Reviews for 10 Things I hate about you
JuJu-chan chapter 6 . 2/21/2013
Oh my darkness, this is hilarious. Very much so. Absolutely beautiful
JuJu-chan the Vampire chapter 6 . 2/22/2013
love it :D
Sakural7865 chapter 6 . 4/16/2012
This is cute and funny at the same time! Keep up the good work!
KuraiOHikari chapter 6 . 7/11/2011
Omg, I like this story~ :3 Dunno why I didn't FIND it and read it before x)

Anyhoo, Johan's uke! :D My little sweetie x3 And, gawd, so much humour! I almost woke up everybody in the house (It's almost two in the morning) for laughing out loud xD

Yeah, I definitely like this story, and like YOU for writing 'bout uke Johan x3 AND UKE YUBEL! I loved it~! It turned out very well -I thought it won't make sense in the beginning xD-

Meh, hope you'll update this story soon -seeing that you didn't since 12-2010 :O- Yeah... I wanna read more uke-blunettes' awesomeness :3

See ya soon -hopefully- !
Dark Mage Girl Xion chapter 6 . 6/20/2011
Yay,you updated! Well, months ago but still! Stupid Yubel should have just played along and answered the questions and WE ALL KNOW HE LOVES HAOU! Now if he'd only just admit it everyone would be happy. I wonder how they're gonna match the two together when Yubel didn't even take the test... they both had angry answers maybe? Well, good job and I hope you update again soon, even though it has been a while since this one came out...
Zakksu chapter 6 . 5/19/2011
Omg it's been forever since I read this! 83 Hi! I hope you're doing well. XD Gawd I've been gone so long I had to go back and read some of the old chapters...but anyhoo, going on to the review...

I loved this chap! Gawd they are trying so hard to get Haou and Yubel together! 83 Now I'm starting to think you're really pairing HxY here instead of Ju-kun and Jo-chan! 8P Not that I'm complaining, they are already together here. Lol

Anyway I just gotta say that I loved it and I hope you come back to update it. Lol like I should be talking, right? XD update soon! I can't wait to see what happens next!

HA! Haou said the test was stupid! Lol loved how he told them to read above xD lololol. And loved Yubel's one line answer: This is pointless. Gah that was epic. 8D
ThisIsWhatHappens chapter 6 . 3/2/2011
Mores? Pleases...
Ari-chan and ReNA chapter 6 . 12/16/2010
Ari-chan: LMFAO! Go Rei! Stick it to the sex god! Er man!

ReNA: I LOVE Love love this! Can't believe I didn't find this earlier!
Raixal the Wrath chapter 6 . 12/15/2010
Finally! A New Chapter! xDDD Haha Yubel is a good prankster! Lolz

I seriously love this fic! I hope you can update faster! xD
AlwaysRunning9 chapter 6 . 12/15/2010
ahahaha yyyeess finally! you updated! wooohoo! great chapter and glad that you updated:) love this story! update again soon please!:)
radbackflips chapter 6 . 12/15/2010
Ahahaha XD This is funnnyyyy! I love it! Update soon~
Yami-No-Yugi-Fan chapter 5 . 12/15/2010
Ruby, go into ur account and it will say enable of disable Green enable yes i want to show

reddisable i dont want to show

okay! :)
McLeaf chapter 6 . 12/15/2010
Welcomes backs

This chapter is aweosme! so glad your carrying on with it I thought youed quit :o

Yubel is quiet funny actually THIS IS POINTLESS, reminds me of my brother xD

Haou is so cool! Who are you in love with right now? Yubel

ahhh xD I hope they get together soon!

~ McLeaf
Chris Emrys chapter 6 . 12/15/2010
Oh no, I like how funny it is x) Happy to see an update, last week I read this again and sighed sadly, but so happy to know you didn't discontinue :D
Yami-No-Yugi-Fan chapter 6 . 12/15/2010
LOL nice! one keep it up. Ruby, i cant get in contact with you neither ur pm is disabled i hope u dont think that im ignoring you cause im not.
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