Reviews for The Hub Show
Fibonacci to Infinity chapter 17 . 11/30/2011
As the friend from the US, who freaking saw from the VERY beginning... CONGRATS YOU TWO! Now... Update more. OwO
thenextboop chapter 17 . 11/27/2011
... 3

I'll miss having time for the Hub Show. But I'm glad I have you 3 xxxxxxx
Shade the Viridescent chapter 17 . 11/27/2011
Ohmigosh, wow! I had actually given up on this, a thousand apologies!

Also, d'awwww~ That's so cute! I'm so glad you guys told each other, and I hope you two have loads of happy fun times full of awesome randomness. :D

Thanks for updating, even if it was just to say that no more updates would be forthcoming very soon. Good luck with Uni and whatever A-levels are~ I wish you guys every happiness and luck and towels and bollocks like that.

Guest chapter 16 . 1/16/2011
So, I'm having knee surgery this Friday. You know what would make me feel so much better about them poking holes in my knee? Little Amelia's interview! (Please cave into the pleas of forced audience members in forced pain and forcibly in need of a forcible update?)
lauraxamelia chapter 16 . 1/3/2011
That was rather absolutely favousously amazing. I can't really spell right now because I've (a) just come home from a 20 hour journey with two crazypants siblings and (b) have been in this county for roughly TWELVE HOURS and still haven't seen the Who eppy. This makees me very very agitated and sdrhioaesrfq23-894g1$&£**F&WS$$£(O%FS


Love it, especially the tree monologue thing. Also can't wait for part 2!

SciFiGeek14 chapter 16 . 12/27/2010
Old I know it is random but this is my favorite part:

Umbrella 1: ... Turbulence?

Umbrella 2: Verily.

I justt made me laugh out loud :)

Merry xmas! Luv kim
Viola chapter 15 . 12/26/2010
Most bodacious. D
Fibonacci to Infinity chapter 16 . 12/26/2010
lauraxamelia chapter 14 . 12/8/2010
I love this so so so much. But you know that, right? You know I'm just really rubish at remembering to review? You know I love The Hub Show really!

Anyway. Originally I decided NOT to review. Because, seriously guys, I want to see the Amelia interview. But then I got bored waiting, and thought maybe if I chuch an AWESOMESAUCE review your way you may be tempted into updating? Pwetty please?

So! Time for TheBestReviewEverTM

The way you introduced each person with the mysterious flashbacks was great, made me remember all the amazing things in the last 13 episodes...*sniffles nostalgically*

And the moving-into-prose section was amazing! Even though it was all hilarious and stuff, that bit definitely felt dangerous and exciting and tense. So nice one!

And the clever thing you did with the imagining-all-the-stuff-that-Englishzilla-will-die-of was HILARIOUS. Because, yes! All English teachers are actually like that!

And I love how self referential you got with the equals Ds and equals Os and Asterisk Man and little injokes and stuff. It's like there's a nice big payoff for people who've read the whole thing.

So. Was my BestReviewEverTM good enough? You do realise I still want my Amelia interview. And also please pretty please have a look at my Days of Advent series? With a cherry on topplez?

martha x

PostSugar... I LOVELOVELOVE THE HUB SHOW PLEAZ INTERVIEW AMELIA *cries in pleaseness* OHNOES NOW I'M TALKING LIKE YOU *asterisk man *grins evilly**
PuffTuffNinja chapter 15 . 11/27/2010
Just finished reading, er..watching 15 episodes of the hub show.

Epic Lulz.

Now I know My friends and I aren't the only ones with the random sense of humour bestowed upon them.

I wasn't expecting a hostage situation. Then again, you guys do have the ROOM.

I think I'll just be evi and sit back waiting for amelia's interview

BAHAHAHAHAHA!~chokes on excess deviousnessness~
Georgina Uden chapter 15 . 11/19/2010
HEY GUYS :D What can I say? Another awesome chapter! I really can't believe how much this made me laugh, it was so funny and extremely genius! I bloody love you guys XD XD...And Please don't kill Amelia D: D: D: She's pretty innocent in all of this o.O! And I'm sorry, I am the one who put the cow on the line...and I'm sorry it was a bloody big one! HEHE :D THANKS FOR ANOTHER GREAT LAUGH GUYS :D :D
TARDISgirl192 chapter 14 . 11/11/2010
Holy cow! Best. Chapter. EVER! I love it. It's so epicly random! Well, on to the next chapter.
SciFiGeek14 chapter 15 . 11/9/2010
Ok I'm reviewing. No need for holding little girls hostage .

As the person who made u a picture for ur facebook page I demand u let her go...

Ok so I hold no authority... But..please? Lol

Shade the Viridescent chapter 15 . 11/8/2010
. . .Hey, I know I reviewed the last chapter, but. . .can we still get that Amelia interview? :D

Shade the Viridescent chapter 14 . 11/8/2010
Ohmigosh, I'm so sorry I didn't review! I didn't even get the notice that said this chapter was here! :O I'm sorry!

This was amazing, by the way. Just saying. Brilliant. XD I can't really describe the awesomeness, so I'm afraid you'll have to settle for this sad excuse for a review. But hey, at least I did, right? So you can let Amy go, right? :D

Huzzah for the defeat of the Englishzilla! Yay! *cavorts around in a rather silly manner* This means I don't have to do my homework, right? *hopeful*

Asterisk Man saved the day~! :D But if he's really the Face of Boe, and the Face of Boe is sort of hinted strongly at being Captain Jack, does that mean that Jack is their Asterisk Man? . . . *ponders*

Anyway. I'm sorry I didn't review, but I swear this chapter ninja'd its way out of my inbox somehow! D: But it was awesome!

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