Reviews for Moving on With Dignity
no entiendo nada chapter 1 . 7/22/2010
i completely agree with you.

i thought leah was a more mature, no bullshit kind of woman, and smeyer proves me wrong by making her just a fiercer version of bella. i know bella doesnt want to get over edward, i mean the weakness of character, the fact leah wants to experience imprinting and bella's imprinted on edward xD. there's nothing wrong with the cheese but why have all the characters be made out of the same mold. disappointing.

i can actually understand jake wanting to imprint. he was in a horrible situation and he's kind of lovably immature. but leah isn't, imo. she is more... grown up.

anyways. i loved this, because i think it made leah waaaay more justice than smeyer.
XxmsxMichellexangstxX chapter 1 . 1/2/2010
This was amazing. I never really though about how Leah thought about how it would be like if she never loved Sam. And honestly I think you did an amazing job bringing her character into this story.
SassyFlame chapter 1 . 12/27/2009
Very well written. I felt that you captured Leah's character dead on.
tipica adolescente chapter 1 . 12/13/2009
i thought that part wasnt that ooc because i've always seen leah as a pretty weak character despite all the claims that she's strong *shrugs* i think jake is way stronger because he actually FACES the pain feels it and ADMITS it and tries to deal with it, instead of trying to avoid it and "put on a brave face" like i feel leah does.

i think this kinda fits jake more than leah, lol. except jake didnt want to admit he actually wanted to imprint.

just my opinion though... your version of leah is more likable than mine XD.
Peace Like a River chapter 1 . 12/2/2009
Amazing work, as usual. I feel like you really get Leah's character. Broken inside, but stubborn as heck, and determined to move on and be her own person. :-) I've always had a soft spot for her in the books.
Innominepatris chapter 1 . 10/16/2009
Beautifully written. Leah's courage in making a difficult decision is clearly depicted in this short passage. I love the way you write! When are you going to write your own novel?
SecondSunrise chapter 1 . 9/23/2009
Just perfect. As usual.
BeautifulPieces chapter 1 . 9/18/2009
No. I don’t want to forget the way I feel, as if it had never been. I want to move on by sheer choice and determination, so that even though I remember, I am all the stronger for it.

I so love that so deep
Violet Eliot chapter 1 . 9/17/2009
Brilliant! Definitely the voice of Leah that we all know and love. Encapsulates exactly how she feels and what sort of a personality she carries - bold, fierce, brave all that jazz. Excellent fic.
rainbowfish22 chapter 1 . 9/17/2009
I love this. Added to my community. :).
brankel1 chapter 1 . 9/17/2009
Great job.
Wallflowergirl chapter 1 . 9/17/2009
I'm glad you wrote something for Leah - I guess there's a certain part of me that identifies with her :-S This is very cool and very thoughtful - I think you've described what her real reaction probably should have been. I can't really imagine a very strong person just wanting to escape. She'd want to know she did it herself.

And brilliantly written, as always!
Allora Gale chapter 1 . 9/16/2009
Lovely. Very touching.
Jacobleah chapter 1 . 9/16/2009
Wow each paragraph of your one shot is really beautiful, just stunning. I really loved the part in which you described the many ways Sam helped shape her to the woman she has become, because then we can see Sam through her eyes and see why it was so hard for her to get over him. Then later feel the bitterness and devastation from losing all that because of imprinting.
Kei Jones chapter 1 . 9/16/2009
Wow, that was really good and love the realization that Leah arrives at. You're right that part was OOC. I've said this before and I'll say it again. I think BD, which is my least fave in the series, was very rushed and she shorted everyone on the character growth or realizations that everyone should've had.

But great story. Very descriptive and in depth.