Reviews for Acceptance Doesn’t Live Here
PhoenixWytch chapter 1 . 8/30/2015
Draconis13 chapter 1 . 2/27/2013
Perfect. Guess I have another fav story :)
Lassie heart, haha love it :')
bulletproofweeks chapter 1 . 2/28/2011
I truly love your Shassie one-shots! Their relationship is so hard to build up to in such a short period of time, but you execute their dialogue perfectly! I normally do not read Shassie one-shots, only the really long stories, but you have proved that Shassie can be believable given the right circumstances. You're a wonderful writer.
Myrdra chapter 1 . 12/29/2010
Oh, Lassieface. You just can't resist.
Umino Akiko chapter 1 . 11/18/2010
That's it Lassie give in become one with the Shassies Shassie-ers Shassie-ans Shassie-ites? Which is it! Whatever! Doesn't matter. Oh! And I think we all agree with Shawn. Hate to see him go, love to watch him leave. Yeah. I sound like such a creeper.
88silverkeys chapter 1 . 8/15/2010
This was excellent! Sometimes it is difficult to write exactly how a simple kiss illustrates a full range of emotions, but your description was vivid and just lovely. Very in character too! I think the best part was Lassiter slowly getting into the kiss in his created the scene wonderfully!
Muirgen Monet chapter 1 . 10/27/2009
Nice! Very cute. "I love watching you leave." lol!
Pineapples Are Love chapter 1 . 10/17/2009
I finally gave in to my urge to read a Shassie fanfic, and I must say that I am so glad that I did. I was hooked at the first line. Great work.
PerLuminisPropinquus chapter 1 . 10/11/2009
This was adorable _~
Meatball42 chapter 1 . 9/23/2009
Wow, this is really, really good. It's definitely one of the more realistic Shassie fics I've read. It doesn't give much of an explanation on Shawn's side (but you could totally clear that up by writing a second chapter form Shawn POV, if you wanted. Wink, wink ;) but it definitely shows Lassiter's reaction in a believable and in-character way. There's a bit of banter, which is pretty close to the show, and even though Lassiter doesn't swear, it works in this scenario because you portrayed exactly how overcome and freaked out he is perfectly. I really hope you do decide to write more Psych fics (especially Shassie fics :) because this one was just excellent!
Blue-Eyed Chica chapter 1 . 9/22/2009
aw cute!
Mahala A.C chapter 1 . 9/22/2009
EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE! I SO frickin' LOVE this! XD It was DEFINITELY IC for both characters...BRAVO! I DO hope that you write MOAR Shassie yarns LitaE! *~-~

Sincerely, Mahala A.C.
WhispersInTheShawdows chapter 1 . 9/22/2009
This is great!