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![]() Name: Majestic Rainbow Dragon is long gone but some may still call me that along with my other new name lol And MY NEW NAME IS "Delta Blue Cosmo!" I made that up. I also happened to fall in love with the anime Black Cat too lol. i love the movie Spirit stallion of the cimarron Age: Ah, I dont feel like telling. But I will tell you this im above 17 thank you :3 DOB: 6/13/1992 Zodiac Sign: Gemini *all the way* Friends: Eh, doesnt really have any they basically ditch her *most* i have a few but a true one from another site :) JT *DuelDragon_30 ANOUNCEMENT TO ALL THE ANIME FANS OF THESE PARTICULAR ANIMES! Black cat Yugioh (ALL SERIES from orginal to Zexal) Rurouni Kenshin These main three animes, have groups/fanclubs on ! if you are intrested please come join us. Yugioh is one of the biggest groups on dA but each group if different. have fun FANFICTION is welcomed but with an exception of ONE MAIN rule and im not stating it on here LOL if you wanna know, go to these three accounts to find out what that main rule is *Aussiejimfan* jimfan2010 and lastly *JackxCarlyforever* if you are wanting to submit any story or one shots please come and do so. the reason i wont state the rule on here is because i have some people on here who think im a BASHER/HATER and im not, im just not fond of it that is all :) But my other rule is RESPECT the FOUNDER/CO-FOUNDERS. Now here are the main clubes. Done by me http:/// (jimfan2010) http:/// (AussieJimfan) http:/// (AussieJimfan) http:/// (AussieJimFan) http:/// (JackxCarlyForever) http:/// (JackxCarlyForever) Now if your a YusiexAkizafan then here. http:/// (ILuvJesse) they are the founders of that group And if you are a JadenxAlexisfan this is the palce for you! im one too cause in this group we seriously think that these to were ment to be! . http:/// (Ejiputosuki) she is the founder of that group I read to read, when i read i review and give good criticism, not read, review and then FLAME. its called RESPECT we all have it dont we ..or do we? I norder to gain respect you first have to give it, its not free because if it was me for all those that disrespected me oh i'd so disrespect you 24/7, 365 days everyday. But im not like that, i was taught and raise to respect another because i have a heart that cares and if you cant see that then open your eyes because they are being blinded by something. *I JUST WANNA GIVE A SHOUT AND A THANK YOU NOTE TO ALL THE JADENXALEXIS FANS OUT THERE. THANKS FOR BRINGING THEM BACK ON , THEY DIDNT COMPLETELY LEAVE THIS SITE BUT THERE HASENT BEEN ENOUGH FOR ME TO READ LIKE I USE TO. AGAIN THANKS, YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST, JADENxALEXIS FOEVER! FIANCESHIPPING FOREVER! LOVE YOU JxA FANS YOU GUYS ROCK!* MATURE EYES ONLY This may make you stop and think... very true Me: Yes, so I changed my photo lol its not Jim Cook as of right now but no matter he's still number 1 in GX anime. But i also like Sanosuke aswell *grin* Religion: Christian, Apostolic Pentecostal. BOY AM I AM LAMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i like sitting here as i lie to myself by trying to make things better. i hate it. IM SORRY FOREVERYTHING THAT I HAVE DONE!!! Promises, they should never be broken once you have made them. A promise is a promise, its either you mean it or you dont. Dont make one if you cant keep your word, that's consider lying. No one likes to be lied to and i mean no one. Planes for My future: To get an BA in Fine Arts. Hi I'm Aussiejimfan and Im a girl lol. If your wondering why i have a name that is a boys name which people mistaken me for lol. My penname was AussieJimFan, because one I love australians they are my favorite nationality. Jimfan was because, I'm a fangirl of Jim crocodile Cook. So to put it all together It is AussieJimFan :) I'm a huge fan and fanatic of different kinds of accents from all over the world. And The name Aussie i dont really consider to be just a males name, i consider it to be a unisex name. (No longer my name) A little bit about me: I'm not the one to intentually hurt anyone for what they believe, I have my own standards and how i was brought up and raised is how i tend to go. Im a freshmen in college, i have a disorder, was diagoisned last October with ADD. I dont take pride in myself for what i do, i like to help those i feel is ineed of it and for those that want it. I tried to be the best that I can be but i considerate to be very hard. Im a poetry writer and not a story writer, if you feel as though you need someone to talk to, im here. Helping and talking to others is one of my specialties and i cherish every moment of it for i feel as though it is my job. Im a very sensitive person, how so? I tend to lend people my heart meaning i will give you my all just to help YOU it's just how i am. I dont hold grudges towards anything that has went one between me and that person, If i have done something wrong to you I will appologize for my wrong doing. (Questions, that i would like to know the answer too if you know it. If you dont still give me what you think the answer maybe thank you. :D) -- lol just PM the answers if you like lol, if you like these questions and think that they are funny and DUMB and you you actually have sat there and thought about the question, copy and past it in your profile. 