag of contradictions and it was his conflicts, which made me love your depiction of him. So complex, so frustrating. It made me smile thinking how Sephiroth wanted to “break” this wilful and confused young man, how he wanted to lay claim on a person he so callously dismissed back in his mortal days. The reasons he gave was sound, I could *see* why he was intrigued, I understood why he took a step back and watched the boy war and flounder in his own thoughts and emotions. He needed the boy to sift through his turmoil, he needed to boy to find the light by himself, and he needed to boy willingly accept the truth. All good things to those who wait and Sephiroth was happy to wait - I was happy to wait - wait for the day the two would be complete.

Progress between the two was slow, but steady and I eagerly anticipated their every encounter, hoping, oh so hoping, that perhaps ‘something’ will happen soon. Of course, I didn’t anticipate the appearance of Genesis. Alarm bells began ringing, though I am newcomer in this fandom, even I knew what ‘that’ meant and the direction it will go.

Yet, still I hoped...even when Sephiroth and Genesis copulated, even when you squee’d about how much you were attracted to Genesis as a character, even when Sephiroth’s thought were filled with fiery man; I still hoped that God had not forsaken Cloud.

So, I plodded on, desperately scanning between the lines for a glimpse of Cloud in the ex-General’s thoughts. Despite devouring everything I possibly could, I felt this gnawing hunger that would not go away, it would not be sated. I felt oddly dissatisfied. Even when Sephiroth broke Cloud, I felt no elation; the result and its subsequent confession was somewhat tepid. Cloud was a child in Sephiroth’s eyes, he treated him thus. There was no earth-shattering declaration of love, there was no passionate lemon. Cloud still had a long way to go to earn Sephiroth’s love, he still had a lot to prove himself. I cursed my guttered mind for being hopeful - it was foolish of me to expect it. I became jealous of Genesis.

Even at the end, when Cloud finally become one with his God, I could not shake the feeling that it was lip-service to Cloud fans. In all, I felt Sephiroth had just ‘indulged’ Cloud, rewarded him, and the fans, with the long-awaited consummation. In my mind’s eye. I thought this act would have meant the beginning to something deeper - it did, but not what I expected. One reviewer likened it to be Sephiroth’s way of “keeping the wife busy while he and the mistress play”, I couldn’t have agreed more. The way you ended with a Sephiroth/Genesis moment increased the feeling and drove home the point. God’s relationship with Cloud was almost platonic, it was void of desire and passion; I almost cried with frustration over the revelation.

I am sorry I ended up ranting bitterly about the pairings as opposed to praising your amazing skills as a writer. Please forgive me if I have offended you with my comments, it was not my intentions. I have no one to blame, but my fangirl-obsessed mind for my disappointment. However, if I did not air my discontent, it will eat at me relentlessly.

You are, without a doubt, gifted. Your command of the language is impressive, your style well-thought out. I cannot fault your ability to expressive and narrate, I could easily visualise everything that is illustrated from your words. I have trawled through many fics for this pairing and found only a few where the writer could match your skills. You have done a superb job in this, I thank you for your hard work and wholeheartedly, wish you all the best in your current and future projects. I am sure you will continue to produce stories that are spellbinding and outstanding.
Aunty Soshul chapter 18 . 7/19/2010
Pfffffft I don't believe any of that hogwash in the last chapter. Sephiroth's just keeping the wife busy while he and his mistress play. XD I lurved all of it!
mayalynn chapter 15 . 7/2/2010
This fic is really amazing :) Thank you 4 writing it ! I love how you expressed everything with such discriptive detail, it makes me feel like i can actually see everything thats going on lol kinda like a movie... In the game crsis core I never really liked Genesis:( but your perception of him has made me adore him!lmfao keep up the good work.

Dragi chapter 18 . 5/25/2010
an happy ending :) it has been a great story :)If you gona write a new story with cloudxsephiroth plz tell :) rly like ur writing :)
HauntedWind chapter 18 . 5/23/2010
Oh, I am sad that this story is over, though the conclusion was sweet and fitting. The smut scene was absolutely lovely, capturing the essence of passion. I’ve so loved seeing how your Cloud and his relationship with Sephiroth evolve. It has been an awesome experience to see Sephiroth being portrayed as God and so plausibly too. Well, let me congratulate you on a job marvellously done and I hope you know just how good this story is. :)
SephyRocks chapter 18 . 5/23/2010
No I don’t want this over EVER! Cries. Well it’s been real amazing. I love this story so very much and I am going to so miss it and your Sephy. Cries some more. Fabulous story and you ROCK!
Tyl chapter 18 . 5/22/2010
Finals are killing me.

Well, you made the scene/s tasteful instead of drawing it out and making all HAWT and yaoi and throwing anatomy terms around. I really appreciate that for not making me sick. You're a very mature writer, and I admire your talent.
Anonymouse chapter 18 . 5/22/2010
NoLongerActive11111 chapter 18 . 5/22/2010
Now, you made me sad, dear. :D Well, sad as it's apparently the end. Ah, well, I've come to love your updates and will miss them greatly! The way you write Seph - so beautifully in character - has become one of the few favorites for me, and I will always cherish it. I always enjoyed how truly intelligent he was and there were few things you made me think about that I haven't thought before. Or in a very different way. That is the most rewarding part of any story.

Now, I am absolutely NOT a fan of a Seph/Cloud pairing, but you managed it so greatly I didn't mind at all and even enjoyed. I never saw them together, ever, besides being rivals and on the opposite sides of the barricade so to speak. They have so little in common, such vast difference in age, life experience, world-views, etc that it's hard for me to imagine what one can find in another. Unless it is done as you did. Cloud surrendered himself completely and chose to learn from Sephiroth rather than simply being himself. If Cloud choses to be simply himself, Sephiroth will get bored way too soon. :D Cloud is still naive, which is fine, but at least he learned from his mistakes. Cloud is by no means a good leader if a leader at all.

As for Sephiroth/Genesis... you know I believe it to be perfect and perfectly canon. :D I absolutely love that you gave them a shot. Your Genesis was so well portrayed, and as always amusing. I absolutely loved the ending line:

*Their connection is strong and will live on, even when his project, be it a success or failure, becomes a mere memory.*

Altogether, I was very thrilled to read the whole story and, well, am looking forward to any new project with Sephiroth - if you have those.


HauntedWind chapter 17 . 5/4/2010
Wonderful! Genesis’ part was great, funny and very much in character. Your sense of humour is subtle, but it always amuses me and works very well especially with Genesis. :D The second segment is absolutely lovely. Your portrayal of Sephiroth is just breathtaking and his interaction with Cloud was a sheer delight. I am impressed by how far Cloud came in your fic - it really shows how Sephiroth affects those around him. :D
RikkuFukaimori chapter 17 . 5/2/2010
Wonderful, I can't wait to read more!
SephyRocks chapter 17 . 5/2/2010
You are awesome did you know cause you should. Your Sephy is just a fab no one writes him better. He is so sexy and clever and cool and so himself. Sigh. Thank you for writing this wonderful wonderful story!
Dragi chapter 17 . 4/30/2010
yay cloud passed his test, wonder what the next one will be. cheers for the update looking forward for more :)
NinjaSheik chapter 17 . 4/30/2010
Cool~! Update soon~!
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