Reviews for Walking Away
kaleidoscope-dream chapter 2 . 4/17/2012
This definitely plays on the heart strings. I especially liked that we got to see both points of view. From Kyon's confusion over his own wants and feelings and Koizumi's inability to say what it really is he wants for himself too. Also, the inclusion of 'loyalties' adds to just about everything and makes the reader question 'which side' that person is really on. Because even if Koizumi is doing what he's doing mostly because he wants to, it could easily be the Organization manipulating his feelings as well.

Nice job, and thanks for taking the time to write this, as well as sharing it here.
abd chapter 1 . 10/1/2010
I love this. seriously. I've read this before, last year i think, and im reading it again. just want to say that you're a brillant writer.
Saki Toyo chapter 2 . 9/30/2010
Oh, my! I can't believe there's only been one review so far! This fic deserves so much more!

I love how you got into each of their minds. Your writing is so descriptive, I can feel Kyon's hesitance and Koizumi's pain.

It's a beautiful, amazingly well-written fic. :)
Shiny Pichu-chan chapter 2 . 12/19/2009
W-what? Really? No reveiws for this thus far? That's a shame. A terrible shame. Should be a crime. I really enjoyed this. It was an absolute pleasure to read. I just love your writing style. Distant yet detailed, and in a cool way. If that makes any sense. But I'll stop my rambling. Wonderful two-shot here. Fav'd.