1. If 4 out of 5 people suffered from diarrhea does that mean the 5 one enjoys it? 2. Do you realize how many holes there could be if people would just take the time to take the dirt out of them? 3. How did the man who invented cottage cheese know he was done? 4. Why is there an expiration date on sour cream? 5. If you have failed,and succeed, which have you done? 6. Do humming birds hum because they dont know the words? 7. Do piolets take crash coures? 8. Do stars clean themselves with metor showers? 9. Do steam rollers really roll steam? 10. Do you think that when they ask Goerge Washington for ID that he just whipped out a quarter? 11. Does that scewdriver belong to Phillip? 12. Have you ever wundered? 13. How can someone draw a blank? now if you dont get this one shame on yooooou! lol 14. How can there be self help "groups?" 15. When cheese gets its picture taken what does it say? 16. If it is true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for? DeviantART: http:///(on here i have made a fanclube for all the JIM COOK Fans if you are intrested on this site here. And yeah i know plenty of Jim cook fans how, because i co-author with you so i know *giggles* Quizilla:http:///my/profile TOO ALL THE FANFCTION WRITERS I HAVE NEWS! A friend of mne from deviantart wants me to invite those from this site that i know that has writen fanfiction stories on Gx and on others too. She told me yesterday when i had joined to invite you if you wanna join or want your stories to b notice and you will not be criticize for them like on here. they except all kinds, yaoi, yuri and so forth if you have a deviantART account please let me know for i will give the link and if you dont still let me know if you want your story to be notice and appreicated elsewhere. :) Oh and for all the Jaden yuki lovers, *HikariTheLight has a fanclub if you wanna join. Now the link to the Fanfiction-Authors clube; is below. *Reminder* just PM me, letting me know if you wanna join the group, and if you dont have an account but would like for your story to be recognized by others please let me know for i will submitt it for you if given the permission from you to do so. Again Thank you, and its up to you if you want too. Me: Jim, why did i have to fantasize over you when your not even real huh? My mind is beyond what anyone can ever see though only one can enter everyone else can just back off! lol. Your accent makes me smile everytime i hear it or hear any Australian accent i just wanna faint. Ah then there's the brave and yet strong Sanosuke, my friend to then end lol i love this guy even though he is not even real. My fantacy world is beyond an over my head sometimes i really do wonder what i be thinking, when i daydream. But they are like an obsessipn and i just cant seem to let go of them both, they got a tight grip on me. LOL before i seen you and Sanosuke it use to be jaden and Kenshin that had a tight grip on me but i let them go lol and then you two came into play and STOLE MT HEART! Oh dear im talking to myself on the internet not cool at all o3o Accents: Canadians, UK, Italian ,French,European,Spanish: (all) etc...I have more but can't remeber them all :) Likes: I love to read and read other peoples stories, i love to write my own poems. kindness, gentlemen, etc. Dislikes: hatred amongs others those that discriminate others based on gender, where they come from or how they look. jealousy, ignorance, STALKERS! and those that consider themselves better than others. What am I here for I'm here just to have fun and make friends. and that is all for now. IF YOU ARE A JIM CROCODILE COOK FAN ADD THIS TO YOU PROFILE! IF YOU ARE A YUSEI FAN/AKIZA FAN ADD THIS TO YOUR PROFILE! IF YOU ARE A JADEN/ALEXIS FAN ADD THIS TO YOUR PROFILE! I'm a StraightShipper fan *YAY*. I'm not a Yaoi fan nor Yuri but with all do respect i dont put people down for what THEY like. Aussie walks in and chokes the life out of jaden and jesse* i have my reasons laran and larz *twins boy and girl* comes up and pushes the two on the floor jaden and jesse: hey what ya do that for? Laran: we dont like you thats why Louie: and neither does Dobie" dobie growls Sick'em Dobie *they ran* Aussie: I just plain hate you both. *i have my reasons* Jesse: wha..what did we do?! Aussie: you..! Go back and get away. Jaden: you slifer slacker...you broken my heart i use to like you..Jim is so much better than you. and you know exactly what you did. Jaden and jesse: WHAT! Aussie: OH GET OFF OF MY WALL! You are not allowed up there anymore, im getting rid of all your posters i had of you both. Im replacing you two with Jim. *snuzzles the poster of Jim* Jaden and Jesse: O.O' Spirit and Sano: What did you two do to get her upset like that? Both: We dont know *shrugs