Reviews for Blonde Girls and White Paper Packages
yankeebornandbred chapter 1 . 11/3/2015
Fantastic. I know this fic was written a few years ago, but what's the harm in leaving another review? It was chilling and creepy and really ominous, and I loved all the hints of what was coming even though Jess was completely unaware. That whole late fall, lonely apartment, coming disaster feel... the package with the white nightgown... gee, that part really got to me. And Azazel, nondescript and awesome in his creepy way, and very much in character as well. Really great job!
Baje Barra chapter 1 . 6/27/2012
Oh, that was beautiful and creepy. Loved the last line about the fingers and how she couldn't describe Azazel because he was so normal looking, and the nightgown...jesus, that gave me chills. I liked the part about Sam liking her best in a t-shirt, that was really sweet. Great job with this.
Aebhel chapter 1 . 4/14/2010
Oh, this is lovely. Creepy and utterly chilling, but oddly intimate as well: a perfect glance at the life Sam and Jess had together. Beautiful fic.
Alysri chapter 1 . 2/19/2010
This deserves more reviews, it's simply stunning not only in content but in the setting and timing. I love how Jess reacts to everything and the package being the nightgown it was really, really eerie and I found myself sucked in even though I knew what was going to happen. Wonderfully written.
planet p chapter 1 . 8/6/2009
This was so sad, and I liked it, but I do not think it did for me what it was supposed to... maybe I am just not a Sam/Jess person, I do not know... It was nice, though.

I hope you don't think that sounds strange, I just kind of got a Jess/Azazel thing in my head when I read this... which was what I am fairly sure you were not looking for, that's all.
ChloeNyme chapter 1 . 7/10/2009
This story is awesome! I love the interaction between Jess and the demon! Especially the little hints here and there where Sam is a promising 'student' and the yellow eyes.
cjay chapter 1 . 4/6/2009
i loved that story. amazing. even though jessica isnt a fully developed character, like sam or dean, i think you would have done the creators of supernatural proud. i love the interaction between jessica and the yellow-eyed demon! like i said, amazing! chapter 1 . 3/20/2009
first of all, your ending? perfect. horrible. disturbing. amazing.

second of all, i love this fic. i'm a huge fan of jess fics because i love stanford-sam and jess's pov of him. tall, dark, and mysterious.

anyway, this was perfect and the clueless-ness mixed with what i as the reader know was enthralling. yellow-eyes was his usual creepy fantastic self.

loved it.
