Reviews for Eyes of a Wolf
Guest chapter 7 . 8/28/2019
It’s been a while but I keep checking up on this fic.
I hope nothing bad has happened to you. I know that his comment will probable not be noticed. But I hope you are alright.
Raeolu chapter 7 . 5/30/2018
This is a really cool story! Thanks for writing!
Guest chapter 7 . 1/28/2018
Hi I’m one of readers that await your decision. I just wanted to leave a comment again as it is a new year. This is late new year greeting, but happy new year! I hope you have good year til now and continue to do so. How ever you decide to write this, I’ll await for further stories.
ForeverTwistedLove8814 chapter 7 . 9/11/2017
Please continue the story as it is!
LittleAngel2292 chapter 7 . 9/1/2017
I loved this! I have never read a fem! Kenshin before. This was also a great Saito x Ken. Story.
Nightwing'snight chapter 5 . 4/20/2017
Post son please
Kyuubi04 chapter 7 . 4/10/2017
I like your story .. I hope that you continue it...
StokxCore chapter 7 . 4/7/2017
I hope you won't completely rewritw the first chapters, they are very nice. Perhaps you could expand them a little but please dont change them to much. I also really like this last chapter a lot! And last but not least, as someone with asd who found out in her early twenties, i hope it gives you clarity and a clear indiciation as to why you act the way you do (and, if necessary and wanted a starting point for change). My diagnosis changed my world, and i have so much more peace now.
lyli chapter 7 . 3/31/2017
Only rewrite the entire fic if that is what you want to do. We enjoy your writing but you are writing for yourself not us. Have fun. Enjoy what/how you write.

The fic is awesome too.
Guest chapter 7 . 3/30/2017
In all seriousness I've seen authors promise a rewrite taking down the original story and then never even delivering rewrite, so personally I would just prefer more chapters.
Guest chapter 7 . 3/30/2017
Don't bother with a rewrite, just give us more of the story.
Guest chapter 7 . 3/26/2017
Holy shit I love you
peppymint chapter 7 . 3/24/2017
Loved the Hiko POV. I am thrilled that you are going to continue this.

I believe that redoing the earlier chapters or leaving them as is would work either way. So just go with whatever is best for you. Though I do think allowing the general public to believe Hiko is the baby's Father would come back to bite them later and make things a little awkward between them. I would stick with the story she gave the mid-wife. That she was widowed in the Revolution and Hiko is her Uncle or something.

Also still really like the name Reiko (shadow fox) but it is your decision. Good luck.
Chuchutu chapter 7 . 3/24/2017
I am so happy to see this update! I love where the story is going but if you truly feel that you need to redo the beginning I won't hold it against you! I have waited seven years already and I can wait even longer this story is very unique to the fandom so please don't ever delete what you have here or archive it on ao3. I don't know but thank you for sharing this story with us so far I am along for the ride no matter what.
Blume chapter 7 . 3/24/2017
Well! it's nice to know you're updating this fic! D

(also, it's great that you finally got a name for whatever it was that was afflicing you; I know sometimes and illness is worse when you have no idea what it is, so I'm happy for you!)

I wouldn't mind seein gyou continue as it is... but I guess that's because I'm the reader not the writter. I suspect that if I were writtign this I'd like to reedit certain scenes...but for me the way it is is perfect! D
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