shoulders* LOL Yugioh GX/Oc couples: JadenxAlexis JadenxOc ChazzxOc JessexOc JimxOc AtticusxOc Yugioh couples: Yami Yugixtea YugixRebecca JoeyxMai TristianxSerenity ValonxMai Yugioh 5ds: YuseixAkiza JackxCarly CrowxOc Rurouin Kenshin characters slash/couples: SanouskexSayo! (Confession of the heartshipping) LOL i made that up! but i like the sound of that hmmm... you go Aussie! KenshinxKaoru (UHHHH...Im not quite sure on this one yet lol) Yahiko (hes' hilarious) If you can read this message, you are blessed, because over two billion people in the world cannot read at all: I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas toghuht slpeling was ipmorantt! tahts so cool! If you can read that please put it in your profile., and write your name, ScoobyxAlone, Kaytii, ChipsAhoyPup, xLunaxNightingalexDuskx. xXSpiritLoverxX, ScoobyxAlone, Kaytii, ChipsAhoyPup, xLunaxNightingalexDuskx. My favorite quotes: "Lying always leads to more lies" "in order to gain respect you first must give respect" "He who is first shall be last and He wo is last shall be first" " Live your life as today because tomorrow is not promised to you" " God said i will never leave you nor forsake you" "knock and your door shall be open" "Lying to someone about something that you desire most wont get you anywhere. All it takes is one little lie to break a person heart and allowing it to shatter into pieces. Think about what you do and say before you hurt that person feelings. that little lie can send a person into depression because you didnt tell the truth. then you can no longer be trusted again, it will take a lot for that person to forgive you". "LISTEN TO ME AND STOP" "Listen to me and stop i" said stop trying to be someone your not and be yourself. You aint me and i aint you so stop trying to be me and i'll stop trying to be you. Look at me, can't you see that being JUST me is hard enough already? If you can then STOP i said, you and i cant be each other for it is not who we were made to be. Now lets learn to be happy with who we are as a person. For it was how God created you and me, DIFFERENT! True Story A teenage girl about 17 named Diane had gone to visit some friends one evening and time passed quickly as each shared their various experiences of the past year. She ended up staying longer than planned and had to walk home alone. She wasn't afraid because it was a small town and she lived only a few blocks away. As she walked along under the tall elm trees Diane asked God to keep her safe from harm and danger. When she reached the ally she decided to take it. However, halfway down the ally she noticed a man standing at the end as though he were waiting for her. When she reached the end of the ally she walked right past the man and arrived home safely. The following day, she read in the newspaper that a young girl had been raped in the same ally just twenty minutes after she had been there. Feeling overwhelmed by this tragedy and the fact it could've been her she began to weep. Thanking the lord for her safety and to help this young woman she decided to go to the police station. She felt she could recognize the man, so she told them her story. The police asked her if she would look at a lineup to see if she could identify him. She agreed and immediately pointed out the man she had seen in the ally the night before. When the man was told he had been identified, he immediately broke down and confessed. The officer thanked Diane for her bravery and asked if they could do anything for her. She asked if she could ask him a question. Diane was curious as to why he had not attacked her. When the police man asked him he answered, "Because she was not alone. She had two tall men walking on either side of her." Amazingly, whether you believe it or not, you're never alone. Did you know that 98 percent of teenagers will not stand up for God and 93 percent of the people who read this won't repost it? Repost if you believe in God. God is always there in your heart and loves you no matter what and if you stand up for him he will stand up for you. If someone put a gun to your head, asked if you believed in God, and told you they would shoot you if you said yes, would you say yes? If you would, copy this onto your profile. "CRYING" Crying, i said i wouldnt cry but now i must, i must let it out. Crying releases my pain and sorrow from within. If I dont i'll only be hurting myself and maybe even others around me. They know and i know that someething is bothering me, so let it out, let the tears of sadness run down your face it will make you feel a lot better. They say holding back tears is unhealthy for the human, mentally. it can lead to days of quilt and even depression if not let out when suppose to. Crying, dont hold back let them trickle down your soft skin. If you believe in Jesus Christ put this in your profile and don't just ignore this, because in the Bible it says, ‘Deny me in front of your friends and I will deny you in front of my Father.’ |
Community: | BlackCat Train heartnet! |
Focus: | Anime/Manga Black Cat |