Reviews for Anime Liquid
littlemsstrawberry chapter 1 . 3/16/2013
Love it
Neo Lady Sakura chapter 1 . 7/12/2010
'For a good time, call Vincent Valentine and his special claw.' IS THE BEST LINE EVER. Every time I read it I laugh my butt off. This is an amazing story and you most definitely are a very talented author.
Ms Western Ink chapter 1 . 10/24/2009
Oh. I had no idea how awesome Yuffie and Reeve could be. Great job!
AmazonTurk chapter 1 . 9/22/2009
AW! Cute! They interact so well together. Though I'm a Reno/Yuffie shipper, Reeve/Yuffie is not without it's charm and you write them so well, m'dear! Too cute!

Okay, so did your hubby have his appendix taken out? Is he okay? *hyperventilates*
RenzokukenZ chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
Wait a bloody tic, I thought we agreed on The Salamand Clinic...what gives?

And yes, I actually read through one of your Reefie fics (as in reading the whole thing without losing interest due to the portrail of Reeve and/or Yuffie). That's a new record for me.

Not bad, grand improvement, a few misplaced words here and there ("though he did enjoy the pulling occasional prank against her") but other than that a well-written piece.

On a final note, that statement about Vincent and boxer briefs sounds a tad bit familiar...

RenzokukenZ(Still stubborn as a wall)
always-kh chapter 1 . 9/9/2009
nice fic cute and some decent drama dialolgue and emotions.
Fighter le Faye chapter 1 . 9/8/2009
*gasp of delight*

What's this, what's this? What's this place that I have found? WHAT IS THIS? *shot for singing Nightmare Before Christmas music* XD But yay, a distration from boring history essays I'm trying to finish early (I am a nerd like that). Bust out the chorus of rejoicing angels!

Aw, Reefie...smushed into a hospital. Totally laughed when Vincent was just all "You can't go in the men's bathroom", cause it's so him lol. And Wutaiin take-out got the best of Reeve? Bleh, that sounds like a fun experience.

Very sweet 'n short moments with them. And Reeve, in one of those backless hospital gowns-that's sexy. And I like Luis and Harmony, hee hee.

Now, after reading this, I want some pound cake. o.O I'm convinced your writing has power over me...

Don'tCallMeBones chapter 1 . 9/8/2009
yay for new reefies! especially wonderfully wicked new reefies! i really enjoyed it myst. the luis/harmony bit was fantastic and the allusions to reeve's frat boy days made me laugh

Kit Kat Karma chapter 1 . 9/8/2009

Once again you wow me with your stories. :] I love Luis and Harmony. And especially hinting Reeve's frat boy days.

It's funny that this a case of appendicitis. I know you had us all guessing at VRL. I somehow knew that Reeve wasn't going to a pleasant place.

Anyways, I really hope you write more of your addicting one shots. I enjoy them :]

