Reviews for Old Times
Sapphire Assassin 30 chapter 1 . 8/7/2013
Wow, well done,another of your fics that's going straight into my faves! (:
uhuhuhuhuhuhu chapter 1 . 12/22/2012

yeshh... I'm in love... everything I'd want from a Weskertine fic D: Except, you know, lasting forever :'(

I'll harrass the fav button now.
KT324 chapter 1 . 3/10/2010
This is really really impressive. The way you pull of the characters and the dialogue is beautifully done. Talking about the STARS days (and hence the title) was really attracted me to it. Along with the other reviewers, I am ever so glad you posted this, awesome job ;)

By the way, regarding I'm supposed to be writing Wesker in an upcoming chapter of mine, would you mind dropping a few tips on how to write him? Much appreciated!

-KT -
Chaed chapter 1 . 10/29/2009
Hey, this was a very very well done oneshot! I especially loved Excellas cameo and her comment about the lamb and lioness. That is exactly her character. You also caught Wesker pretty well and I liked reading about his and Jill's past experiences together.

All in all, very good work. Write more.
Eric Draven201 chapter 1 . 8/13/2009
*gasp!* Traitor!

lolz. How does it feel to do something different? Great job on the chapter, mi amiga, and let me know how the con went.
Stardust4 chapter 1 . 8/9/2009
I just luv it! this was something unique, the wothless feeling that jill felt in that moment! great fic!
Soldier's Shadow chapter 1 . 8/9/2009
Nice job with your first Resident Evil fic Shy! The whole thing about Wesker and his past history with the STARS team was very interesting and well done. The ending line reminds me about the ending line in my very own fic 'Anguish'.I think you should write more Resident Evil fics, this one was so good.

Ultimolu chapter 1 . 8/8/2009
Okay, f*ck you Wesker...*rambles on and on but sees authoress staring at her with mouth dropped*'s just that your story is reminding me of that scene and how Wesker...ugh! :o

I love the beginning so far. I don't think you know or remember me but I used to be Kikoken. I wrote some stories in the DMC section but now I write in the Resident Evil section.

You're more than welcome to read my stories. :3
Daitsuke-kun chapter 1 . 8/8/2009
Your fanfic is good, why were you afraid to post it?..xD Wesker is exactly Wesker and not a romantical jerk (LOL xDD) and Jill is... Well, poor Jill..( I like it, I rhink I'll fave it B)