Reviews for End Game
increak96 chapter 1 . 11/7/2012
"Miles!" Whispered Phoenix "Don't panic, but we're being held hostage!"

LOL I would totally freak out as soon as he said that. XD Loved the whole thing! Very nice story! It'd be very cool if there was a continuation-a short epilogue so we know how things resolved themselves. But it's still great as a standalone.

Awesome story!
RufflesAndCo chapter 1 . 9/30/2011
Yay, I like Gregory :3 He nice
Chawia chapter 1 . 7/28/2009
Ouch, this one is a dark fic! How machiavelic from Manfred Von Karma to use Maya to call Gregory Edgeworth. This is simply evil! Interesting the ways Miles addresses his real father and Von Karma (dad and papa) to mark the difference. Again, poor Miles has a hard time... Nice moment between Miles and his father, in the end. Then again, Gumshoe appearance always lifts the atmosphere!
Soyna chapter 1 . 7/23/2009
...well written...